Sunday, August 21, 2005


Are you happy? What do you think of Talk of the town in Saint John??? Let me know???



Anonymous said...

Talk of the town may as well be hosted by an answering machine. The host does not moderate in anyway. He actually lets idiots compare people to Nazis without commenting on how foolish and inflammatory that is. The show appeals to the lowest common denominator so that backward people can reinforce each others points of view. The show is bad for Saint John.

Anonymous said...

Talk of the town may as well be hosted by an answering machine. The host does not moderate in anyway. He actually lets idiots compare people to Nazis without commenting on how foolish and inflammatory that is. The show appeals to the lowest common denominator so that backward people can reinforce each others points of view. The show is bad for Saint John.

Spinks said...

These type of shows can be very good and I'd hate to see it go. However I'll agree with the above comment that a strong moderator is needed. An un-biased one of course. :)

Anonymous said...

Talk of the town is still on the air???? Well it gives the whiners somewhere to cry...... mainly to the other 20 people in the city that listen.......and people say the CBC is out of touch.......good god. :(

Spinks said...

I would doubt only 20 people are listening. This is private radio. If 20 are listening they pull the plug on the show unlike CBC which can have dismal ratings and continue to put out a poor product because the taxpayer will bail them out.

Anonymous said...

Talk of the town has been on a continuous downhill slide since veteran broadcaster Tom Young left the show (was forced to leave the show) several years ago. Gary MacDonald was also a very capable host although not in the same league as Young. Perhaps it's time Maritime Broadcasting took another look at Tom.

Spinks said...

Tom unfortunately has made it nearly impossible to bring him back given his unsucessful runs for the Liberal party. The possible bias would always be underlined and his comments suspect.

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

Beside running for the Liberals? He worked on Paul Zed campaign. But the final nail on the coffin was having his own little short column in the Irving's paper! That sure would stop the LNG debare eh????

Anonymous said...

Mr. Lord will be in Saint John to give one Million dollars to the city for the expansion to the harbour passage on chesley dr.

Well isn't that nice now,
if only he would reconsider and put half of that towards addiction services to help save lives from VLT suicides and upgrade the methedone program and save those poor soles also.
And while he is here he might want to explain to the widow of the gentleman who committed suicide over vlt addiction and explain to her how the money is more important to the harbour passage.
If he even remotely thinks that a cause like that will earn him votes in the next election,he might as well take the money back to fredericton and use it for another trip or some other useless purpose that his genius can come up with...
# posted by Tim Smith S.J.N.B. : 9:20 AM

Anonymous said...

I thought I was the only one who is tired of listing to CHARLES, BRUCE and WEB. This site confirms I'am not the only one who things these guys are big dummy who enjoy listing to each other.