Tuesday, January 24, 2006


Picture 338, originally uploaded by Oldmaison.

1 comment:

Michael G. McKay said...

Well the results are finally in, and Andy Scott is re-elected once again. I hope that this gives him a clue that as he is no longer in the governing party that he needs to realize that those that go against the Traditional, Christian, Moral, and family Values that this Nation was founded upon, will not prosper. Mr. Scott was the diciding vote that brought the Same-Sex Marriage to the forefront of Canadian Society. When I use the term Christian values I mean that those Pioneers who came to settle this great land with their families had a belief in a Creator God and believed that a Nation should be governed according to decency and Proper Moral values, I am keenly aware that a good many of the people who claimed a belief in God, committed many terrible Crimes against the First nation's Citizens, and we are still feeling some of the fall out from it to this day. Also there are many people who do not claim a christian faith who still uphold Solid values of decency and Moral conduct. these are values that our society was founded upon and as I have claimed many times in the recent past, these traditional values have made this Country great among nations and as long as we continue to uphold these values, we will prospor and move forward in liberty and freedom.