Sunday, February 12, 2006


With convicted Provincial Judge Drew Stymiest in Jail. Does this mean that all the cases that appeared in front of him should be re-open?


The Government should screen these appointed positions. Just like my Human Rights Case. My very racial complaint wasn't held in a proper way!

I later found out that the only case worker in the Human Rights Commission working in the Southern Part of New Brunswick was convicted of stealing from Stresscom < Irving Company > in the 80s.


How did Carl White with his record get appointed to the Commission?

We need to change our system!!!!


Anonymous said...


If my memory of Mr. Stymest is correct he was one of the stricter judges. If so, he should be held to an even higher standard of judgement.

I think that is why the sentences often don't fit the crime, because as these Birds are sitting on their thrones they say to themselves, "EXCEPT FOR THE GRACE OF GOD THERE GO I".

Well! Guess what? He has been caught with his finger in the proverbial cookie jar!

Every dollar he and his cronies have scammed from the taxpayer is one less dollar available to treat serious illness from which many of us suffer.

It's time! Lock him up and throw away the key! This is not a VICTIMLESS CRIME! We all pay for his indescretions.

Anonymous said...


I forgot to mention.

Yes! Anyone sentenced under his jusdgeship should have grounds for appeal.

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

If he's a convicted thief sentence by the People's Court? Who knows if he accepted a bribe????

Can you imagine the backlog of cases to be reviewed????

It would take years and years!

Anonymous said...

What did you mean about Carl White's record?

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

The facts speaks for themselves about Carl White!

Anonymous said...

I'm obviously out of the loop Charles. Could you please fill me in on what I need to know about Carl White?

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

If you can't read??? Well, sorry about that!!!

Anonymous said...

Well Charles, all it says is "How did Carl White with his record get appointed to the Commission?"
I see nothing in there that tells me what his record is or what he did................

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

He stole from the Irvings convicted and then appointed to the Commission. How did he get in there???? That's the question???? I have been asking myself this question for years.

Anonymous said...

While Drew Stymiest sat on the bench he was overbearing, outspoken, insulting and he voiced many personal concerns on those who he believed to be the 'Scum Of The Earth' a quote used often by him.

His veridict was just and I see no way any appeal court would ever overturn this decision.

Rumours of his many adventures (similar to Tricky Dicky) have floated the Miramichi for years.
I for one am very happy with the outcome of this lenghty and expensive trial.

I do not believe he should have had the option to have submitted a resignation.
He Should Have Been Fired!
