Wednesday, May 24, 2006


STD_3402, originally uploaded by Oldmaison.

I kissed the cross around 20 times a day thanking God that I have no kids. I'll fight for them but to take care of them? Not interested!!!!

But then again they're so cute???

Too bad they can stay that same size????


Anonymous said...

The rest of us are also quite thankful you have never reproduced.

ronnie said...

Great photo, Charles... :)

Anonymous said...

"The rest of us", anonymous?

You don't speak for me. I, for one, think we could use more people with Charles' compassion and commitment to activism in New Brunswick.

Curmudgeons who post hit-and-run hissy fits, I can do with less of.

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

lol..I heard that line