Monday, March 26, 2007


Originally uploaded by Oldmaison.


Anonymous said...

I wrote my city Councillor, and the Mayor, expressing my displeasure with the situation so far. So far, after five days, no response from either. Perhaps if a few more people fired off some emails, the politicians would feel the fire at their feet.

Anonymous said...

well they did take care of a nice fence? sadly like most historical landmarks in NB it will probably just be left to fall down!

Anonymous said...

m.k is just a spokesperson charles,a puppet so to speak ,she received money (big) to make those promises, to take the heat,(decoy for bloggers)dont get distracted....

Anonymous said...

Any other owner would be served by the courts by now and a judgement would be final and the place torn down and the bill sent to us. Final. The Irving's are wealthy so what they should be treated the same. Special treatment for decades and special laws and bills for them. Disgraceful and we talk about other Countries we need to treat all people with respect. Not the case right now!

Anonymous said...

Tear it down.

Anonymous said...


Here is a good project for you do do and gain some credibility. Why don't you raise the funds to have the building refurbished to the way you think it should look.

People would think of you differently than they do now.

Anonymous said...

why should charles do that, not his responsibility, he just reports good news for us all.

Anonymous said...

The Irvings should tear it down and given a date and if not taken to court and charged.

Someone is a sick person on this sight they always make stupid statememts about Charles should do this or shouldnot do that. Get a site of your own. Always belittling Charles and anyone who dare to speak the facts and truth.

Have you not anything better to do?

Don't like the site leave this Blogger alone. Get on Jack Keir's Blog and see how patient he would be. Charles deserves a medal; I am tired of your crap.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of stupid statements anonymous 8:52.... The Irving's would gladly have bulldozed the building into the ground years ago if the city would let them. If your going to be outraged at least be outraged for the right reasons. Its a heritage building, they CAN'T tear it down.