Sunday, December 10, 2006

Canada and the U.S. to fight for kids with Autism??

Originally uploaded by Oldmaison.

I say that it's about time. Lets see what's going to happen?

You can read more about this very emotional issue at Harold Doherty's blog site by clicking below -



Anonymous said...

It's difficult to assess who is worse off, Canadians or US citizens? It's the same basic problem either side of the border - funding, finance and bureaucracy.
Best wishes

Anonymous said...

I've read teh reason peanut allergies are on the increase is because people with such disorders are treated with kid gloves - letting them thrive and procreate.

Does the rise in autism have a similar cause - people with mild forms are coddled by society and then mae and have new kids with autism?

Unknown said...


Thank you for covering autism developments on your blog.

Harold Doherty