Wednesday, March 28, 2007

New Brunswick Police Commission to promote the assaults on the poor.....

Originally uploaded by Oldmaison.
Pictures 055

This is a very serious issue but the Police Commission seems to give the ok to the Saint John Police Force to assault people on the streets!

John Forran must investigate these bureaucrats as soon as possible!!!!


Click below for a past blog



Anonymous said...

Charles you got a letter from the SJ Police force saying they are sorry. They were investigated. Don't you think that the NB Police Commission has moved on from your issues onto other issues that don't involve you.

I know what happened to you is not right and should not have happened, but they got it investigated and they sent you a letter. Just because you didn't get what you wanted (which please tell me what is it that you want from all this) you continue to push push and push.

Do like the commission, move on and put this incident behind you and stop wasting peoples time and pissing them off.

Anonymous said...

I don't agree with that Charles. While I think that you are sometimes a bit strident, it's easy to judge somebody from a chair relatively free from police intrusion.

If people don't like the blog, they can just scroll down, but to try to tell you what to do simply because they don't like it is censorship.

The public still doesn't know why Parks singled out Charles. The public doesn't know why the Crown Prosecutor continued with a case when it was obvious that they had no evidence.

The public doesn't know why the officer in charge was then given a promotion.

Charles is calling for a public inquiry, and that's well within his rights. He was the victim, so to tell him to 'drop it' is not the way a democratic society should function. Too many things are 'just dropped'.

Would you tell an assault victim to 'just drop it'? How about a rape victim? No its not the same, although Charles was clearly assaulted.

Here's a condition for the public to ride Charles on. The government pays him the million dollars he'd get if he could afford a lawyer and sue the government for assault, then he drops the case. I think Charles may go for that. So start writing your MLA's, tell them you are tired of reading Charles blog and want him paid to 'move on'.

Anonymous said...

so basicly anonymous you think Charles is after money ummm well if he was after money he could have sued the government years ago

Anonymous said...

They singled Charles out because they are ALL Corrupt Government Whores that will sell themselves for a bit of change in thier pockets!!!! Keep throwing the egg in thier face Charles ! God knows that if they had gotten away with what they did to you in Saint John you would be sittin in a cell charged with obstruction or resisting arrest because you may have wiggled your foot while 3 Cops were standing on your neck! If Police dont like to be called Crooks then they should weed out the garbage that exists within them. I doubt this will happen as they are trained like dogs to listen to thier masters and to attack anybody or anything they are pointed towards!

Anonymous said...

He could have, and he still might, but he's no lawyer, and I don't think New Brunswick law allows lawyers to take cases where they take a percentage in lieu of payment like they do in the states. It takes a lot of work to sue, but maybe he should get the ball rolling.

At least that way he'd be legitimate and doing something constructive. The government is far more likely to listen.

Anonymous said...

It also might be very educational.