It’s close to 2:00pm!!! So therefore I’m lateagain for my update. Right from the start? I wish to add one importantissue! Someone sent me an email last week and present onmy monitor was 50 different email addresses! I did like the cartoon Daffy Duck when he walkedinto a Cave and found lots of Gold- ALL MINE MINEMINE!!!...LOL… Oh? By the way? Lol???? means lots of laugh!Someone asked me that question the other day! So just like a seagull I gobble or should I sayGoogle up all the emails and pasted them on my list! Of course there’s many of you, who sent me anemail asking me- Who the hell are you? Please removeme!!! Just send me an email and I’ll remove ya or justdo like many other people, just blocked me!!!!! I have close to 600 people on my list! For you newcomers, Here’s my story- I write as a hobby because I don’t have a life sotherefore it passed the time for me! I might add that I’m Acadian so I write like Italk---Backwards!!!!…. Ok….Never mind that foolishness and lets go backto a very serious issue! I just came from the Legislature and theprotester is still there! My God! It’s snowy andwindy!! AND COOLLLDDD!!! Tim Smith hasn’t eaten in six days and he’shanging in there! I checked on the guy during the weekend. He’sstaying at the shelter! On Saturday, I walked in andhe was listening to his walkman. I asked the guy –What kind of music do you enjoy???? He told me that he enjoys the Golden Oldies!!! I told the guy that was good because if he’slistening to Rap music? I know that he’s cracking upand I’ll make certain that he goes to anhospital!,…lol….. I felt his tummy and there’s not much fat inthere! Not like me who has a beer bully!!! He told me that he received a phone call at theShelter from his kids and they’re calling him a Hero! Another called in and told the Protester and theFamily next door are losing their home on Tuesdaybecause of the VLT’S! Another individual told him not to give upbecause his Brother blew his head off because of thesedreadful Machines! He’s hanging in there and he was interviewed thisMorning! You can hear it at Yesterday afternoon, I asked Tim if he goes toChurch and suggested that he should attend a service. He told me that he was Catholic and asked mewhere would the closest Church be located? I told himto leave that issue with me! Later on I told him that he can go for service atSt Dunstans. I told him that during my protest I always wentto Church because a person never knows what canhappened especially one who hasn’t eaten in 6 days? He attended the service last night and the Priesttold him that God was near him! Even if he protested or was Home God was alwaysbeside him! I guess from reading between the lines? God wouldsupport what’s he’s doing? I told Tim that I’m not Born Again but the way mylife have been going? Someone is truly watching over me! Sh@t!!! Close to 600 words and the Ombudsman cameout with his report but I didn’t really see anythingabout the issue of Ritalin or those racist members ofthe Human Rights Commission! Speaking of those members? I learned somethingabout them over the weekend? I’’ wait till my nextupdate because I received a lot of comments! Ok…Youwish to sent a comment to the Protester? Send me anote and I’ll make certain that he receives them! Ialways give him a copy of my updates! Excuse the style of this update because I’m in ahurry and I wrote this one very fast! Don’t forget?You wish to be removed? Just send me an email!!!! ByebyeHere’s the comments-1-His sign is excellent because the Government isaddicted to the money theyare receiving from these dreadful machines. They haveruined alot offamilies and should of never been placed in Bars andsmall corner storeswho have obtained a liquor license because they servefood. They shouldhave a Casino in the Province for those who have moneyand don't mindgiving it to the Government and they should draw theline at that. Timshould eat because this Government is not worth dyingfor and thats whatwill happen because they are a inhumane government inpower like I havesaid many times before. Tell Tim to eat and continuehis fight because heis not alone on this one!2-Good for Tim making a stand for all of the peopleneeding him right now butI wish he would eat because his children need himaround and if he died thegovernment wouldn't care. Just look at all of thepeople that have dieddue to addiction and what have they done except makeeven more money on thesick!3-I worry about this man and his health!!! Is themedia covering him, good? Is he affecting anything , good.....4-We heard him live on CBC Friday morn....I hope hesucceeds with his protest,but bear in mind the Govt makes a lot of money offthose cursed machines..5-Wassup? CHUCK?? Boy it sure is cold here...Dippeddown to about 14 degrees this weekend , here...I don't feel like goinganywhere, tonight..... So are you fixing me up with my new pretend boyfriend.yet???(Tim).....You know I have the hot's for lost causes!..>>>.One's that areready to die,,,and I have to rescue them! lol I know it's notfunny....But, that seems like the type of man that I've somehow been attracted to>>>for some reason.................It's like ---I gotta saveem!!!!!!!or something...until I learn my lesson~!!!AND SOMEONE TELLS ME >>>WAKE UP!!! MOVE ON!! LOL6-I agree that this is a very emotional and sadsituation for anyone to be in. And I also agree thatthe vlt's should be removed... it's a temptation forthose who aren't hooked and a living suicide for thosewho are already hooked. However, as a mother, I DO NOTagree that anyone, addicted or not should turn theirchild over to social services. He might as well havethrown her to the wolves!!!! Could he not have lefthis little child with a family member or a closefriend? This is what disturbs me the most. That poorlittle child. As far as going hungry is concerned, ISTARVE FOR NO ONE!!! And if it is a protest like yoursCharles, let's face it... that's a long time! Hecouldn't live 6 months like that! Not without food, HEWILL DIE!!! Then what will happen to his little girl.I hope for her sake that he is at least sneaking somecrackers or something. If he has been raising her onhis own, then she needs him to be healthy and eating,not starved TO DEATH!!! I know that he needs to quitthis habit, and I realize he's considering the livesof others as well, but he has a daughter to thinkabout AND SHE MUST COME FIRST!!!! If he's going toprotest, he should still be eating, and taking goodcare of his health. The government may or may not beready to listen for quite a while, in the meantime,his little baby girl is worried and minus the onlyparent she has. I heard his cries when he talked ofher finding out about his leaving her with socialservices. Has he not thought of the tears she'll shedwhen she gets word that her daddy won't be coming backever again for her because he died of starvation byhis own hand? I hope that he'll hear what I'm saying,and have a piece of toast. For his daughter's sake ifnot for his own. She needs him!!! What's the worstthat could happen.... He'll survive for his daughter,and have the nutrition he needs to contribute to thestrength he won't find to fight if he doesn't. FORGOD'S SAKE MAN, EAT!!!! Please pass this on, to thiskind hearted soul. He can't keep what he's got, ifhe's not giving it away... And he can't do that if heisn't here. Take care!7-If Tim isn't drinking alot of fluids then he mightbe close to death..He seems like he is very thin to begin with..What happens is that the body takes from vital organsthe nutrients that it needs before collapsing....What kind of a message does this send to his daughterif he starves to death.........I sure hope that he is drinking nutitiousfluids.......Have a good day...8-I came by the Legislature a couple of times, onceyesterday at supper time and today around 9:00am, butI didn't find anyone there. I'll come by again later.9-It takes a whole church (like Baptists , RLDS,Luthern, Methodist, Sal. Army?......)to come in and pickett theseplaces.....the government won't listen to one person......and they don't care......If there are no gamblers anonomus meetings,,,,,haveTim go to AA and apply the 12 steps to his gambling......and get a 12 stepbooklet....Have him see if there is any Alcoholics for Christ meetings,also.....10-who took the photos? Can I use them? and if so Ilike to credit a name orsource11-That was quite powerful! I listened to the wholething. I'm going to try and see what I can do to bringmore attention to this issue and bring people by theLegislature to show support.12-Yeah --that is pretty bad/sad...and I hope that hegets the help that he needs....Well, he needs to drink fluids or his isgoing to die.....and that will devastate his he promised her thathe would come for her....I think that these greedy people don'tcare........They need to get some churches that don't believe in gambling>>>> to doprotests at these sites.............It's a numbers game.....I know thatthere was a man that had a huge house in a wealthy area and his gamblingcaused him to refinance his house and then he ran his debt up.....Well, hewent to his house and killed his family and himself.......that was a realsad story a few years ago......So, there needs to be help for people....and there should be a limit on how muchthat people can spend.......Just like how many drinks a person canhave at the bar before driving home................................thanks forsharing this................13-I did listen to the story. It is a veryheart-wrenching story. I agree with Tim Smith thatgambling video terminals should be removed from publicplaces where every body have access to them includingchildren and other vulnerable people. These terminalshould be placed in gambling outfits who can bebetter scrutinized and regulated. Gambling can destroy individuals, their families andcommunities and it can become national epidemic ifisn’t already. Gambling does need to be betterregulated. I hope Lord government pays attention andfederal government pays attention before it gets moreout of hand then it currently is and destroy many manymore lives. Individuals will pay the price and in turnsociety will pay if this problem continues. Imaginewhat will be going through the head of that innocent 7years old little girl which Tim Smith left with socialservices. Her psyche will be scard for life ifsomething is not done expediently. Like that littlegirl many other innocent children are being hurt. Gambling problem does need public attention. Publicmust put pressure on governments to do something aboutit. 14-I am not able to get into the site. However Istill am interested in learning more about this problem. <>15-People need to attack these problems in numbersand someone needs to write a book....Tell, people to take herbs and vitaminsinstead of all those free pharmacy drugs.............I'm afraid that his man is doing serious harm to hisbody..And, I hope that he is drinking lots of fluids or hecould die any minute........He's toooooooooooooooooooooo good looking to just killhimself for this cause that nothing will be done about.....thisway.....He is just making a martyr of himself.......And, I hate to see him waste away.....And, pleasedon't send me a story that this handsome man died while trying to protest.......Tell, him to call talk shows and write a book....16-Great pictures Charles. Well done.17-Why in god's name would you list your HOME ADDRESSat the bottom of your e-mails? Do you know how manyweirdo's there are out there? WHAT ARE YOUTHINKING!!!! TAKE IT OFF CHARLIE!!! NO WONDER I"M ATRISK OF A HEART ATTACK!!! I HAVE TO WORRY ABOUTSENSELESS THINGS JUST LIKE THAT!!! REMOVE YOUR ADDRESSPLEASE!!!! Love you, bye for now! Xoxoxo18-Just read your latest rant. A few thoughts come tomy mind as I'm shaking my head in disgust:- The Irving money to the STU and UdeM journalismprograms goes into an endowment fund. The money will be invested and theinterest will be used each year to pay the expenses of journalists to visitand give lectures. How is that Irving control over the journalism programs?Answer: it's not. But, you don't ever let the facts get in the way of a goodconspiracy theory, do you?- Speaking of conspiracy theories, you say you emaileda prof and asked him if you could take a course, and you didn't get areply, so it muts mean the Irvings are involved. Get over yourself! If you wantto register at a University, you don't email a prof, you apply to theAdmissions people. Why should you get special treatment? (Here's anotherpossibility: maybe the prof has read your stuff, and just knows how biasedyour opinions are, or has noticed you can't spell.)- I get so tired of seeing you claim New Brunswick is"like Germany" because your can't get slanderous letters published innewspapers. Next time you compare NB to Nazi Germany, shake your head! That kindof thing is incredibly insensitive to the six million Jews whowere exterminated because of racism. And you claim to oppose racism!19-Where can a person get the statistics on suicidesfrom Gambling &Prescription Drugs? It really makes one wonder justhow bad the Governmentis. How can we trust them when they are doing littleor nothing to help thepeople struggling with their bimbo brainstorm ideas. Most of thePoliticians will be dead and gone to ever know thefull effect of the baddecisions they have made on behalf of the people. Theyouth of today willlose either their Mothers or Fathers to thesegovernment accepted revenueploys by allowing things that their ancestors would ofnever found anyreason to accept. They should call the Government theproblem makers notthe problem solvers like it use to be in the good olddays. I hope thatthe man gets his point across because he is only oneperson like you werebut he represents thousands of problem gamblers andthey need his voice!20-Charlie what happened to the lady looking forsocial security in Fred beforeChristmas, did she have to leave her apt. thanks21-Tim, this is your new pretend girlfriend!! --Beve' .....I've sacrificed most of my life in trying please keep warm. ..and drink lotsof liquids and soup-- on this fast....or you will bedropping /not interviewing..(and take lots ofvitamins).lol..***.just pretend that you are huggingme when you hug your pillow at night,,,,and pray forme also.......cuz I live with a grouch. ...have a goodday!!!! 22-I heard the interview, It touched my soul, I hope and pray that thegovernment's hearts will be opened to theseriousness of this addiction. I am so proud thatsomeone is standing up for what theybelieve in. The sacrifice shown is unbalievable--hisdaughter, food, everything.Obvioulsy this is serious matter and shouldn't just beshrug off. I'll be praying. Will you?23-Hi Charles, Thanks for providing this link. I have just listened to it with my wife. It certainlyis a raw and emotional story. Please relay my best wishes to Tim if you wouldCharles. You can specifically tell him that he did abeautiful job in getting his message out to thepublic, very eloquently stated...I hope the rightpeople will be listening to him. I guess theLegislature is back in session next week, for onlyabout a week...hit them hard with the message nextweek. I noticed that Paul Castle ran out of time just whenTim was getting to the point of offering hisrecommendations. Please send us more on this story,specifically on his suggestions. I am going to Niagara Falls tomorrow for a mentalhealth conference all next week. Will be back onFriday and will retreive emails at that time. Am planning on a trip or two to Fredericton in thenext couple of months...will likely see you thenCharles. A la prochaine, Charles, the last thing you need is a journalismcourse. At institutions journalism nowadays is allabout how to write for your employer, how to do aslittle investigation as possible and tow the editorialline. You'd be wasting your money. The only benefitwould be that you'd be writing a lot - which youalready do anyway! My only comment would be thatsometimes it seems you write so fast, and perhaps yourenglish writing isn't too good so that I find it hardto understand you, although as you write more and moreeither your writing is getting better or I'm gettingused to the way you write. I must admit that I stillhaven't fully understood your firing from Irving andyour complaint against the Human Rights Commission(although I'm not surprised that they'd be in Irving'spocket). By the way, I'd love to know what texts arebeing used in schools that have the Irving name onthem, do you know? Keep up the good work25-He looks handsome...... I would write to him!!!! The cause may be needed......But, I doubt that any person would change in responseto someones hunger......Tell, him to write to me after my "decades" of tryingto change