Monday, January 08, 2007

Am I pissed???? You darn right I am!!! I learned late this afternoon on CBC that Josh Beutel was force out the door by the Irvings.
Who’s Josh Beutel you may ask?
He’s just the best political cartoonist in New Brunswick.
As a matter of fact? He could be the only one?
I quickly made a few phone calls and this is what I’m told.
Jamie Irving ordered Josh to do political cartoons on the daily editorial < Irving way > only!

He wasn’t allowed to do his own work.
Just like this one he did a few months ago about the friends of Rockwood Park.

This is pure dictatorship! But then again? This doesn’t surprise me because he was truly the last freedom of speech left in the Irving papers.
It’s all part of the final solution in New Brunswick by the Irvings.
Take a look how the Irvings have changed their style to brainwash the readers via their newspapers?
It all started when Peter Haggert came from Ontario and took over the Telegraph Journal.
He told me via a phone that no critical letters of the Irvings will be printed in the Irving papers. I told the Canadian Senate about this issue.
The only reason he phoned me is because I made a complaint to the Atlantic Press Council.
This group doesn’t exist any longer. I believe the Irvings got rid of the Press Council.
During the summer of 2003 Peter Haggert wrote a column telling the public that from this day on? Only one letter per month will be printed by a writer on any issue.
Three weeks later, the Irvings close the shipyard and the regular writers had their say and that was the end of that.
But the editor told the regular writers that it was old news.
Then came the famous donation of one million dollars to Saint-Thomas University. < Journalism course >
The Irvings will train their future soldiers ...oppss I mean future journalists to follow the Irving’s way!

If these journalists dare to write or investigate the Irvings?
They will be fired right on the spot! Therefore, since the Irvings owns all the newspapers in this Province. These young journalists will be force out of the Province.
The Irvings had to take care of the HERE Paper because it was beginning to be very critical of the Irving Empire.
They bought the paper and ordered in their soldiers...opppsss I mean journalists in their place.
The Irvings even played a role in cancelling the talk show CFBC talk of the town.

They will crucify in their editorial anyone who doesn’t follow the Irving’s way.
Took a look at my trial in Saint John? I wrote a letter complaining of their tactic but it was never printed.
Democracy is truly dead in New Brunswick and there’s absolutely nothing we can do.
I will send a letter to the Senate asking for an investigation but it will be a total waste of time.
As for Josh Beutel?
Well, being a person who loves to give his views on issues? He sure can email me his work and I’ll blog it! It doesn’t pay one single cent but his message will be out there for his
Just for the record? He’s the one who made this funny piece of work which became my trademark.

I was surprised that the Irvings printed his piece of work of me being ban from the Legislature.

Regular readers of the Irving paper will say- Ohhh??? This is not bad because we will still read the views of Greg Perry < political cartoonist > but there’s only one itty bitty problem?
This good cartoonist is from Halifax!!!
He phones the Irvings < Jamie Irving > and they tell him what to do?
Sorry that’s not Josh’s style. He likes to do it his own way!

As one idiot told me this evening? If you work for a person and get paid? Therefore, you should follow the boss orders!!!
Boy? Did I ever went over that guy!
It’s supposed to be a place where the citizens have a say!
Many of you readers get very upset when I use this picture -

But really? Beside not executing the people? Is there really a difference?
When Hitler took control of Germany? He took control of the media and we all know what happen?
What can New Brunswickers do?
They have to good underground.

What happen to Josh Beutel should concern everyone in this Province and the Senate should investigate this issue!
Freedom of speech is OFFICIALLY dead in New Brunswick!
Sharing a common vision
Sandra Davis
Published Monday January 8th, 2007
Appeared on page C1
Editor's Note: What follows is the last of a six-part series reporting on a local initiative that uses mentoring in some Saint John schools as a tool to tackle poverty and illiteracy.
Volunteers, community advocates and mentors in schools, an engaged business community, expectations of success from the get-go and cash for resources provide the sum of all parts for Saint John to educate its children and enable them to become productive, tax-paying citizens.
Therein lies the formula to break out of the poverty cycle, says a leading expert in social policy.
"Student-teacher relations make a difference - students having an advocate either at school, at home or in the neighbourhood," says J. Douglas Willms. "Someone who's helping to keep them motivated. Someone who has an interest in their school projects, a friend they can talk to. Those pieces are really important."
Willms is director of the Canadian Research Institute for Social Policy, based at the Fredericton campus of the University of New Brunswick.
His vision of how to break out of the cycle of poverty and illiteracy that Saint John suffers from is exactly the type of partnership four Saint John schools are blessed with.
Partners Assisting Local Schools (PALS) is a project that has teamed corporations with inner-city schools. It is meeting with great success.
Marks, attendance and behaviour have all improved to the point where the project's flagship school, Prince Charles, boasts a 50 per cent increase in the high school graduation rate by its alumni since the inception of PALS six years ago.
Education Minister Kelly Lamrock has toured Prince Charles School. He's impressed with what is happening. He also shares Willms' vision of how private-sector leaders can work with educators.
In fact, Lamrock will be meeting with the Business Council of New Brunswick to talk about developing a shared vision.
Investing in early screening, holding the system more accountable, freeing up teachers to innovate, creating community schools and putting resources up front for children who struggle, are all on the education minister's radar screen.
"We have to find a way that accounting can reflect reality rather than trying to make reality reflect accounting fiction," said Lamrock. "If we know that if we intervene forcefully and with proper resources early we will save money down the road, we've got to find a way to do it."
Accountability of the education system should also play a part, he says.
"We need to say, 'What happens if they're below level?' Should we be holding schools accountable? If a school is doing better, maybe we have to reward them with resources and the opportunity to help lower-performing schools meet that grade. We can't give in to the expectation around kids who struggle. And that's doubly important in neighbourhoods where there is, traditionally, a low literacy rate."
Developing a community schools program, where retraining and literacy programs could be offered, is also important to the minister, along with after-school programs and interactive learning centres.
"All of these can happen if you make the school building open more hours and attract the whole community to build something where people learn. That's a model I'm looking forward to suggesting with some of the people who support the PALS initiative," he said.
Giving teachers the freedom and the flexibility to create diverse, innovative programs to address challenges will also be a topic of discussion while Lamrock is minister.
"One thing we've been talking a lot about is how do we get the department out of the way, in some cases, to free up teachers to be more innovative. Too often, teachers who have particular student populations say if you're trying something different, you almost wish you hadn't because you have to get approval from so many people and it's so hard to get resources.
"We have to find a way to get resources quickly into the hands of our most innovative teachers and, where they succeed, create a culture where they are encouraged to share what they're doing with other schools."
School District 8's education director, Bev MacDonald, is hoping PALS will expand province-wide. And in the city, she's working with at least two other corporations interested in partnering with schools. She has a list of five to seven Saint John city schools that could really benefit from having a partner.
"I would say that every school could benefit from a partner, but if someone said to me, 'Do you have one school who could use it a little more than another,' I have a priority list," she said.
You don't have to be a big corporate entity to support a community school, said MacDonald.
"It could be any type of group, association or business. No contribution is too small. When a school identifies their needs or wish list, then any partner can have a look at those lists and determine what they can do."
The change in students' attitudes, says MacDonald, attest to the program's success.
"The partnerships have breathed more life into a lot of these situations. They're giving hope where people were in survival mode before. We won't be able to measure totally until these children become adults in our community. And, we will never measure the difference it has made in the hearts and the minds of these children."
James K. Irving, who developed the first partnership between J.D. Irving, Limited and Prince Charles School, has also noticed a change.
"There's a big difference with the students down there - it's just wonderful," he said.
"We've got a group of fine young people there. They have values, they're getting self-confidence and they're really good youngsters."
Put PALS to work all over N.B.
Published Monday January 8th, 2007
Appeared on page A6
The challenge of strengthening the education system is largely a challenge of innovation - of finding new models that achieve particular goals, and then putting the resources in place to employ such programs where they would be most useful.
Schools and businesses in District 8 have developed a model that works well for schools where a high percentage of students come from low-income families in marginal neighbourhoods. What's needed now is the political will to expand the program in Saint John and other municipalities.
Partners Assisting Local Schools (PALS) is the brainchild of industrialist J.K. Irving, and a result of research conducted by Saint John's Business Community Anti-Poverty Initiative. Beginning with Prince Charles School and J.D. Irving, Limited, PALS has partnered businesses, churches and community groups with inner-city schools to supply one-on-one tutors, hot breakfast and lunch programs, clothing drives, coaching and personal mentoring. The program has resulted in a 50-per-cent increase in the number of students from Prince Charles who have gone on to graduate from high school, a huge reduction in vandalism in the neighbourhood, and the creation of a true, community-wide partnership in education.
Today, four Saint John schools are participating in PALS. Community partners range from major corporations such as Wells Fargo and Aliant to the Saint John Regional Hospital, churches, and organizations such as Big Brothers, Big Sisters, the IODE and Kiwanis. The school district is working with two new corporate partners to establish volunteer mentoring programs, and has a priority list of another five to seven schools that could benefit.
PALS works because it gives students the resources needed to overcome instability at home and impoverished backgrounds, from regular meals and a sense of positive, supportive community to one-on-one tutoring and modern libraries. Volunteers and corporate sponsors have been able to do what government has not: bring the resources of the community to bear on those most in need of additional tutoring and positive relationships. Parents, teachers and volunteers working together in Saint John's schools have created new relationships that continue to transform the lives of students long after they leave their alma mater.
Education Minister Kelly Lamrock says his government is looking for innovation, supportive of public sector partnerships that benefit schools, and impressed by the impact of PALS. He plans to meet with the Business Council of New Brunswick to discuss ways of developing a common model for community school partnerships.
We hope this is the start of a provincewide initiaive. The provincial government has proof that PALS works - now it must find the political will to make the same resources availabile to others.
Sandra Davis
Published Monday January 8th, 2007
Appeared on page C1
Editor's Note: What follows is the last of a six-part series reporting on a local initiative that uses mentoring in some Saint John schools as a tool to tackle poverty and illiteracy.
Volunteers, community advocates and mentors in schools, an engaged business community, expectations of success from the get-go and cash for resources provide the sum of all parts for Saint John to educate its children and enable them to become productive, tax-paying citizens.
Therein lies the formula to break out of the poverty cycle, says a leading expert in social policy.
"Student-teacher relations make a difference - students having an advocate either at school, at home or in the neighbourhood," says J. Douglas Willms. "Someone who's helping to keep them motivated. Someone who has an interest in their school projects, a friend they can talk to. Those pieces are really important."
Willms is director of the Canadian Research Institute for Social Policy, based at the Fredericton campus of the University of New Brunswick.
His vision of how to break out of the cycle of poverty and illiteracy that Saint John suffers from is exactly the type of partnership four Saint John schools are blessed with.
Partners Assisting Local Schools (PALS) is a project that has teamed corporations with inner-city schools. It is meeting with great success.
Marks, attendance and behaviour have all improved to the point where the project's flagship school, Prince Charles, boasts a 50 per cent increase in the high school graduation rate by its alumni since the inception of PALS six years ago.
Education Minister Kelly Lamrock has toured Prince Charles School. He's impressed with what is happening. He also shares Willms' vision of how private-sector leaders can work with educators.
In fact, Lamrock will be meeting with the Business Council of New Brunswick to talk about developing a shared vision.
Investing in early screening, holding the system more accountable, freeing up teachers to innovate, creating community schools and putting resources up front for children who struggle, are all on the education minister's radar screen.
"We have to find a way that accounting can reflect reality rather than trying to make reality reflect accounting fiction," said Lamrock. "If we know that if we intervene forcefully and with proper resources early we will save money down the road, we've got to find a way to do it."
Accountability of the education system should also play a part, he says.
"We need to say, 'What happens if they're below level?' Should we be holding schools accountable? If a school is doing better, maybe we have to reward them with resources and the opportunity to help lower-performing schools meet that grade. We can't give in to the expectation around kids who struggle. And that's doubly important in neighbourhoods where there is, traditionally, a low literacy rate."
Developing a community schools program, where retraining and literacy programs could be offered, is also important to the minister, along with after-school programs and interactive learning centres.
"All of these can happen if you make the school building open more hours and attract the whole community to build something where people learn. That's a model I'm looking forward to suggesting with some of the people who support the PALS initiative," he said.
Giving teachers the freedom and the flexibility to create diverse, innovative programs to address challenges will also be a topic of discussion while Lamrock is minister.
"One thing we've been talking a lot about is how do we get the department out of the way, in some cases, to free up teachers to be more innovative. Too often, teachers who have particular student populations say if you're trying something different, you almost wish you hadn't because you have to get approval from so many people and it's so hard to get resources.
"We have to find a way to get resources quickly into the hands of our most innovative teachers and, where they succeed, create a culture where they are encouraged to share what they're doing with other schools."
School District 8's education director, Bev MacDonald, is hoping PALS will expand province-wide. And in the city, she's working with at least two other corporations interested in partnering with schools. She has a list of five to seven Saint John city schools that could really benefit from having a partner.
"I would say that every school could benefit from a partner, but if someone said to me, 'Do you have one school who could use it a little more than another,' I have a priority list," she said.
You don't have to be a big corporate entity to support a community school, said MacDonald.
"It could be any type of group, association or business. No contribution is too small. When a school identifies their needs or wish list, then any partner can have a look at those lists and determine what they can do."
The change in students' attitudes, says MacDonald, attest to the program's success.
"The partnerships have breathed more life into a lot of these situations. They're giving hope where people were in survival mode before. We won't be able to measure totally until these children become adults in our community. And, we will never measure the difference it has made in the hearts and the minds of these children."
James K. Irving, who developed the first partnership between J.D. Irving, Limited and Prince Charles School, has also noticed a change.
"There's a big difference with the students down there - it's just wonderful," he said.
"We've got a group of fine young people there. They have values, they're getting self-confidence and they're really good youngsters."
Put PALS to work all over N.B.
Published Monday January 8th, 2007
Appeared on page A6
The challenge of strengthening the education system is largely a challenge of innovation - of finding new models that achieve particular goals, and then putting the resources in place to employ such programs where they would be most useful.
Schools and businesses in District 8 have developed a model that works well for schools where a high percentage of students come from low-income families in marginal neighbourhoods. What's needed now is the political will to expand the program in Saint John and other municipalities.
Partners Assisting Local Schools (PALS) is the brainchild of industrialist J.K. Irving, and a result of research conducted by Saint John's Business Community Anti-Poverty Initiative. Beginning with Prince Charles School and J.D. Irving, Limited, PALS has partnered businesses, churches and community groups with inner-city schools to supply one-on-one tutors, hot breakfast and lunch programs, clothing drives, coaching and personal mentoring. The program has resulted in a 50-per-cent increase in the number of students from Prince Charles who have gone on to graduate from high school, a huge reduction in vandalism in the neighbourhood, and the creation of a true, community-wide partnership in education.
Today, four Saint John schools are participating in PALS. Community partners range from major corporations such as Wells Fargo and Aliant to the Saint John Regional Hospital, churches, and organizations such as Big Brothers, Big Sisters, the IODE and Kiwanis. The school district is working with two new corporate partners to establish volunteer mentoring programs, and has a priority list of another five to seven schools that could benefit.
PALS works because it gives students the resources needed to overcome instability at home and impoverished backgrounds, from regular meals and a sense of positive, supportive community to one-on-one tutoring and modern libraries. Volunteers and corporate sponsors have been able to do what government has not: bring the resources of the community to bear on those most in need of additional tutoring and positive relationships. Parents, teachers and volunteers working together in Saint John's schools have created new relationships that continue to transform the lives of students long after they leave their alma mater.
Education Minister Kelly Lamrock says his government is looking for innovation, supportive of public sector partnerships that benefit schools, and impressed by the impact of PALS. He plans to meet with the Business Council of New Brunswick to discuss ways of developing a common model for community school partnerships.
We hope this is the start of a provincewide initiaive. The provincial government has proof that PALS works - now it must find the political will to make the same resources availabile to others.
A person got to love the information Highway!!!

Wall Street Journal, hold the presses
Published Monday January 8th, 2007
Appeared on page A6
Leave it to The Wall Street Journal.
The Journal, one of the most prestigious names in international business news, recently ran a story on developments in New Brunswick's energy sector. The article situates Saint John in the landscape of global energy projects, pointing out to readers in New York, Houston and other major centres that this city has a deepwater port, an appetite for industrial growth, and lots of room for development, just northeast of the U.S. border.
With most of the continental U.S. closed to new energy development thanks to dense residential populations and the suburban protest, "not in my back yard," New Brunswick could become a hot destination for businesspeople interested in tapping the hungry U.S. energy market.
We're glad global business reporters are paying attention. We just wish the Journal's editors - and Canadian newspapers that reprinted the article - had gotten a little more of the background right.
For one thing, we're pretty sure it wasn't Saint John that was hit hard by the decline of Atlantic cod stocks, but St. John's, Nfld. For another, it wouldn't hurt potential investors to know Saint John has been a key player in North American energy markets for decades.
The city's industrial reputation was founded on Canada's largest oil refinery and a nuclear power plant, as well as an advanced shipyard. The refurbishment of the reactor at Point Lepreau and the construction of an LNG terminal and second oil refinery will entrench Saint John's position as the region's leading energy exporter, while drawing back much of the workforce the shipyard once employed from jobs in Alberta's crowded oil patch.
If the Journal's U.S. readership is interested in what's happening in Saint John today, we hope its reporters will keep watching. The Northeast's energy hub is just beginning to turn.
Canada Takes On Projects
Unpopular With Americans
January 4, 2007; Page A10
Saint John, New Brunswick
The oil and natural-gas industry is increasingly looking to Canada as a home for big energy projects Americans don’t want in their backyards.
A patch of coniferous forest near here, on Canada’s Atlantic coastline, represents both the promise and the challenges of that approach. The land, owned by closely held Canadian energy company Irving Oil, is earmarked for the possible construction of a 300,000-barrel-a-day crude-oil refinery that would cost $5 billion to $7 billion — the first new refinery in the U.S. or Canada in more than 25 years. Irving hopes a refinery, if it chooses to build one, would be operational by 2013.
The challenges include drawing international partners and a skilled work force to the sparsely populated area, as well as convincing locals that the changes are for the better.
The refinery development is the cornerstone of a concerted regional attempt to construct a huge “energy hub” in New Brunswick, supplying the markets of Boston and New York with gasoline, natural gas and eventually petrochemicals and related products. That would increase U.S. energy reliance on Canada, which already supplies 16% of its imported oil and oil products and about 85% of its imported natural gas.
The effort is the latest sign of increased interest just outside U.S. borders, in part to supply the U.S. market. Two liquefied-natural-gas where gas shipped from overseas in transportable liquid form will be processed for consumer use — are planned for British Columbia.
Mexico also has drawn interest. In August, an LNG terminal on the country’s east coast owned by Royal Dutch Shell PLC of the U.K., Total SA of France and Mitsui & Co. of Japan accepted its first delivery. Others are planned for Mexico’s west coast, intended to supply some gas to Southern California. But Mexico’s energy infrastructure is less-developed and the nation faces its own supply concerns.
Confronting ‘Nimby’
The rise in U.S. energy demand shows no signs of easing, despite higher prices as supplies world-wide become harder to find. The country also has been slow to invest in the infrastructure necessary to bring extra imports to consumers, due in part to concerns about the cyclical nature of the energy business. Also hurting matters is the widespread not-in-my-backyard attitude — “Nimby” for short — toward new industrial investment, which has notably delayed development of LNG terminals in the U.S.
Saint John, which is conveniently close to the U.S. Northeast, has both a natural deepwater port that could accommodate more shipping and a large amount of unused land suited for industrial development.
Irving Oil, which already has a 300,000-barrel-a-day refinery at Saint John that exports petroleum products to the U.S., also is building an LNG terminal there in conjunction with Spanish energy company Repsol YPF SA, with plans to import about one billion cubic feet of natural gas a day to meet U.S. demand.
Irving is in talks with potential partners and is gauging local support for the possible new refinery, with an eye to applying for a refining permit early this year. Local officials hope that will contribute to the economic regeneration needed by Saint John, a city hard hit by the decline of both the shipbuilding industry and Atlantic cod stocks. The campaign of New Brunswick’s recently elected premier, Shawn Graham, focused on making the province a leader in energy generation.
“Canada has been a reliable supplier of energy to the U.S., and that’s something we’d like to expand,” said Irving Oil President Kenneth Irving, grandson of the company founder. “As long as we keep getting [local] encouragement, we’re going to try our best to make this a reality.”
The company says it is negotiating with potential oil-supplying partners, though it won’t disclose names. To attract a partner, Irving is touting the potential refinery as a processor of heavier grades of crude oil, which are tougher to refine and which oil producers can find harder to sell in world markets.
Irving and local supporters hope to win locals and attract skilled labor, which has left the region in recent years due to a lack of work and the oil-sands boom in faraway Alberta. Last month, regional advocacy group Atlantic Canada published a brochure in Alberta’s major cities, seeking to draw workers back to Eastern Canada by illustrating the region’s affordable living and laid-back lifestyle.
The Irving family owns many local businesses, in fields from construction and shipbuilding to forestry and newspapers. The family’s local dominance has led some locals to question whether the regional government is holding Irving Oil to full account. In 2005, the New Brunswick legislature capped property taxes on the LNG terminal at 500,000 Canadian dollars (US$430,000) a year for 25 years. Opponents of the deal say that’s about a tenth of what U.S.-based Anadarko Petroleum Corp. will pay in taxes on the similarly-sized, though less expensive, Bear Head LNG terminal in Nova Scotia.
Power Play
“Irving Oil has so much power in Saint John and New Brunswick that people are afraid to stand up to them,” said Leland Thomas, a founding member of the group Friends of Rockwood Park, which opposes the route chosen for the pipeline to the LNG plant. “They’re not paying full value for what they’re getting.”
City officials claim the property tax cap was vital to ensure the LNG terminal was built in Saint John. At the time, Mayor Norm McFarlane said the decision “would rest well for the next 50 years here.”
Some locals still see the terminal as a safety hazard, with a terrorist attack on LNG facilities a particular concern. “We’re taking all the risk, and yet all the supplies are going to the U.S.,” said Carol Brown, a Saint John restaurateur who refuses to refuel her car at Irving Oil stations.
Irving Oil says it’s had a largely positive response from the local community. The company believes its policy of consulting with locals about the project at an early stage — before applying for any permits have been made — will enable it to convince them of its merits. “The information we’ve had so far has been very encouraging,” said Mr. Irving. “We believe this project has the right balance of aligning commercial interests along with those of the community.”
Write to Norval Scott at
God's Minute!!!
I took this picture yesterday. I think it's sharp. I received a few comments on the streets about God's Minute. The verse is inside so just click read more. Keep on reading!!!

( HEBREWS 13:2 *NIV )
Dear Charles,
One of the functions of angels is to watch over God's Children
here on Earth. For it is written; HE WILL COMMAND HIS
WAYS. ( PSALM 91:11 ) After all; ARE NOT ALL ANGELS
INHERIT SALVATION? They sure are! ( HEBREWS 1:14 )
Now let me ask you this, have you ever met an angel? Well,
I bet you have! An angel doesn't have to be a spiritual being,
sometimes they are human beings just like you and me.
Further, when you think about it, we all have encountered
another person who has been just like an angel to us. A person
who has reached out to help, comfort and guide us in times of
need. The World is full of these human angels! I'll even bet that
someone has even called you an angel at one time or another!
So Charles, the next time you encounter a person in
need, reach out and be an angel to them! For it is written;
DID FOR ME. Amen. ( MATTHEW 25:40 )
With My Love & Prayers,
your servant Allen
[ Prayer Requests---Contact Us---Bible Study---*Donations* ]
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Apostle Paul Ministries, P O Box 55996, Hayward, CA 94545
This Daily Message was sent by request to:
Charles Leblanc at

( HEBREWS 13:2 *NIV )
Dear Charles,
One of the functions of angels is to watch over God's Children
here on Earth. For it is written; HE WILL COMMAND HIS
WAYS. ( PSALM 91:11 ) After all; ARE NOT ALL ANGELS
INHERIT SALVATION? They sure are! ( HEBREWS 1:14 )
Now let me ask you this, have you ever met an angel? Well,
I bet you have! An angel doesn't have to be a spiritual being,
sometimes they are human beings just like you and me.
Further, when you think about it, we all have encountered
another person who has been just like an angel to us. A person
who has reached out to help, comfort and guide us in times of
need. The World is full of these human angels! I'll even bet that
someone has even called you an angel at one time or another!
So Charles, the next time you encounter a person in
need, reach out and be an angel to them! For it is written;
DID FOR ME. Amen. ( MATTHEW 25:40 )
With My Love & Prayers,
your servant Allen
[ Prayer Requests---Contact Us---Bible Study---*Donations* ]
[ Audio---Subscribe---Change of Address---Unsubscribe ]
Apostle Paul Ministries, P O Box 55996, Hayward, CA 94545
This Daily Message was sent by request to:
Charles Leblanc at

After January 12th in memory of the people who killed themselves because of the VLT’s.
Dr. Ed Doherty could be called - Dr. Ohhh Wellll!!!
Lets go back to the year of 2005..
Ed Doherty first got elected in a by-election in Saint John.
Myself and Tim Smith worked very hard to get him elected. We’re not like the ordinary high class individual who demands a job or contract after an election.

Not us! We got issues and we believe Ed Doherty would look at our concerns.
Unfortunately, this never happen.
Tim Smith bought the name of a guy who was addicted to Dilaudid asking Ed for some help?
Tim never got help from Ed and I got the same action with 555!
Ok...never mind those issues.
Tim Smith is very concern a Pizza Hut restaurant located across Minister Doherty office on King’s Street has two VLT’s in their restaurants.

Now? You would say- There’s nothing wrong with that picture right?
The restaurant is full with students during the lunch hour.

These machines should be located behind a wall or in a room.
The machines are in the open for the students can be brainwash at an early age.
Tim Smith bumped into Minister Doherty a few months ago in front of Pizza Hut!!!
He told him about his concern?
Ed Doherty answered- Ohhhh wellll and kept on trucking by.
Sorry there’s something wrong with this picture?
Ed Doherty told me that same thing about 555? Ohhh well????

Dr. Ohhh well????
I’m certain if Shawn Graham had lost the by-election? He wouldn’t be Premier today.

Last year memorials? Ed Doherty never bothered showing up to support Tim Smith issue.
A good MLA eh?
Don’t be surprise if Tim Smith don’t bring this issue up on January 12th!
Dr. Ohhh Well indeed!!!!
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