I first came across this television reporter in the New Brunswick Legislature.
Then one day, I was very surprise to see her at the Fredericton Soup Kitchen.
Now? This wasn’t your normal reporter going inside the building to interview a few poor people.
There she was sitting down at a table listening the poor individual with their concerns.

To top it off? She volunteered her services every Saturday at the Kitchen.

I remember the time the Soup Kitchen was broken into. She told me afterwards she read the sad issue on my blog and quickly made a big story on the issue.

Yes, Monica wasn’t afraid to go anywhere for a good scoop even if it was dangerous territory.
I always enjoyed taking pictures of Monica. She had a good sense of humor with my little hobby. I always love to agitate poor Monica.

She could have been very upset with me but she took it in stride.
I know Monica will be missed by many people < especially the poor people in Fredericton. >
She’s a sweetheart and I wish her the very best of luck in Ontario.
I’m certain many from the media circle feels the same way!

Aurevoir Monica et Bonne Chance.
Be safe!!!

Click below for a few pictures.
You can read past blogs on Monica by going to the top left side of this blog. Go to search this blog and write her name.