Tuesday, June 28, 2005
It could be show time in front of the Legislature this morning???
From what I’ve heard, the Irving Gestapo are coming to the Capital!

I wonder why they would even bother to come here?
They have the bureaucrats taking care of the Irving’s affair in Fredericton.

They have control of those racists members of the New Brunswick Human Rights Commission and you know the rest!

If the Irving’s Gestapo do show up? I will be right in the middle of the action. I will shout- Hiii Irving!!!!
I can see it now?
Just like soldiers on the front line, the Irving’s media will run outside to take pictures of the crowd and print the story on the front page of their Gestapo newspapers brainwashing the public with their stories.

The barricades are once again set up to welcome the citizens from Saint John but I believe that the situation could turned ugly if the protesters against the LNG deal are treated like dirt compared to the Irving’s supportive given the red carpet!
Could it be the beginning of a revolution?

Personally, I don’t believe that the Irvings are stupid enough to send off their troops to the Capital?
There’s no way in the world that Bernard Lord will back down and listen to the people of Saint John.
I feel bad for guys like Trevor Holder because they’re not bad people.

They are just told what to do by the higher ups.
I noticed this afternoon many of these Cabinet Ministers having a good old time on the floor of the Legislature.
On October 15, 2007??? A new party will take power of the Legislature and the drugging and killing of our children will come to a stop!
Bernard Lord will go down in history for ignoring the prescription drug problem in this Province and this is a darn shame!
Well? Keep on reading this blog during the day for some quick updates of the going ons with the Irving Gestapo and the Anti-LNG deal Protesters in front of the Legislature.

I will not have time to send you an email. It will be up to you to check out the actions!
Don't forget one thing? Once you have a Billionaire like J.D. Irving promoting racism with the Irving Empire? Then you have a problem! You will see all kinds of raicts in front of the Legislature. I will be there facing them without any fear!!!


Bye bye
From what I’ve heard, the Irving Gestapo are coming to the Capital!

I wonder why they would even bother to come here?
They have the bureaucrats taking care of the Irving’s affair in Fredericton.

They have control of those racists members of the New Brunswick Human Rights Commission and you know the rest!

If the Irving’s Gestapo do show up? I will be right in the middle of the action. I will shout- Hiii Irving!!!!
I can see it now?
Just like soldiers on the front line, the Irving’s media will run outside to take pictures of the crowd and print the story on the front page of their Gestapo newspapers brainwashing the public with their stories.

The barricades are once again set up to welcome the citizens from Saint John but I believe that the situation could turned ugly if the protesters against the LNG deal are treated like dirt compared to the Irving’s supportive given the red carpet!
Could it be the beginning of a revolution?

Personally, I don’t believe that the Irvings are stupid enough to send off their troops to the Capital?
There’s no way in the world that Bernard Lord will back down and listen to the people of Saint John.
I feel bad for guys like Trevor Holder because they’re not bad people.

They are just told what to do by the higher ups.
I noticed this afternoon many of these Cabinet Ministers having a good old time on the floor of the Legislature.
On October 15, 2007??? A new party will take power of the Legislature and the drugging and killing of our children will come to a stop!
Bernard Lord will go down in history for ignoring the prescription drug problem in this Province and this is a darn shame!
Well? Keep on reading this blog during the day for some quick updates of the going ons with the Irving Gestapo and the Anti-LNG deal Protesters in front of the Legislature.

I will not have time to send you an email. It will be up to you to check out the actions!
Don't forget one thing? Once you have a Billionaire like J.D. Irving promoting racism with the Irving Empire? Then you have a problem! You will see all kinds of raicts in front of the Legislature. I will be there facing them without any fear!!!


Bye bye
For you long time readers? Remember this guy from the North Shore?
He came down to the Capital to protest the hospital cuts in the North Shore.
His name was Denis Losier.

I just learned that he was one of the two brothers killed over the weekend.
He and his brother were hit by a vehicle that was driven by their best friend.
This guy was suppose to blog en Francais in my blog.
I hung with him all day during their protest!
He was a very nice guy!!!
After this picture was taken. We gave each other a little hug and little did I know that he would be dead months afterwards!!!
My deepest sympathy goes out to all his family and friends.
I'm on a roll I guess!!! ANY OTHER BAD NEWS?????

He came down to the Capital to protest the hospital cuts in the North Shore.
His name was Denis Losier.

I just learned that he was one of the two brothers killed over the weekend.
He and his brother were hit by a vehicle that was driven by their best friend.
This guy was suppose to blog en Francais in my blog.
I hung with him all day during their protest!
He was a very nice guy!!!
After this picture was taken. We gave each other a little hug and little did I know that he would be dead months afterwards!!!
My deepest sympathy goes out to all his family and friends.
I'm on a roll I guess!!! ANY OTHER BAD NEWS?????

When a person is down or depress they turn to professional help for advice.
Well, in my case? I use the keyboard but unfortunately with this line of communication, I share my personal views with thousands of people on the information highway.

My fingers feels like they weight around 100 pounds each. I might add that I also feel like there’s a million pound on my shoulder.
I went out with Pat for close to three years and I must admit there were problems because she has a son who’s on oxy-contin.

That killer drug have destroyed many families during these last few years.
It wasn’t my son so knowing that I have a very bad temper? I had to take a little vacation.
This is where my protest in the Capital began in 2003.
I told Pat that I would be gone for a two week period not knowing that it would last for six months.
After the protest, I decided to end my relationship and move to Fredericton.
The atmosphere was a little less stressful than the one in Saint John.
Over the past few years, I would meet with Pat and we would discuss our past.

She would apologizes of the trouble that I went through because of her son.
As I told her friends – I always love Pat and always will!
I met with her last Thursday for around 20 minutes and she lost a lot of weight since her bad accident last summer.

She added that her left side of her body hurts.
I told her to check it out in the hospital?
I guess that she didn’t because I phoned her last evening and her son told me that she took a heart attack.
There were no pause but the Emergency crew bought her back to life. What a great group of professionals!
Around noon, I took the bus to the hospital and I didn’t know what to expect?
They told me that she was stationed in the M.I.C.U. Once there, I was told that only family members were allowed but they told me that I could visit her for a few minutes.
My God? It was terrible!!!

While making my way to her room. I noticed many other sick people in the unit with their close family members around them.
The old saying is so true- If she or he has their health? They shouldn’t complain!
Once in her little room, I noticed a pipe in her mouth with 5 to 8 machines hook to her. It was at that point that reality hit me. I broke down.
I touch her hands and they were cold as ice.
She opened her eyes a little and noticed me. I don’t know if she recognized me or not?
I felt her hair and told her that I love her but there were no reaction.
I once again broke down and left the area.
I wrote a little note about her and put it on the wall near her helpless body.
Pat was a beautiful girl who could liven up the room with her beautiful smile.

She had beautiful eyes that would attract everyone in the area.
I left the room and I was in bad shape. I was alone and down. I appreciated the few seconds of privacy in the elevator.
I went outside and had tears in my eyes. I waited for the bus. The bus driver soon realizes that Charles LeBlanc had a different attitude because I never shut up on the ride to the hospital but this time around it was a quiet Charles!
Not one that the public often sees. To make matters wrost? The bus went by some old places that we used to hang around.
The poor has another problem in life. When you live in a City or you don’t own a vehicle? There’s no place to mourn. I remembered in the early 80s. A friend of mine died of cancer at the old General Hospital. I ran to my car and cried for a short period. It’s call privacy!!!! There sure isn’t no privacy in the big cities.
I made my way home through Market Square. I bumped into a couple who’s recognizes me and congratulated me for my stand against the Irvings but they sound found out that I wasn’t in a fighting mood. I told them the problem and they send out their prayers for Pat!
I found out a few other issues since then and I will definitely bring them to the public eye if Pat takes a turn for the worst.
Life is so short.
Mother planting flowers for her son!

I always enjoy walking through the cemetery because a person will notice the many deaths that occurred at a very young age.

It doesn’t matter if you die at the age of 4 years old or 100!!! It’s so short that we should enjoy it while we’re on the planet.

My prayers goes out to Pat and I hope the Lord looks after her because is truly a good person with a huge heart! May God bless her!!!
Well, in my case? I use the keyboard but unfortunately with this line of communication, I share my personal views with thousands of people on the information highway.

My fingers feels like they weight around 100 pounds each. I might add that I also feel like there’s a million pound on my shoulder.
I went out with Pat for close to three years and I must admit there were problems because she has a son who’s on oxy-contin.

That killer drug have destroyed many families during these last few years.
It wasn’t my son so knowing that I have a very bad temper? I had to take a little vacation.
This is where my protest in the Capital began in 2003.
I told Pat that I would be gone for a two week period not knowing that it would last for six months.
After the protest, I decided to end my relationship and move to Fredericton.
The atmosphere was a little less stressful than the one in Saint John.
Over the past few years, I would meet with Pat and we would discuss our past.

She would apologizes of the trouble that I went through because of her son.
As I told her friends – I always love Pat and always will!
I met with her last Thursday for around 20 minutes and she lost a lot of weight since her bad accident last summer.

She added that her left side of her body hurts.
I told her to check it out in the hospital?
I guess that she didn’t because I phoned her last evening and her son told me that she took a heart attack.
There were no pause but the Emergency crew bought her back to life. What a great group of professionals!
Around noon, I took the bus to the hospital and I didn’t know what to expect?
They told me that she was stationed in the M.I.C.U. Once there, I was told that only family members were allowed but they told me that I could visit her for a few minutes.
My God? It was terrible!!!

While making my way to her room. I noticed many other sick people in the unit with their close family members around them.
The old saying is so true- If she or he has their health? They shouldn’t complain!
Once in her little room, I noticed a pipe in her mouth with 5 to 8 machines hook to her. It was at that point that reality hit me. I broke down.
I touch her hands and they were cold as ice.
She opened her eyes a little and noticed me. I don’t know if she recognized me or not?
I felt her hair and told her that I love her but there were no reaction.
I once again broke down and left the area.
I wrote a little note about her and put it on the wall near her helpless body.
Pat was a beautiful girl who could liven up the room with her beautiful smile.

She had beautiful eyes that would attract everyone in the area.
I left the room and I was in bad shape. I was alone and down. I appreciated the few seconds of privacy in the elevator.
I went outside and had tears in my eyes. I waited for the bus. The bus driver soon realizes that Charles LeBlanc had a different attitude because I never shut up on the ride to the hospital but this time around it was a quiet Charles!
Not one that the public often sees. To make matters wrost? The bus went by some old places that we used to hang around.
The poor has another problem in life. When you live in a City or you don’t own a vehicle? There’s no place to mourn. I remembered in the early 80s. A friend of mine died of cancer at the old General Hospital. I ran to my car and cried for a short period. It’s call privacy!!!! There sure isn’t no privacy in the big cities.
I made my way home through Market Square. I bumped into a couple who’s recognizes me and congratulated me for my stand against the Irvings but they sound found out that I wasn’t in a fighting mood. I told them the problem and they send out their prayers for Pat!
I found out a few other issues since then and I will definitely bring them to the public eye if Pat takes a turn for the worst.
Life is so short.
Mother planting flowers for her son!

I always enjoy walking through the cemetery because a person will notice the many deaths that occurred at a very young age.

It doesn’t matter if you die at the age of 4 years old or 100!!! It’s so short that we should enjoy it while we’re on the planet.

My prayers goes out to Pat and I hope the Lord looks after her because is truly a good person with a huge heart! May God bless her!!!
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