If you dial *67 before dialing the real number? Your call at the other end will come out as a private number. This is the reason that I used *67 to call Voice of the Province last night.

The day that Tim ended his protest, he walked with me to my little meeting with the Senate.
We decided to go outside of the Beaver Brook Hotel for a smoke and we noticed another Protester with a sandwich sign.
It was Matthew Glenn from the Anglo Society!

Daniel Bussiers < Sargeant At Arms > must have said to himself- My God? I got rid of the clown, the protester and now this???...lol...

That night < Thursday > We walked around the Capital and I might add it was a beautiful evening.
We walked around the Legislature and bumped into a few bureaucrats and MLA’S.
Of course a debate began and I felt bad for the people who were listening to us because when you have two ADHD adults side by side?
Well? The other half must really ready for a quick reprisal because the other person with ADHD will soon take over.
As a joke? I would always tell people in our surrounding - This Guy has got to go!!!
I love to have people listening to me only! He just has to go back to Saint John!..lol..All in fun.
I noticed two MLA’S from the P.C. Party listening to Tim’s stories and one of my ADHD brain came up with an idea.
The second Tim stop breathing, I quickly jumped in and suggested to Claude Williams and Tanker Malley since they’re good P.C. MLA’S < and they are!!! >
They should pay for Timmy’s Motel room. I know these two MLA’S do have a good heart because they always encourage me in my battle.
Especially during my six months protest in front of the Legislature.
They both chipped in for a nice room for Tim Smith.
Hey? Not all P.C. MLA’S are bad….lol..Claude Williams bought us for Supper and we ate inside.
CLAUDE IS THE GUY ON THE RIGHT HAND SIDE!!! The other is Keith Ashfield

Poor Claude? He had two individual with ADHD in both side so therefore you can just imagine the conversation going on while we were having our little
I soon found out that Tim made a lot of sense when it came to ADHD!
During the past week, we had many conversations and we soon found out that we had the same way of thinking but the only problem was that while the other
person was talking? The other wasn’t paying attention?
Only the issues that was interesting to both of us that we really paid attention.
But seriously, he came out with some fine example of the way kids should be treated and he also gave his views on Ritalin.
I said to myself? My God? Once he accomplished his goal with the VLT’S? I got to get this guy to be the spokeperson for the 10,000 kids who are force on
Ritalin in New Brunswick!
He sure can come out with some good fancy words!
They dropped me off and Claude drove Tim to the Motel.
After reflecting on the events held during that day?
I found Tim Smith was very intelligent. He didn’t want anything to do with the Ministers of the Lord Government and he let the Liberals enjoy the
attention from the media.
Someone told me - You know what Charles? You know that once the liberals get in power? They won’t touch the issue of VLT’S!
I don’t believe that line at all!
Bernard Lord has shown that he has no sympathy whatsoever with the 49% who voted to have these machines remove.
He could have said - You know what? We are going to move on a few issues for the 49%!
He never did!

Same as my petition, 10,000 people asked the Government to be a study on Ritalin but Bernard Lord said – Sorry but the drugging and killing of our children will continue for at less two more years. < Next election >
Of course these weren’t the exact words but this is what is happening as we speak!
After a good night sleep at the Motel, I met Tim at Tim Horton. Tim at tim??? Sounds good…lol and we spent the whole day walking around.
Thank God the protest was over because of his weak body? Tim took a nasty cold.
Take a close look at the cold weather outside? He would have a certain death!

This is one good thing about having ADHD? Once you get hold of an issue? Just like a pit bull grabbing a tree root?
You won’t let go and I know for a fact that he would have died for his cause.
He walked into the Liberal building on Brunswick Street and joined the Party.
He wanted to go inside the Legislature to thank everyone inside but he was told that he wasn’t allowed inside.

He was only allowed in the gallery. He wasn’t too impressed with this situation but I will leave that issue to Tim Smith.
At 5:40pm he jumped into the bus to Saint John. Before entering, we gave each other a little hug! < I am not the huggy type > and before he walked inside?
I shouted- Good Job Tim!!!
Afterwards, he was on his way to Saint John for a nice reunion with his daughter.
Yes, he’s gone and I don’t believe that the Government have heard the last of Tim Smith.
He’s very determining in his cause and he will continue the fight against these VLT’S!
Tim Smith should be congratulated for a job very well done!
Yes! Maybe we tapped on each other nerves during the days in front of the Legislature but we both knew that we had a good cause to fight for!
Bon Travaille Tim!!!