Monday, February 11, 2008
Pictures never uploaded!!!!
Dan Bussiers has tasers inside the New Brunswick Legislature????
Someone told me during the weekend that Dan Bussieres and the Quebec security have tasers with them.
WOW!!!!! I'm very that I wasn't tased last week when I was side by side with the CBC covering the protest in front of the Legislature?

Was Dan Bussieres going for his taser a few weeks ago?

Will a New Brunswicker be killed by the Quebec Security staff by orders from Dan Bussieres???

WOW!!!!! I'm very that I wasn't tased last week when I was side by side with the CBC covering the protest in front of the Legislature?

Was Dan Bussieres going for his taser a few weeks ago?

Will a New Brunswicker be killed by the Quebec Security staff by orders from Dan Bussieres???

No pictures of the ECMAs in this blog!!!!
I noticed many people end up in this blog after searching - Pictures of the ECMAs.
I was denied access by a bunch of very snobby bureaucrats who are trying to limit freedom of the pres in the Capital.
From what I'm told? They're not done with me yet!
I wish I could have the names of those people but they're so sneaky and a bunch of cowards.
So once again? Sorry..no pictures of the snobby ECMA event in this blog!!!
I was denied access by a bunch of very snobby bureaucrats who are trying to limit freedom of the pres in the Capital.
From what I'm told? They're not done with me yet!
I wish I could have the names of those people but they're so sneaky and a bunch of cowards.
So once again? Sorry..no pictures of the snobby ECMA event in this blog!!!
That's it, we're outta here!
My wife and I are born and raised New Brunswickers. Our families landed on these shores many years ago.
We are second and third generation NBers, but now we both believe if we are going to make any kind of living, we will have to leave.
We are packing up and moving to British Columbia.
Like many others, we are tired of everything this province does not address: low wages and extremely high living costs are just two.
We have seen groups of friends renting an apartment, five to seven people in a two bedroom. No children, just the working poor.
Although New Brunswick is the bilingual province, preference is not given to people who speak both languages fluently. Sometimes being able to speak just French and only French is given preference for some of the most sought-after jobs.
My wife studied French from elementary school to Grade 11, and still she cannot speak French fluently, even though if she had studied one more year, to Grade 12, she would have received a bilingual certificate.
We both think that is hilarious.
I think the worst thing they ever did was make New Brunswick a bilingual province, because it hasn't been done fairly.
New Brunswick is a dying province, and no amount of immigrants taking the few jobs we have available will change that.
My suggestion to my fellow New Brunswickers is just to pack up and leave.
Write a letter about your grievances, and hopefully that will help make life better for future generations.
We will miss this place, the forests, salmon-rich rivers, and everything that makes this place unique.
I would like to thank Premier Shawn Graham and the good job he has been doing, especially having to clean up after the Conservatives.
This province has fallen so far behind it will take a lot to bring it up to snuff.
We know if anyone can do the job, he can.
Josh MacDonald
My wife and I are born and raised New Brunswickers. Our families landed on these shores many years ago.
We are second and third generation NBers, but now we both believe if we are going to make any kind of living, we will have to leave.
We are packing up and moving to British Columbia.
Like many others, we are tired of everything this province does not address: low wages and extremely high living costs are just two.
We have seen groups of friends renting an apartment, five to seven people in a two bedroom. No children, just the working poor.
Although New Brunswick is the bilingual province, preference is not given to people who speak both languages fluently. Sometimes being able to speak just French and only French is given preference for some of the most sought-after jobs.
My wife studied French from elementary school to Grade 11, and still she cannot speak French fluently, even though if she had studied one more year, to Grade 12, she would have received a bilingual certificate.
We both think that is hilarious.
I think the worst thing they ever did was make New Brunswick a bilingual province, because it hasn't been done fairly.
New Brunswick is a dying province, and no amount of immigrants taking the few jobs we have available will change that.
My suggestion to my fellow New Brunswickers is just to pack up and leave.
Write a letter about your grievances, and hopefully that will help make life better for future generations.
We will miss this place, the forests, salmon-rich rivers, and everything that makes this place unique.
I would like to thank Premier Shawn Graham and the good job he has been doing, especially having to clean up after the Conservatives.
This province has fallen so far behind it will take a lot to bring it up to snuff.
We know if anyone can do the job, he can.
Josh MacDonald
Priere du Jour - Prayer of the Day!!

Prayer and Devotions
Overcoming Temptation
by Father José LaBoy, LC
Resolution: In a moment of temptation, try to remember what God wants and ask him for his help.
February 10, 2008
First Sunday of Lent
Matthew 4: 1-11
Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. He fasted forty days and forty nights, and afterwards he was famished. The tempter came and said to him, "If you are the Son of God, command these stones to become loaves of bread." But he answered, "It is written, 'One does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.'" Then the devil took him to the holy city and placed him on the pinnacle of the temple, saying to him, "If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down; for it is written, 'He will command his angels concerning you,' and 'On their hands they will bear you up, so that you will not dash your foot against a stone.'" Jesus said to him, "Again it is written, 'Do not put the Lord your God to the test.'" Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor; and he said to him, "All these I will give you, if you will fall down and worship me." Jesus said to him, "Away with you, Satan! for it is written, 'Worship the Lord your God, and serve only him.'" Then the devil left him, and suddenly angels came and waited on him.
Introductory Prayer: I believe, Lord, that with your example and help I can overcome temptation in my life. Help me to understand that you offer me everything necessary to let myself not be led into temptation. I hope in you, Lord, because you know that I am weak, and therefore you give me your grace which is stronger than sin. I love you, Lord, because love for you and for souls will give me the strength to destroy sin in my life and the lives of others.
Petition: Lord, may prayer and vigilance help me not fall into temptation.
1. The Spiritual Is More Important than the Material Jesus teaches us to give more importance to the spiritual than to the material. However, man is weak, and he easily considers that satisfying his material needs justifies his not doing God’s will. If we don’t follow Christ’s advice, then being tired will be a good enough reason not to pray, being in a bad mood will be a good enough reason not to live charity, and having a great idea will be a good enough reason to act as we want, not as we are taught. The devil’s strategy is to make us look more at ourselves and our needs, than to look at God, his will and the needs of the Church and of others.
2. The Problem with Overconfidence Jesus teaches us that our actions have to correspond with what God wants, not with what we think he wants. There is always the danger of supposing that God thinks like we do, instead of seeking with all our strength to think as he does. Remember what Christ told Peter when Peter dared tell Jesus what he had to do (not foretell his future suffering and death): “Get behind me Satan”. Lent is a privileged moment for us constantly to “turn to the Lord” as the only source of true happiness. In fact, trusting more in ourselves than in him is a sign of pride. True humility, something without which we cannot be holy, will lead us to trust more in him than in ourselves.
3. Only God Deserves Our Worship Obviously, we don’t consciously deny God and worship idols. But we shouldn’t forget that our heart will be where our treasure is. If Christ is not our treasure, then we will worship ourselves, others, things, money, honors, fame… While we wouldn’t genuflect in front of our new computer or that stylish outfit we just bought, we may give these objects more importance than they deserve. That only God deserves our worship is a very demanding reality. This means that God has to be the center of our thoughts, words, desires, actions and plans. This means that his will is more important than ours.
Conversation with Christ: Dear Lord, help me understand that prayer and detachment from material things are necessary means for overcoming temptation. Help me remember that you overcame temptation in order to teach us all how we can overcome it too.
Resolution: In a moment of temptation, I will try to remember what God wants and ask him for his help.

Hello Charles,
Please consider printing the following. I have included a great picture for the article.
Mark D'Arcy and Caroline Lubbe-D'Arcy
379 Northumberland Street
Fredericton, New Brunswick
506.454-5119 (home)
Please find below a copy of the censored letter, which was published in the
recent Winter edition of the UNB Alumni News. This letter was not printed as submitted: text
portions were DELETED ( in brackets) from the submitted letter.
Every university, certainly the oldest public university in North America,
must uphold high standards of integrity, free speech, public consultation,
and debate. To publish several inaccurate statements in the magazine sent
out to their own alumni (over 51,700 on the mailing list), and then censor public responses to these
statements, is a serious breach of trust of these standards.
There is only one Woodlot. Sign the petition at smartgrowthUNB.ca
(page 7, 2008 Winter UNB Alumni News)
We, The Friends of the UNB Woodlot, feel compelled to respond to the article
published in the UNB Alumni news (Fall 2007). Several points in the article
are partially or completely inaccurate. We wish to clarify several of these
First, the article attributes two quotations (p.16) to the original wording
of the land grant of 1800 that are no where to be found. UNB claims that
this land grant gives it the freedom to use the land any way it wants to.
The Government of Great Britain did not sell this land to The College of New
Brunswick, but rather it was granted under Quit-rent, to be used for public
purposes forever: "...to the sole proper use and behold of the said Governor
and Trustees of The College of New Brunswick and their successors and assign
forever...". This obligation was further strengthened by the 1827 Royal
Charter for King's College and the 1859 provincial Act Establishing The
University of New Brunswick that requires trustees "...shall be able and
capable to have, take, and receive, purchase, acquire, hold, possess, enjoy,
and maintain..."; ((DELETED - the sale of Woodlot land is not an option for
UNB!)) UNB's actions seem to be in clear violation of the original land
grant. ((DELETED - The sale of the Woodlot land to the City of Fredericton
for the four-lane highway represents one concrete example of such
((DELETED - Second, the article claims that extensive consultation, both
professional and public, was undertaken (p.17). UNB prides itself on its
Forestry Faculty. However, this faculty was not consulted nor given a chance
to contribute to a management plan. In fact, neither a wildlife nor
forestry management plan was used in the preparation of the development
strategy of the Woodlot. The Maritime School of Forest Technology was not
consulted either.))
((DELETED - With respect to public consultation, the article claims that
"Many stakeholder groups and individuals from within and beyond UNB were
consulted to obtain information and input on valued features of the woodlot,
including recreational, research, teaching, and environmental features." (
p.17). It appears however, that only minimal public consultation was
conducted. On the basis of numerous discussions, it is clear that some of
the interest groups were given virtually no opportunity to submit their
input or were misquoted.))
((DELETED - With regard to the absence of wildlife and forestry management
plans, finally,)) the article states that "?the plan has designated 50 per
cent of the approximately 3,815 acres of the UNB Woodlot as green space" (
p.15). Unfortunately, this patchwork of isolated wetlands and their narrow
buffers cannot support a full range of meaningful wildlife habitat nor
long-standing teaching and recreation value. By law these wetlands cannot be
developed, so preserving them does not constitute any real stewardship.
((DELETED - Already, the Woodlot's wildlife is being threatened. For
example, UNB's own symbol, the beaver, is being actively eliminated from the
Woodlot via the use of underwater body-gripping kill traps. In November and
December of 2006, twenty-four beavers were killed in this fashion.))
In light of these disturbing facts, we, The Friends of the UNB Woodlot, call
upon the University of New Brunswick to place a moratorium on the
development of the UNB Woodlot. Development should stop until extensive and
meaningful public participation takes place. To find more about this issue
and/or to sign a petition, please visit
On behalf of Friends of the UNB Woodlot,
Andrew Bedford
Mark D'Arcy (UNB BSc 1986)
Ross Ferguson
Dr. Caroline Lubbe-D'Arcy
Dr. Charlene Mayes
Janet Phillipps
Dr. Monika Stelzl (UNB BA 1996)
I bought my first one around 18 years ago!!!\
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