Was I really surprised? Of course not!
I felt very sad but no surprise here because this is the American way!
Our neighbors to the South are always proud to promote their right to bare Arms.

Well? With that right also come consequences and that’s the way it is!
Do you know how many people are killed by guns every single day of the week in the States?

But what can you say? This is what the Americans want and this is what they will get!
It’s very sad!
Yes, every talk shows such as Larry King will debate the issue of guns but everything will be forgotten in a couple of weeks.
I am sure happy to be a Canadian but then again we had have a couple of a few rampages of our own but I’m certain that if every Canadian had the right to own a weapon?
It would be a country in very bad shape.
I said it before in this blog and I’ll say it again.
If the Federal Canadian Government knocked at my door and told me - Mr. LeBlanc? We just pass a bill especially for you last night in Ottawa.
We know you never own a gun but you are not allowed to gun for the rest of your life.
Do you agree with this bill? Just signed these papers.
I would gladly sign those papers because I’m one of those individuals who should not be allowed to have a weapon because I might be too tempted to use it.
At least, I will admit to this.
Many people own a weapon and shouldn’t have that right.
I believe this is the case in Virginia?
The Americans must change their way of thinking if they wish to avoid tragedies like this in the future.
My deepest sympathy goes out to the families in Virginia!!!!