Before I forget?

The issue of Ritalin will be discuss tonight on CNN!

It will be debated on Paula Zahn program at 9:00pm! < Check your local listing >
Lets see if Charles LeBlanc or those 10,000 citizens who signed my petition knows what he’s talking about?

Maybe Bernard Lord is right in his statement that it’s up to the doctors to prescribed the Ritalin so therefore the drugging and the killing of our children will continue till October 15, 2007!

Once Bernard Lord is eliminated off the political map, the issue will be confronted head on by a Liberal Government.

Do you know how many lives that Bernard Lord has took away since he took power?

Take a look at the issue of the VLT’S?
People are committing suicide at a high rate.

Does the Premier care? Of course not!

Look at the problem with Dilaudid?
Does the Premier care? A Premier who lies to the people should resign!

Bernard Lord just don't care!!!!

Lets see what CNN says tonight on this very emotional issue.

Ok…what else? My God?
The citizens of Fredericton are nuts!
There was a few thunder and lighting showers yesterday.

I was trapped in front of a store and a bureaucrat walked by to escape the rain.
Poor guy? He was forced to listen to me for 20 minutes.
No escape there!!!!
Afterwards, I noticed all the citizens walking around with umbrella in hand.
Over them were trees and at the bottom of the trees on the streets are metal rail bars around the root.
Isn’t this a case for a disaster just waiting to happen?
I heard that there were 60 people who attended the LNG meeting last night but I guess that the guy who showed the video just wanted some money.
Maybe someone out there can explain in this blog their views on the situation?
Ok.....I got to go but check this blog today for more blogs because I got many issues to write about but they will have to wait I guess.
One more thing? There’s one important meeting tonight!

The Planning Advisory Committee will continue its hearing of the Canaport application (Irving Oil and Repsol YPF) for a variance to the existing SJ By-law. Tuesday July 12th - 6pm in the Council Chambers.
Ok…I got to go!!!!