Yesterday while walking by the Legislature, I noticed Jody Carr and his twin brother Jack chatting among themselves.

I always enjoy debating with these two guys and this time around was no different.
But I noticed that I became a little more quick temper when I began asking questions about the LNG in Saint John and Saint Andrews.
I raised my voice and for the life of me I couldn’t understand why would Tony Huntjens and Bernard Lord spoke out loud against the propose LNG plant in Maine???

Why is it ok in Saint John and not in Maine?????
Is it because the Irving’s bureaucrats ordered these Provincial politicians to speak up so they would eliminate the competition?

It just doesn’t make any sense.
I heard Abel LeBlanc on talk of the town on CFBC and he was upset with his leader Shawn Graham of the way he spoke out against the LNG plant in Saint Andrew.

Knowing Abel? I believe that he strongly believe that Shawn should have done the same in Saint John!
I don’t know the whole details but I’ll find out.
Abel reminds me of the great Lou Murphy!

Lou wasn’t afraid to speak up for Saint Johners.
He went head on with Frank McKenna on the issue of Saint Joe’s!
I hope Abel re-offers the next Provincial election.
These days, Bernard Lord is speaking out against the propose LNG in Maine!

He’s speaking to the Irving media like he truly cares!

He truly believe that he has it in him to be the next leader of Canada because he will take on the United States of America
on this issue!
If I was the Governor of Maine John Baldacci?
I would look Bernard Lord in the eye and say - Hey? You guys cancel the LNG deal in Saint John and we will do the same in our State!!!
What’s wrong with that suggestion?
The talk show talk of the town has been on the air since Monday and it’s a darn shame you can’t listen to the show from the rest of the Province.
The Irvings are going through a public relation nightmare.
Everyone is talking about the next Municipal election!
The whole Council except for Ivan Court will be eliminated off the political map!

From the way I see it?
The same will happen to Bernard Lord.
This man is so full of himself and he held a B-B-Q at Fort LaTour and didn’t invite the public.
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My God? To the poor people of Saint John - Let them eat cake!
I’m certain the poor hungry families would have enjoys a nice juicy hamburger!!!
What another public relation nightmare for the Premier. Maybe they are Irving’s advisers???
He’s digging more and more towards political history!
I am so confident on this one that if he wins? I will never talk again about Bernard Lord in this blog.

I mean what can you say when a Premier says that the drugging and killing of our children will continue till Oct 14, 2007!
Enough said!!!!
One more thing? Did the Irvings send this heavyweight to Saint Andrew on their behalf??? Good question???