Yesterday morning while walking around the corner of the Legislature, I noticed a worker from the Liberal Party - Sheri Shannon stepping outside to have a smoke.
Being Charles, I told her that it was bad timing on her part because she’ll have to listen to me for 10 minutes….lol
I turned my head and I couldn’t believe what my eyes were seeing???
I asked - Is that J.D. Irving???
She told me that it was indeed the Billionaire!
I replied- See ya later and proceeded to meet face to face one of the richest man in the Country.
I have been very critical of James Irving during these last few years.
I condemned the guy on talk shows, blogs and even in front of the Senate.

You can read my presentation to the Senate at - target="_blank">Charles
So? It’s going to be very interesting to see the reaction of J.D. Irving once I confront the guy.
He was chatting with some guy in a fancy suit.
I approached the Billionaire and said- Merry Christmas James!
In the past, I never used the term Mr.Irving!
He quickly shook my hand and said- Merry Christmas!
I asked - How’s your Father?

He replied- He’s fine Charles!
So? He knew exactly who he was talking with. He didn’t forget my face in 4 years! I wonder why? ..lol…
I continued - How’s your son Jamie?

He continued – He’s fine!!
There I was standing face to face with a Billionaire and I only had one shot at this!
I asked him if he would allowed us in a picture with my camera?
He gladly accepted.
He wanted to take the picture of the road behind us but I suggested that we should have our picture taken with the Legislature in the background.
Hey? They say that the Irvings runs the Government right???…lol
I had problems with the camera in the past so will the picture take?
Will people believe me?
Who’s the guy taking the picture?
Will he pretend that the picture took?
This is a one shot deal and I hope that it works.
The man asked James if he was ok having his picture taken?
James proudly told the guy to snap a picture.
In the corner of my eye, I noticed a woman running < not walking > Here I am with my mouth wide open saying- Did it beep???? I had to move fast!!!!

I mean RUNNING across the snow of the front lawn of the Legislature.
She didn’t have her jacket on so therefore she must have left her vehicle in a big hurry!!!
I wonder why???..lol...
It was Mary Keith < spokeperson of the Irvings > quickly intervened and said - Mr.Irving? We got to leave now!!!! We have a meeting!!! I could tell by the look on her face that she was being very careful what she said because she knew that I might not have a notepad but I take everything in one of my five ADHD brains!

I might add that she was out of breath.
James sorta told her that it was ok!
She insisted that they had this meeting and must leave right now!!!

I wish that I would have love to be a fly in their vehicle once that noticed that Charles LeBlanc and James Irving were going to have their picture taken together….lol…
In her part? It must have been equal to 10 cups of coffee!!!!..lol
After the pictures were taken? I could have continued taking more pictures but I didn’t! So?
We know for a fact that Mary Keith knows about this blog because of the way she ran to stop the pictures from being taken! Hey? It's nice to see that this blog has a little bite of respect!!!...lol...
I wonder if James knew what I have been doing lately?
I quickly left the area and went home!!!
Would the pictures turned out like the one with the cop taking the bottle of pennies from me?
Will the pictures of myself and James turned out????
I went to my computer and watch with great nervousness the pictures being uploaded.
Once I saw the James Irvings picture?

I said- YES!!! I GOT HIM!!!
After, I posted the picture? I walked by the Legislatures and all the media people were saying- GREAT PICTURE CHARLES!!!
Yes, the first reporter or Irving reporter to see this picture on the blog must have shouted to everyone in the building- HEY??? COME AND SEE THIS PICTURE????…lol…
Many asked me – What are you going to do with the picture?
You know something? After a person allows me to have their pictures taken? It’s a difficult task to go against them but this is Canada.
We are not violent people.
Look at James Irving? Standing in front of the Legislature alone with no bodyguards in sight!

A Billionaire in Ontario or Quebec would have 10 protectors around them!

New Brunswick is a beautiful place to live. Every instance I bumped into these people?
I’m always nice and pleasant. There’s no need to shout and be angry!
I just handle myself like the P.C.’s and the Liberals meet in the hallway of the Legislature after doing battle in the House.
They shake hands and moved on with their daily lives.
Yes, THANK GOD for that guy who bought me that camera because many of you would say- Yeah that’s just Charles making up these stories???
To all the readers and supporters?