I wrote about a lot of issues in this blog but never this one.
Like many other citizens, I don’t know much about this issue but this is a blog.
I blog the story and let the comments fly in the debate.
So here we go?
The famous New Brunswick's Kingsclear Youth Training Centre???
I was told that a person cannot get a transcript of the Miller inquiry which investigated the sexual abuse of our youths.
I also heard that many high profiles individuals wish this issue to be silent because they were secretly involved in this sad abuse?
So many questions?
I promise someone that I would blog the issue and which I did. Any comments out there or should we forget about this sad part in New Brunswick history and move on????
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Will Stephen Harper lower the Canadian flag?
3 killed as helicopter crashes during 'bread and butter' exercise
Last Updated: Thursday, July 13, 2006 | 2:20 PM AT
CBC News
Three crew members were killed and four were injured early Thursday morning when a Canadian Forces search-and-rescue helicopter crashed into the ocean during a routine training exercise off Canso, N.S.
The CH-149 Cormorant helicopter crashed at about 12:30 a.m. AT during a hoist exercise with Canadian Coast Guard and local fishing vessels, military officials said during a news conference at 14 Wing Greenwood, where the helicopter was based.
The downed helicopter was pulled from the water Thursday by a recovery vessel.
The downed helicopter was pulled from the water Thursday by a recovery vessel.
(Courtesy John Green)
"It was a very normal training evolution," said Lt.-Col. Tom Hughes, commander of 413 Transport and Rescue Squadron.
"We do it frequently. It is one of our bread-and-butter missions to go and hoist people off of boats in darkness."
Hughes, whose voice was tight with emotion as he spoke, said everyone on the base has pulled together to support the families of the victims and the injured.
"We are obviously deeply stricken with the emotion such an accident brings," said Hughes.
Military officials have identified the dead as:
* Sgt. Dwayne Brazil, 39, a flight engineer from Gander, N.L., married with two daughters.
* Master Cpl. Kirk Noel, 33, a search-and-rescue technician from St. Anthony, N.L., not married.
* Cpl. Trevor McDavid, 31, a flight engineer from Sudbury, Ont., married with two daughters.
Capt. Ron Bush, 40 and Sgt. Marty Maloney, 48, are in a Halifax hospital with injuries that were described as serious but not life-threatening.
The other two injured crewmembers, Capt. Gabriel Ringuette, 41, and Maj. Gordon Ireland, 42, are in hospital in Antigonish.
The crew was conducting a hoisting exercise when the helicopter crashed, officials said. The exercise is a common training manoeuvre, in which a helicopter hovers above a ship or water as someone is lowered to complete a rescue.
Screams in the water
First word of the crash came from a nearby coast guard vessel. Four Sisters, a local fishing boat taking part in the training exercise, picked up the survivors, said Barry Lumsden, deputy mayor of Canso.
"They're responsible for them being alive today."
'We're not heroes. We're just ordinary people who did the best in their situation.'-Fisherman Ken Snow, who helped rescue the chopper crew
Two divers found the three dead crew members in the partially submerged aircraft, Lumsden said.
Ken Snow, who was on the Four Sisters, said the helicopter made a couple of passes overhead.
"The next thing I know, I heard a crash," he told CBC News.
Motoring slowly through the dark and fog, Snow said they followed the screams and yells of the people in the water.
The fishing boat found two people in the water and two more aboard the wreckage. Using fishing lines and a winch, they jury-rigged a sling and plucked the men out of the water.
"They were obviously injured and we did the best we could," Snow said.
He and another fisherman grabbed the sleeping bags on the boat and wrapped the crew members in them to keep them warm.
"We're not heroes," Snow said. "We're just ordinary people who did the best in their situation."
History of problems
The downed helicopter was brought to Mulgrave, N.S., by the coast guard ship Earl Grey. A flight safety team from Ottawa is on its way to the scene to investigate the incident.
Prime Minister Stephen Harper said his thoughts and prayers are with the families of the dead crew members.
"It is my hope that they find some solace in the knowledge that they do not grieve alone. Canada mourns the loss of these men," Harper said in a statement.
In Halifax, the Nova Scotia government has lowered the flag outside Province House to half-mast.
Defence Minister Gordon O'Connor said he honoured the memory of the victims and is "humbled by their sacrifice."
The Canadian Forces' fleet of Cormorants, which are no stranger to flight restrictions, have been suspended from all but emergency flights.
Emergency operations
The fleet was previously restricted to emergency operations in April 2004, after a British Royal Navy Merlin helicopter similar to the Cormorant crashed, injuring five people. Hairline cracks in the helicopter's tail rotor were blamed.
The Cormorant and Merlin helicopters are both manufactured by AgustaWestland Industries and share similar components, said the military.
Canada's Cormorants were also placed on restricted duty earlier in 2004 over concerns about potential fuel leaks.
Canada began taking delivery of the Cormorants in 2000 to replace its aging fleet of Labrador helicopters.
Charles comes face to face with 6 years old pittbull
The paper trail is getting interesting and how many people used taxpayers money to get a free vacation for the summer.
You say that I'm making up these stories?
There should be an investigation on this issue. Government Union employees taking advantage of a free summer holidays???
Is this the reason that Tom Mann wrote that letter in a few Irving's newspapers?
Is the Union covering something?
Should these elected officials be questioned by New Brunswickers?
Tanker Malley, Cy LeBlanc, John Betts, Bev Harrison, Jeannot Volpe, Elvy Robichaud, Stuat Jamieson, Kelly Lamrock and Shawn Graham are against a true demoncracy???
These individuals are responsible for me being banned for life from the Legislature. Lets not forget Dan Bussieres also.
The paper trial is very interesting and it leads me towards the Liberal workers. One thing is certain. I can't wait to confront these individual face to face.
If they believe a person should be evicted from the Legislature without just cause? Well, they shouldn't be power because it would be very dangerous.
Stay tune for more because this issue will not go away! Not from a long shot!!!!
The issue of Agent Orange.
Londoner appeals to PM for Agent Orange inquiry
Thu, July 13, 2006
Art Connolly was exposed to the defoliant as a child at CFB Gagetown.
His hopes shattered that a Conservative government would quickly take steps to help Canadian victims of Agent Orange, a London man is appealing directly to Prime Minister Stephen Harper to conduct a public inquiry into military use of the defoliant.
In a letter, Art Connolly, vice-president of the Agent Orange Association of Canada, reminded Harper that the Conservative leader told him personally last summer, at an event in Woodstock, that the federal government "has to do something."
Connolly is pushing for compensation and an apology for use of the toxic defoliant at Canadian Forces Base Gagetown in New Brunswick from 1956 to 1984. He lived on the base as a youngster with his military family and says not only soldiers but their families and civilians have suffered health problems because of exposure to Agent Orange and related chemicals tested at the base by the U.S. military.
"The letter came from a sense of frustration," Connolly said yesterday. "Nothing has changed. The Conservative party, before they were elected, were on board with us and they were going to change things . . . but once they got in (office) nothing changed."
"Last fall, Mr. Harper said all victims should be compensated," he said.
But Connolly said the Conservatives are instead continuing a fact-finding exercise initiated by the Liberals in a move derided by a top Conservative at the time as "nothing more than an elaborate public-relations exercise." That Conservative, MP Greg Thompson of New Brunswick, is now veterans affairs minister.
"We jumped for joy when we learned he was to become veterans affairs minister," Connolly said. "I still hope Mr. Thompson's heart is in the right place . . . He knows the issues, but I suspect he's being told to toe the party line."
Connolly said as the fact-finding exercise continues, former military personnel, their families and civilians continue to develop health problems and die. He couldn't provide numbers and declined to reveal the size of his organization because "we don't want the other side to know. But it is substantial and growing every day."
He has noted about 200,000 Canadian military personnel were stationed at Base Gagetown at the time.
In his letter, Connolly argues the Department of National Defence, which is conducting the fact-finding mission, shouldn't be allowed to investigate itself. He argues only a public inquiry "will finally deal with the truth."
"I urge you to do the right thing, Mr. Harper," he concludes.
Connolly said victims and their families are discovering the change of government has meant nothing to them, despite promises of help. He said the government must "make sure this (exposure to toxic chemicals) never happens again and make restitution and apologize and let everybody move on.
"But this way is damn near insulting."
Agent Orange and other chemicals were widely used in the Vietnam War by the U.S. military. Connolly recently spoke in Hanoi at the invitation of the Vietnam Association of Victims of Agent Orange.
Shame on Stephen Harper not to lower the Canadian Flag. In his mind, it's only one small issue. Sorry Stephen, you're wrong! Once the Liberals get back on track? They will tell Canadians - WE WILL LOWER THE CANADIAN FLAG!!!! Bingo...they'll return to office...just like the issue of the GST but they did lie afterwards....
Former shipyard worker now works for the City of Frdericton.
Some told me to blame Bernard Lord for my banning from the New brunswick Legislature?
This time around? I don't believe so.....As in these pictures taken months ago? He was thinking of something when he saw me taking a picture and quickly shouted something?
I really don't hate Bernard Lord. I just want a study done of the way our kids are being drugged and killed?
Nothing wrong in asking for a study? I might add that 10,000 people signed my petition. So what's the hold up??