My girlfriend Pat. Took a stroke and the word is that she receive some brain damage. I have to go to the hospital and pay her a visit.
Please send some of your prayers for Pat.

During my stay in Acadian Country, I found out that many didn’t understand or didn’t care of the LNG deal.
Most of the Acadians are very upset of the way the Irvings have control of all the media in this Province.
The Irvings are not well liked in that part of the world. The Acadians don’t understand the LNG deal because the Moncton Transcript refuse to print critical letters of the Irvings!
This newspapers is trying to brainwash the public with their pro Irving stories.
Speaking of LNG?
I heard that two bus load of people are going to Fredericton on Wednesday to support the LNG deal!

From what I’m told, they are Irving employees!!!! These worker have dedicated their life and souls to the Irving empire.

The Irvings must have told its employees that if they didn’t go to the Capital? They would be fired!
I guess the Irvings heard their were only 25 people in Fredericton who were against the LNG deal.
So I guess the Irvings are going to send all their employees and of course the story will be front page news!
What a bunch of HOGWASH!!!
Speaking of the Government I heard that Bernard Lord will announce this week a plan for a very low insurance rate plan.
They believe that this will give the Premier a break from the voters for the summer months.
Sorry! This will not help the Premier because he totally refuses to deal with the issues that kill people.

The issues of VLT’S and Ritalin should be address as soon as possible but the Premier insists that the Drugging and the killing of our children will continue till October 15th, 2007! < Provincial election >

With Shawn Graham elected as Premier? The kids will be saved!!!!!!!

Hey? I am not making up these stories because even the Ombudsman told the Senate that Ritalin was a grave concern with the kids in this Province.

So to Bernard and The Irvings?
Lower the insurance rate and fill up the Legislature with these phony Irving’s employees.
These action will not….I REPEAT…will not stop the hatred toward this Premier.
We need a Premier who listens to the People.

We won’t get it with this bird!!!!!
Please excuse the style and grammar of this update because I just write the darn thing and send it along the information Highway! Bye bye