Thursday, September 08, 2005
HI Charles

Just a note about these methadone patients.....The NBPDP has recently (last week) told these people that if they can pay for a carry they were being cut off assistance..Can you Imagine, Just more ignorance!
What was happening is this.... When you are on methadone and doing well you are permitted to take home carry's, you can get 1 drink in (pharmacy) and 4 carry's, therefor you would not have to travel to and fro the pharmacy for 4 days, costing allmsot 100$...
Well People on the program were getting 1 drink at the pharmacy paid for by the NBPDP and they were paying for 4 carry's, so they did not have to pay 15 or more dollors per day to travel to get thier methadone....

NOW these People that are being assisted by the NB prescription drug program ARE NOT allowed to pay for thier carry's, othwerwise they are being cut off FA.
The NBPDP says, if you can afford to pay for carrys, the you do not need us!!!
NOW these people HAVE to go daily to this pharmacy costing them 15-20 a day in cabs, what the hell is this, tell me? Wyt pick on these POOR People. Just another bunch of BS!!! So now these people are paying 95 a week for transportation to get 49 dollors worth of drugs! Does that make sense to you???
WHY ALL this BS!!??? Why do they treat these people like common criminals....????????/ WHY do they make i so hard for them, if these people had cancer, would it be that hard for them to get morphine, would they have to go every few days to get thier pain meds fore this cancer treatment??? NO NO, NO they why should these methadone patients then!

When you go to the pharmacy do you take 1/5 of your prescrition home, if its a narcotic? Then why do those people on methadone? thier presriptions are for 2 weeks, the most of them are only allowed 2 carry's and then they have to go back to the pharmacy.
When they dispence Dilaudid, Morphine and all those drugs, do they make those sick people go every few days to pick up thier medicine? then why make the addicted person go to the pharmacy every few days...
NOT all methadone patients are criminals, there are some, as there are in every wllk of life,, for instance the NB shrink, that was looking at child porn.
WHY are these poor souls getting treated like this? I am sooooooo damn tired of this ignorant governent treating these people like this, not only do they not give them enough money to live on, it forces good people to do bad things to survive....NOW just think if you were in this position...having to go thru ALL this RED tape, to get well.....

Think for 1 minute, IS it really worth ALL the hastle they are put thru and now this, going to the damn pharmacy daily to get treaetd, HEY why dont they just wear headbands that say I am an ADDICT!
I am sick OF IT you will HEAR alot FROM for me!!!!

Just a note about these methadone patients.....The NBPDP has recently (last week) told these people that if they can pay for a carry they were being cut off assistance..Can you Imagine, Just more ignorance!
What was happening is this.... When you are on methadone and doing well you are permitted to take home carry's, you can get 1 drink in (pharmacy) and 4 carry's, therefor you would not have to travel to and fro the pharmacy for 4 days, costing allmsot 100$...
Well People on the program were getting 1 drink at the pharmacy paid for by the NBPDP and they were paying for 4 carry's, so they did not have to pay 15 or more dollors per day to travel to get thier methadone....

NOW these People that are being assisted by the NB prescription drug program ARE NOT allowed to pay for thier carry's, othwerwise they are being cut off FA.
The NBPDP says, if you can afford to pay for carrys, the you do not need us!!!
NOW these people HAVE to go daily to this pharmacy costing them 15-20 a day in cabs, what the hell is this, tell me? Wyt pick on these POOR People. Just another bunch of BS!!! So now these people are paying 95 a week for transportation to get 49 dollors worth of drugs! Does that make sense to you???
WHY ALL this BS!!??? Why do they treat these people like common criminals....????????/ WHY do they make i so hard for them, if these people had cancer, would it be that hard for them to get morphine, would they have to go every few days to get thier pain meds fore this cancer treatment??? NO NO, NO they why should these methadone patients then!

When you go to the pharmacy do you take 1/5 of your prescrition home, if its a narcotic? Then why do those people on methadone? thier presriptions are for 2 weeks, the most of them are only allowed 2 carry's and then they have to go back to the pharmacy.
When they dispence Dilaudid, Morphine and all those drugs, do they make those sick people go every few days to pick up thier medicine? then why make the addicted person go to the pharmacy every few days...
NOT all methadone patients are criminals, there are some, as there are in every wllk of life,, for instance the NB shrink, that was looking at child porn.
WHY are these poor souls getting treated like this? I am sooooooo damn tired of this ignorant governent treating these people like this, not only do they not give them enough money to live on, it forces good people to do bad things to survive....NOW just think if you were in this position...having to go thru ALL this RED tape, to get well.....

Think for 1 minute, IS it really worth ALL the hastle they are put thru and now this, going to the damn pharmacy daily to get treaetd, HEY why dont they just wear headbands that say I am an ADDICT!
I am sick OF IT you will HEAR alot FROM for me!!!!
Yes, I must give credit to a certain group of people.

I’m talking about the LNG protesters in Saint John.

My God? What a determine bunch!

They showed up at the picnic with their black t-shirts under the hot sun.
They are a determine bunch.

After Bernard Lord totally ignored this group at the Legislature and went to give the royal accent to the bill that will reward the Irving 100 of millions of dollars during the next 25 years.

Well, this group could have call it quits but they didn’t and they’re beginning to be a torn on the Mayor side.

Look at the sucker accident? Come on??? Give me a break!

The Irvings are denying people like myself to write letters to the editor against the LNG deal and this is not right!
The Irvings are trying the brainwash New Brunswickers with their editorials in their papers but it’s not working!

The Irvings are going through a public relation nightmare and these protesters are determine to continue the battle against the Irvings!

I had a few people who approached me with this phrase - Charlie? Many quit our group because of Jimmy Webb.

They don’t wish to be associated with this bigot!
Hey Jimmy is a bigot but he has a heart of gold.

During the picnic, I even bumped into another Bigot June Garfield!

She’s another person who’s not afraid to speak up against the LNG deal!
It was funny because I was chatting with Abel LeBlanc and I immediately recognized her voice.
I said- Heelloooo there!!!!
She also recognizes my voice and if looks could kill?…You see?
If these bigots wish to join the group? Let them join! There not bad people.

There’s all different walks of life in this battle against the Evil Irving Empire.

It’s so bad that if it was 200 years ago?

Every elite person would be executed and they would start anew!
It happened on many occasions during the course of history.
But I believe this time around? It’s a total different ballgame because the Government will not give the time for a certain group to organize.
The minute they go in public and cross that line? They will be arrested and thrown in jail therefore scaring other protesters!

This is the way is it!!!
Yes, my congratulation to the LNG group.
The whole City Council beside Ivan Court will be eliminated off the political map during the next election!

Keep up the fight!!!!
The only thing that scares me is that many will run for the Mayor position and splitting the votes.
Norm MacIrving could well be re-elected to the Mayor chair!!!!

You got to love our democratic system.

I’m talking about the LNG protesters in Saint John.

My God? What a determine bunch!

They showed up at the picnic with their black t-shirts under the hot sun.
They are a determine bunch.

After Bernard Lord totally ignored this group at the Legislature and went to give the royal accent to the bill that will reward the Irving 100 of millions of dollars during the next 25 years.

Well, this group could have call it quits but they didn’t and they’re beginning to be a torn on the Mayor side.

Look at the sucker accident? Come on??? Give me a break!

The Irvings are denying people like myself to write letters to the editor against the LNG deal and this is not right!
The Irvings are trying the brainwash New Brunswickers with their editorials in their papers but it’s not working!

The Irvings are going through a public relation nightmare and these protesters are determine to continue the battle against the Irvings!

I had a few people who approached me with this phrase - Charlie? Many quit our group because of Jimmy Webb.

They don’t wish to be associated with this bigot!
Hey Jimmy is a bigot but he has a heart of gold.

During the picnic, I even bumped into another Bigot June Garfield!

She’s another person who’s not afraid to speak up against the LNG deal!
It was funny because I was chatting with Abel LeBlanc and I immediately recognized her voice.
I said- Heelloooo there!!!!
She also recognizes my voice and if looks could kill?…You see?
If these bigots wish to join the group? Let them join! There not bad people.

There’s all different walks of life in this battle against the Evil Irving Empire.

It’s so bad that if it was 200 years ago?

Every elite person would be executed and they would start anew!
It happened on many occasions during the course of history.
But I believe this time around? It’s a total different ballgame because the Government will not give the time for a certain group to organize.
The minute they go in public and cross that line? They will be arrested and thrown in jail therefore scaring other protesters!

This is the way is it!!!
Yes, my congratulation to the LNG group.
The whole City Council beside Ivan Court will be eliminated off the political map during the next election!

Keep up the fight!!!!
The only thing that scares me is that many will run for the Mayor position and splitting the votes.
Norm MacIrving could well be re-elected to the Mayor chair!!!!

You got to love our democratic system.
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