I had a very interesting day. It all began this morning when I bumped into Abel LeBlanc and we had a coffee and afterwards I decided to begin my trip on the North side of the City.

I believe it was a good idea so I could escape the bureaucrats in the Capital. So, there I was in the North Side walking in the deep branches looking for a few signatures for my petition.

It was a success!!!
I quickly found out that the Natives will quickly sign my papers.
It went so good that I decided to hang around the Parking Lot at the St.Mary’s Mall.
I collected more than 50 signatures and it was going will well until I was approached by a security guy asking me a question?

Once I began talking someone shouted on the other end of the radio- That’s Charlie!!! Escort him off the property immediately!!!
I said- Who’s at the other end of the radio?
He sounded like Dan Bussieres but I don’t believe that he followed me on the Indian Reservation.
I told the nice guy - What does he mean by escort me off the property?
What does this mean? It wasn’t the poor guy’s fault but he did walk me off to the sidewalk.

It didn’t make any sense because he could have just told me to stop collecting signatures.
The Natives were signing quickly especially when I mentioned the Irvings!

I understand that any Malls in the City would have done the same action. The people go there to shop and not to be confronted to sign a petition. The young guy was just following orders.
I went up the hill on the reservation and I collected a few more names.
One guy stops me and we headed for Stanley and I got a few more in that God’s Country.
This was my first time in Stanley and many have heard of this blogger.

So? The petition drive is going good but I’m sick and tired and repeating the darn story over and over.
But it gets very interesting when I mentioned the Irvings among our youths.
I guess the Irving’s commercial about the kids is not working.
Many are upset of the Irving Monopoly of Newspapers in this Province and Blogging is the only way to go!!!
I have more than 600 names on my petition and will collect 1,000 names by this weekend.
I’m tired but I will continue asking people for signatures.
The petition will be presented to the New Brunswick Legislature next week!!!
Stay tuned!!!!