This is such an important issue that I'm going to post the whole blog. You can read more on this sad story by going to the top left hand side. Go to search this blog and write c- 114 Brunswick Street.
A couple of hours ago, I walked by my old place 114 Brunswick Street.
From far away, I notice something very strange.
The door was open and I wasn’t sure if someone was moving in or out?
I have heard that Maurice the caretaker didn’t take anymore roomers and Mike was the lonely occupant.
I bumped into Mike a couple of weeks ago and he told me that Maurice was still in a demanding mood.
I told Mike that he should move out especially since he had a job.
Mike is an easy going guy. He even accepted Maurice new rule that if he wish to smoke? He would smoke outside.
Maurice has been on a power trip ever since he landed the job as caretaker.
He was so bad that no roomers had the rights to visitors.
This included family members. This is Maurice.
The Fredericton Police Force told me to go to the New Brunswick Human Rights Commission which in my opinion is a big waste of time. I had a good big room and it was ok.
Maurice was so bad that he forced a guy to sh@t in a garbage bag.
The poor tenant wasn’t allowed to used the washroom.
Ok going back to Mike?
A friend of his who I never met bought his vehicle over to help Mike move.
He had a small child with him and he told me- I don’t know this Maurice guy but I would punched the guy right in the mouth!!!
His buddy Wally was helping Mike moved and he also wasn’t a happy camper.
He told me the story. From what I’m told?
Mike and Wally were in the back yard having a couple of drinks.
It was during the evening and they were quiet.
Maurice came out and never said a word.
I guess Maurice don’t even want the roomers to have visitors in the yard.
Mike walked in and said- I guess that I’m evicted?
Maurice never said a whisper and went to bed.
Mike went to work the next morning.
Late in the day, he arrive home to find out that Maurice has change the lock of the door.
Mike couldn’t get in.
He needed his medication in his room. He tried to go in through his window but Maurice went into his room and locked the window.
He told Mike to come back in a few days to get all his stuff.
Maurice does that a lot. He locks people out and goes through their stuff. He decides what to throw out or keep. width="500" height="375" alt="a3" />
Mike had no choice but to wait till today to gather all his stuff because roomers or boarders have no rights in New Brunswick.
Mike knew from past experience that it was no use calling the police because they would mention the New Brunswick Human Rights Commission and this could take years.
Am I upset? Yes I am because I was told that the Commission will announced in a few weeks that roomers and boarders are not human and should be treated like animals.
Of course, they is not going to be the exact words but a person can read between the lines.
The emotional question is this?
What the hell is going on around the Province that we don’t know about????
I talked to a few people about this issue and we must get ready to protest the New Brunswick Human Rights Commission.
I have been very silent about those people but all hell could break lose during the next few weeks.
The poor must stand up and fight but then again?
Once we land in court. New Brunswick Legal Aid will say - Sorry!!!! You’re on your own buddy!!!
How much more can the poor take from the bureaucrats in Fredericton?
I’m planning to meet up someday with Mike and I’ll write more. Stay tune.
P.S. I didn’t know Maurice had the Christmas sprit in him.
I wonder if Mike get some money back? This is only the beginning of the month.
Saturday, August 05, 2006
The Senate didn't say much in their report. Isn't it time that the Irvings print only one paper for the whole Province?
They have the same Editorial staff anyway.
This talk show cause Bernard lord to lose the by-election in Saint John last year.
Tanker Malley will never see this again but the sad part is that the bureaucrat stays!!!
He's done once the Provincial Election is called. People person??? YEAHHH RIGHT!!!11 The sad part is that the bureaucrats and the Quebec security staff took advantage of his weak mind!!!
It's good for my ADHD!!!
I found this tennis ball this week and I've been walking with the ball during the last few days. I feel like a kid again. It stops my five ADHD minds from racing.
I remember the days in the class rooms. I would always play with my pencils. Maybe kids with ADHD should have some type of a ball to play with in the classroom? Would be better than Ritalin.
We're always on the move and it's very difficult to stay still.
The reason that I'm upset with this guy is that he over rule the wishes of the citizens in Memramcook and sided with the Irvings to built a Rock quarry.