Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Anna Sutherland needs help!!!!
I took this picture this evening on the North Side of Fredericton. I guess she has Cancer. Maybe someone can add some more details on her condition and needs?

Agent Orange - Will Greg Thompson deliver???
"All victims should be compensated" - Greg Thompson MP
The New Brunswick Telegraph-Journal reported that Conservative MP Greg Thompson is drafting legislation aimed at forcing the federal government to compensate all victims of Agent Orange sprayed at CFB Gagetown in the 1960s. Mr. Thompson said that a private member’s bill or motion is needed to make sure civilians are not overlooked in any federal compensation package. According to him, “it’s just a matter of fairness. All victims should be compensated.” (2/6 NBTJ A4)
It is always interesting to look at the past especially when it comes to noting what politicans have said. Perhaps Mr Thompson can explain what the Conservative government is doing to"make sure that civilians are not overlooked".
There has been no mention of a compensation package for civilians. The Conservative government has only spoken of compensation for soldiers harmed in the years 1966 and 1967by Agent Orange. It certainly appears that they choose to ignore the other 26 years from 1956 to 1984.
The Conservative government has used the Gagetown defoliant issue as an opportunity to garner votes in the last election.
They are using the issue again to garner votes in a possible upcoming election otherwise the "ex-gratia payment" that is to be paid would have been issued.
They are stalling plain and simple.
Art Connolly
Vice President
Agent Orange Association of Canada
The CFB Gagetown Agent Orange petition is located at www.petitiononline.com/aoalert
The New Brunswick Telegraph-Journal reported that Conservative MP Greg Thompson is drafting legislation aimed at forcing the federal government to compensate all victims of Agent Orange sprayed at CFB Gagetown in the 1960s. Mr. Thompson said that a private member’s bill or motion is needed to make sure civilians are not overlooked in any federal compensation package. According to him, “it’s just a matter of fairness. All victims should be compensated.” (2/6 NBTJ A4)
It is always interesting to look at the past especially when it comes to noting what politicans have said. Perhaps Mr Thompson can explain what the Conservative government is doing to"make sure that civilians are not overlooked".
There has been no mention of a compensation package for civilians. The Conservative government has only spoken of compensation for soldiers harmed in the years 1966 and 1967by Agent Orange. It certainly appears that they choose to ignore the other 26 years from 1956 to 1984.
The Conservative government has used the Gagetown defoliant issue as an opportunity to garner votes in the last election.
They are using the issue again to garner votes in a possible upcoming election otherwise the "ex-gratia payment" that is to be paid would have been issued.
They are stalling plain and simple.
Art Connolly
Vice President
Agent Orange Association of Canada
The CFB Gagetown Agent Orange petition is located at www.petitiononline.com/aoalert

You could say that I was on an ADHD trip yesterday.
Every since I came face to face with Dan Bussieres last week on the ground of the New Brunswick Legislature.

It was the first time that I realize that the Sergeant At Arms meant business.
He spent all kinds of money to have me fired from the job at the Legislature.

Someone made a lot of money.
It’s been a chess game ever since I first landed in the Capital in 2002 and he seems to wish the game to continue?
He let it known that if I set foot on the ground of the Legislature? I would be charge with Assault!!!

But I do have one question?
The day before I had this picture taken with the Speaker of the House Eugene McGinley

All the commissionaires were all present but nothing happen?

I might add they have a video film with me on the ground?
Why don’t they charge me and get it over with?
There’s one thing that I wanted to make very clear yesterday so therefore I had to meet with the Chief of Police Barry MacKnight
The Police were called last week and I believe it was a cop who shouted at me to come over? < I’m not sure>
One thing is certain? If I’m charged on a false accusation? < just as in Saint John? >
I have to tell the Police Chief what’s going on?
I emailed the Police Chief so I’m on record for warning the Fredericton Police Force in advance.

Of course, there would have to be a trial and those four individuals will have to step forward and testify < I think so? >

But the main reason that I banned comes directly from the Premier’s office therefore I had to move fast.
I made a few political contacts and maybe? Just maybe we can put this issue behind us and move on?
I’m ready to put this like water under the bridge but I don’t believe Quebecois Dan Bussieres will see it this way?
I don’t want this issue to come public but I’m dealing with very high powerful people here who insist that the battle continue.
The right to know the reasons < I only know of one!!! > must be known!!!
I must find out who those four individuals are?
If you’re a newcomer? Read a story that was in the media concerning the ban!
Stay tuned!!!!
They're holding a meeting tonight at UNBSJ!!!!
They knew the poor can't make it there so this is the reason it's located in that area. It's very far for the poor to walk in the cold.
Shame on these bureaucrats!!!!
Why not hold the meeting in the North End or the South Part of Saint John?
They are very lucky that I can't make it because I would give them a piece of my mind.
I wonder how much money these bureaucrats are making to travel around the Province?
They knew the poor can't make it there so this is the reason it's located in that area. It's very far for the poor to walk in the cold.
Shame on these bureaucrats!!!!
Why not hold the meeting in the North End or the South Part of Saint John?
They are very lucky that I can't make it because I would give them a piece of my mind.
I wonder how much money these bureaucrats are making to travel around the Province?
The Liberals truly have an open door policy!!!
God's Minute!!!
NOTE: If you have not received God's Minute in the last few days, it is because we lost our Internet connection Saturday Morning and didn't get the problem solved until last night. Both AT & T and our computer expert were stumped as to the problem and we all worked on it all weekend! Finally last night we found it and are back up running for now. I pray this will not happen again, however if it does our web site will have a notice on it and keep you updated. Simply go to www.godsminute.com when you do not receive the message for information.
Now today's message...
( 1 CORINTHIANS 13:4-7 *NIV )
Dear Charles,
Our society today often confuses love with lust. True love,
like the kind God shows toward us, is directed outward toward
others not inward toward ourselves.
Therefore we are to show others God's unselfish love
everyday. For it is written: NOBODY SHOULD SEEK HIS
( GALATIANS 5:26 ) Instead we should be: BE KIND AND
( EPHESIANS 4:32 )
Also Charles, remember that there is joy to be found in
giving to others without expecting anything in return! After all
that kind of unselfish love is the kind that God fills His
Children with, and expects His Children to show to one
another as well.
Have a wonderful Friday my friend, and let your love light
shine brightly. For after all, GOD IS LOVE. ( 1 JOHN 4:16 )
and you are His Child! So smile and have a Wonderful
Weekend. Amen.
With My Love & Prayers,
your servant Allen
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Apostle Paul Ministries, P O Box 55996, Hayward, CA 94545
(c) Copyright 2007 by Apostle Paul Ministries
This Daily Message was sent by request to:
Charles Leblanc at
This is one celebration she won't forget for a long time.
Hang in there kid!!!!
Hang in there kid!!!!
Look who's on my site reading the blog???? Ohhhh Boy!!!!!!! Dan Bussieres must have made a phone call????

Domain Name (Unknown)
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ISP Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Continent : North America
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State/Region : Ontario
City : Ottawa
Lat/Long : 45.4167, -75.7 (Map)
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Operating System Microsoft WinXP
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Time of Visit Feb 12 2007 11:38:23 pm
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Visit Number 198,706

Domain Name (Unknown)
IP Address 199.212.150.# (Royal Canadian Mounted Police)
ISP Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Continent : North America
Country : Canada (Facts)
State/Region : Ontario
City : Ottawa
Lat/Long : 45.4167, -75.7 (Map)
Language unknown
Operating System Microsoft WinXP
Browser Internet Explorer 6.0
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; INFOWEB-APPROVED; INFOWEB-APPROVED-IE6-EN; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)
Javascript disabled
Time of Visit Feb 12 2007 11:38:23 pm
Last Page View Feb 12 2007 11:39:57 pm
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Charles gives an interview to a reporter from Alberta on the information Highway!!!!
OK....I wrote this very quick but I'm going to blog and I'm certain the readers could add a few good or bad comments.....lol...excuse my grammar because I wrote this one very quickly!!!!!
1. Who is Charles LeBlanc?
I was born in 1959 in Memramcook. As a child I was totally out of control < still is!! >..lol...I have true ADHD! I was very hyper and sadly nobody knew about ADHD in those days.
I was so hyper that I rode a ten speed bicycle across Canada and the U.S. in the late 70s.
I rode 25.000 milles on a ten speed.
If I would have known in those days about ADHD? Maybe things would have end up better in my life? Who truly knows?
I found out that I had ADHD 8 years ago.
I was very well known for my letters to the Irving papers. I got printed around 500 letters.
I wrote a column < only column in the Irving paper > and I received many phone calls from parents crying on the phone of the way their kids were treated in our school system
I was never married but lived with a few girls and I have no kids.< THANK GOD FOR THAT!!!>
Can you imagine another Charles LeBlanc?..lol
I decided to take the issue head on with the Government.
I protested in a tent for six months and collected 10,000 signatures asking the Government to do a study on the way our kids are being drugged but to no avail.
I am praying that the new Government will pay attention to this issue.
What really keeps me going is my faith.
I didn’t know Pere Emery Briene was located in Fredericton.
What’s the odds that I have no kids < thank God for that!! > and I find out that I have ADHD.
I ended up in the Capital and the politicians and bureaucrats have to see my ugly face every day and my best friend is the Priest whom I have known for 42 years.
I’m sorry but there’s someone directing me who has much more power than I do?
I am not a born again freak but I’m a very strong believer there’s a reason for everything!!!!
(ie, age, kids, married, job, birthplace, whatever tells the world WHO you are) What are the five most interesting things about you, or that you’ve contributed to this country.
1- I am very straight forward on my blog and in person.
2-It’s either you love me or hate moi!!!! There’s no in-between!
3-Once my day of judgement arrive? He cannot say that I didn’t try to help my fellow human being.
4- One interesting aspect is ME mother < Scottish style > was born in Glasgow Scotland!
There’s nothing more stubborn that a darn Scotsman! So therefore you mixed ADHD with that root?
Well? It’s quite a breed!!!..lol
5-I am not afraid to chat with Billionaires or high class individuals of society. I will asks direct questions or raise my concerns.
2. Why did you start ‘blogging’ and when and under what circumstances did you begin to consider yourself a “journalist”. I’ve read a lot of your website, but please give me the condensed version here.
Well? As I wrote earlier? I used to be regular in the Irving’s papers but the Irvings gave the orders not to print my letters to the editor.
I was approached by a guy whom we will call- WCIE < White Collar Irving Employee > asking me if I wanted to be a blogger?
In the past, I used to write daily updates to everyone on my list.
It was so bad that the Bernard Lord Government blocked me from writing! The issue was quickly solved once they found out that the media was going to cover my little story.
The media people in New Brunswick are good people and I call some of them good friends.A
At first, I wasn’t really interested in becoming a blogger because I truly didn’t understand what was a blogger?
I would soon found out that blogging is the way to go!!!!
In my case? It’s a good thing because I have ADHD < Proud of it > I have five different brains so God knows what issue I will blog about?
Some bloggers only concentrate on a few issues and I find them borrriinnggg!!!!!
People search different issues on different search engines and my blog siite shows up.
As in the old way of sending an email? Once a person read it? They deleted the email and that was that!!!!
I am not a journalist! I am a blogge!!!
I report news with an opinion on the issue in hand!!!
As someone told me a few months ago? I love your blog Charles but not for what you write? I enjoy the comments! It’s the comments that keeps this blog going. I just wish that the idiots would stay away.
I live in a small room. I was a little stereo system on one side and cable TV and the computer on the other. I wake up in the morning and make a coffee. The first thing I do is read the comments. < I had to control them > Nothing better than starting your day by reading- Charles LeBlanc You’re an idiot!!!!....I post the comments and the war of words begins.
Many are telling me ignore the comments and keep on blogging. Sometime, I will debate in the section of the comments section.
3. What is your current status? Are you still banned from the legislature and why? What’s happened since your famous arrest during the protest? Are you still mad the policeman erased your photos, and was it all your photos, or just the one you took of the police man ? Also, are you still not allowed in the legislature press gallery and if so, how do you feel about that.
To this day, I am still banned from the Legislature. What really bother me if the fact that I wasn’t told the reasons I was banned in the first place?
Kelly Lamrock < Liberal Minister > I agreed that I should be banned for life so he told me one of the reason and I was very upset.
To this day, I refuse to go public with this issue but I tell everyone on the streets of thqat reason. Many would wish that the issue would just go away but it won’t because we’re dealing with Quebecers running the Legislature.
For the life of me? I can’t understand why New Brunswickers are not in charge of their own House?
Not too many New Brunswickers are working a L’Assemblee National au Quebec! That’s for sure!
Am I upset with the Saint John Police Force? I find it funny that once the trial was over? I began asking myself some deep questions about my arrest. I will meet the Saint John Police Chief next week and maybe I will get some answers.
I believe we’re dealing with very powerful people who gave the orders to arrest me? Who truly knows?
John Parks < police officer > told the court that he deleted one picture only!!! He lied because there were well over 200 photos in that camera.
Charles LeBlanc witnessing a protest and only took one photo? Many would love that I only took a few picture only but this will never happen because I am always looking for that perfect shot!!!!
Once the ban is lifted? I will make a application from a Press pass but I don’t believe that I will be granted one because the Irvings owns all the major newspapers in this Province and I don’t believe they want me in there!!!!
4. how are bloggers changing Canada , politics, the media, and the world?
Bloggers are good for the media because during a very slow news day almost all the media visits my blog for stories.
I find that if I have a concern on a issue? Things moves a little faster because they don’t wish to blogged?
There’s bloggers all over the place on the information Highway but the secret is to bring the readerr to re-visit the site.
New brunswick has no Talk shows and freedom of speech is truly limited so therefore I believe that blogging will play a role in New Brunswick in the future.
5. If you had to pick one Canadian journalist, who do you most respect and why?
The guy that I truly respect ids political cartoonist Josh Beutel.
He left the Irving’s newspaper a few months ago because he refuse to follow the Irving way!
I always loved his work and I wish that he would share his talent in my blog!!! The problem is that it would be free from his part!!! This blogger is poor!!!..lol
Josh is my hero. I have been following his work for a very long time.
6. Why do you think police picked on you that day?
Well, these answers will come after my meeting with the Police Chief but I’m almost certain that there’s a connection with a protest that was held two weeks earlier in Fredericton.
I posted some pictures of the arrest in the Capital. ATV News used them in a news story them therefore leaving a black eye to the Fredericton police Force.
I was arrested two weeks later. I believe there’s a connection but we’ll see?
The scary part of the arrest was that I was told by the defense lawyer in a stern matter that I had to
represent myself in court.
This would have been an impossible task. Thank God lawyer Harold Doherty step forward to defend me.
If it wasn’t for this Iron Horse? I would have been found guilty and would had a criminal record for the rest of my life.
The charge was obstruction! How many poor people are in jail because of these charges in new Brunswick because they had to represent themself in court.
Something is very wrong with this picture so therefore this is another issue that I took one. T.J. Burke< Justice Minister > promised me that he’ll look into it? We’ll see!!!
1. Who is Charles LeBlanc?
I was born in 1959 in Memramcook. As a child I was totally out of control < still is!! >..lol...I have true ADHD! I was very hyper and sadly nobody knew about ADHD in those days.
I was so hyper that I rode a ten speed bicycle across Canada and the U.S. in the late 70s.
I rode 25.000 milles on a ten speed.
If I would have known in those days about ADHD? Maybe things would have end up better in my life? Who truly knows?
I found out that I had ADHD 8 years ago.
I was very well known for my letters to the Irving papers. I got printed around 500 letters.
I wrote a column < only column in the Irving paper > and I received many phone calls from parents crying on the phone of the way their kids were treated in our school system
I was never married but lived with a few girls and I have no kids.< THANK GOD FOR THAT!!!>
Can you imagine another Charles LeBlanc?..lol
I decided to take the issue head on with the Government.
I protested in a tent for six months and collected 10,000 signatures asking the Government to do a study on the way our kids are being drugged but to no avail.
I am praying that the new Government will pay attention to this issue.
What really keeps me going is my faith.
I didn’t know Pere Emery Briene was located in Fredericton.
What’s the odds that I have no kids < thank God for that!! > and I find out that I have ADHD.
I ended up in the Capital and the politicians and bureaucrats have to see my ugly face every day and my best friend is the Priest whom I have known for 42 years.
I’m sorry but there’s someone directing me who has much more power than I do?
I am not a born again freak but I’m a very strong believer there’s a reason for everything!!!!
(ie, age, kids, married, job, birthplace, whatever tells the world WHO you are) What are the five most interesting things about you, or that you’ve contributed to this country.
1- I am very straight forward on my blog and in person.
2-It’s either you love me or hate moi!!!! There’s no in-between!
3-Once my day of judgement arrive? He cannot say that I didn’t try to help my fellow human being.
4- One interesting aspect is ME mother < Scottish style > was born in Glasgow Scotland!
There’s nothing more stubborn that a darn Scotsman! So therefore you mixed ADHD with that root?
Well? It’s quite a breed!!!..lol
5-I am not afraid to chat with Billionaires or high class individuals of society. I will asks direct questions or raise my concerns.
2. Why did you start ‘blogging’ and when and under what circumstances did you begin to consider yourself a “journalist”. I’ve read a lot of your website, but please give me the condensed version here.
Well? As I wrote earlier? I used to be regular in the Irving’s papers but the Irvings gave the orders not to print my letters to the editor.
I was approached by a guy whom we will call- WCIE < White Collar Irving Employee > asking me if I wanted to be a blogger?
In the past, I used to write daily updates to everyone on my list.
It was so bad that the Bernard Lord Government blocked me from writing! The issue was quickly solved once they found out that the media was going to cover my little story.
The media people in New Brunswick are good people and I call some of them good friends.A
At first, I wasn’t really interested in becoming a blogger because I truly didn’t understand what was a blogger?
I would soon found out that blogging is the way to go!!!!
In my case? It’s a good thing because I have ADHD < Proud of it > I have five different brains so God knows what issue I will blog about?
Some bloggers only concentrate on a few issues and I find them borrriinnggg!!!!!
People search different issues on different search engines and my blog siite shows up.
As in the old way of sending an email? Once a person read it? They deleted the email and that was that!!!!
I am not a journalist! I am a blogge!!!
I report news with an opinion on the issue in hand!!!
As someone told me a few months ago? I love your blog Charles but not for what you write? I enjoy the comments! It’s the comments that keeps this blog going. I just wish that the idiots would stay away.
I live in a small room. I was a little stereo system on one side and cable TV and the computer on the other. I wake up in the morning and make a coffee. The first thing I do is read the comments. < I had to control them > Nothing better than starting your day by reading- Charles LeBlanc You’re an idiot!!!!....I post the comments and the war of words begins.
Many are telling me ignore the comments and keep on blogging. Sometime, I will debate in the section of the comments section.
3. What is your current status? Are you still banned from the legislature and why? What’s happened since your famous arrest during the protest? Are you still mad the policeman erased your photos, and was it all your photos, or just the one you took of the police man ? Also, are you still not allowed in the legislature press gallery and if so, how do you feel about that.
To this day, I am still banned from the Legislature. What really bother me if the fact that I wasn’t told the reasons I was banned in the first place?
Kelly Lamrock < Liberal Minister > I agreed that I should be banned for life so he told me one of the reason and I was very upset.
To this day, I refuse to go public with this issue but I tell everyone on the streets of thqat reason. Many would wish that the issue would just go away but it won’t because we’re dealing with Quebecers running the Legislature.
For the life of me? I can’t understand why New Brunswickers are not in charge of their own House?
Not too many New Brunswickers are working a L’Assemblee National au Quebec! That’s for sure!
Am I upset with the Saint John Police Force? I find it funny that once the trial was over? I began asking myself some deep questions about my arrest. I will meet the Saint John Police Chief next week and maybe I will get some answers.
I believe we’re dealing with very powerful people who gave the orders to arrest me? Who truly knows?
John Parks < police officer > told the court that he deleted one picture only!!! He lied because there were well over 200 photos in that camera.
Charles LeBlanc witnessing a protest and only took one photo? Many would love that I only took a few picture only but this will never happen because I am always looking for that perfect shot!!!!
Once the ban is lifted? I will make a application from a Press pass but I don’t believe that I will be granted one because the Irvings owns all the major newspapers in this Province and I don’t believe they want me in there!!!!
4. how are bloggers changing Canada , politics, the media, and the world?
Bloggers are good for the media because during a very slow news day almost all the media visits my blog for stories.
I find that if I have a concern on a issue? Things moves a little faster because they don’t wish to blogged?
There’s bloggers all over the place on the information Highway but the secret is to bring the readerr to re-visit the site.
New brunswick has no Talk shows and freedom of speech is truly limited so therefore I believe that blogging will play a role in New Brunswick in the future.
5. If you had to pick one Canadian journalist, who do you most respect and why?
The guy that I truly respect ids political cartoonist Josh Beutel.
He left the Irving’s newspaper a few months ago because he refuse to follow the Irving way!
I always loved his work and I wish that he would share his talent in my blog!!! The problem is that it would be free from his part!!! This blogger is poor!!!..lol
Josh is my hero. I have been following his work for a very long time.
6. Why do you think police picked on you that day?
Well, these answers will come after my meeting with the Police Chief but I’m almost certain that there’s a connection with a protest that was held two weeks earlier in Fredericton.
I posted some pictures of the arrest in the Capital. ATV News used them in a news story them therefore leaving a black eye to the Fredericton police Force.
I was arrested two weeks later. I believe there’s a connection but we’ll see?
The scary part of the arrest was that I was told by the defense lawyer in a stern matter that I had to
represent myself in court.
This would have been an impossible task. Thank God lawyer Harold Doherty step forward to defend me.
If it wasn’t for this Iron Horse? I would have been found guilty and would had a criminal record for the rest of my life.
The charge was obstruction! How many poor people are in jail because of these charges in new Brunswick because they had to represent themself in court.
Something is very wrong with this picture so therefore this is another issue that I took one. T.J. Burke< Justice Minister > promised me that he’ll look into it? We’ll see!!!
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