On the day after I ended my protest against the Lord Government for exploitation of addictive behavior through Video Lottery Machines strewn about in our communities and the destruction this causes.

I wanted to go into the legislature to say my good-byes and thank a number of Liberal MLA’s as well as a couple of Conservative MLA’s but upon entering the front entrance Security notified The Sergeant at Arm’s office from there I was told I would have to leave the premises immediately.
The Sergeant at arms said the Speaker of the House left word with him that I was not to be in the Legislature.
He said to come back in about a half hour and he would have it cleared up by then but upon arrival again there was some confusion about whether or not I was allowed in the building?
I was told to wait outside the front entrance until someone speaks to the Speaker of the House.
After about 20 minutes or so Security came to let me know I could now come inside but was restricted to the Gallery only.
Now my problem with this situation is this – The first time I had protested outside the Legislature in January of this year I was invited to listen to arguments on the floor of the House on the issue of vlt’s by members of the opposition ( Liberal as well as NDP )

I was also allowed to store my bag of personal belongings in the House of Opposition It was also determined at that time I was no threat to any person.
I used my manners and did not speak out of turn nor did I ever raise my voice or swear I was considered by members of the House and Security to be a very approachable and well behaved individual.
On my final day of protest I was free to roam throughout the Legislator with no restrictions set upon me what so ever (Library, Cafeteria, Gallery, Sgt.at arms Office etc.)
I remained there for most of that day talking to members of the house as well as some reporters that were moving about within the lobby.
My question would be to the Speaker of the House as to why I was treated the way I was on my second trip to the Legislator?
Also on what basis did he make the determination that I was not to enter the Legislative Assembly Building?
Isn't the House for the people of New Brunswick?
My protest had ended the previous day and I was certainly not a threat to any persons there and so have no choice but to believe the Speaker of the House being
a Conservative member of the Lord Governing Party must have decided to take a personal grudge against my character to do what he has done in this regard and therefore with no justifiable means to support the decision he took by barring me from the Legislature on that day do hereby ask that he grant a Public
Timothy Smith
Saint John N.B.