My deepest sympathy to his Family and friends...

Many people are telling me to get out and try to locate a job?
Well? I came close landing a job last week.
After the verdict was read in court, myself and Tim Smith were heading over his place.
I noticed a chap bending over looking at some books in the book store in Brunswick Square.
I made a quick stop and tapped the guy on the shoulder.
He turned around and said- Ohhh Gravel pit???
I asked Tim if he knew this guy???
Tim replied- Ohhhh... I believe I saw him in Fredericton???
I quickly replied - Nope!!! Tim meet Mr.Irving!!!
You should have seen the look on Tim’s face?
Mr.Irving asked me to call him Jack!!!! It was Jack Irving.
He’s one of the three sons of K.C. Irving.
The reason he always calls me Gravel Pit is because I used to work in a Gravel Pit for Gulf Operators. < Ugh >
Anyway, I told Mr.Irving that I just came from court and the Judge called blogging a trade?
So Jack??? When can I begin working for the Irving’s papers???
< You know? Have my own column in the paper and I could write about any issue including some against the Irvings? >
I quickly went for my camera and once again asked the Billionaire for a picture? < Second time in months >
I reminded Jack that he was getting up there in age and I want a souvenir.
I never got my picture and I respected his privacy.
The only Irving I had luck with for James Irving!!!

Kenneth, Arthur Jr and Jack all declined. Here's one about Kenneth Irving- Click below-
One thing is certain. Where else in the western world that a Billionaire can walk around freely without any bodyguards?
Isn’t New Brunswick a beautiful place to live???