Wednesday, September 14, 2005
I have been telling the Lord Government for the last five years - In front of the Justice Building in Fredericton flies The Canadian, New Brunswick and Acadian Flag. Where the Union Jack? Is Justice in New Brunswick only good for the Acadian Population???


Times & Transcript | Health - News
As published on page A7 on September 14, 2005
Metro Moncton ADD clinic busy
Moncton MD helps diagnose learning difficulties in children
A Moncton pediatrician is making sure every student has a chance to be successful in the classroom.
In the one month that Dr. Margaret Hurst has operated her clinic that specializes in treating attention deficit disorder and learning disabilities, she has seen more than 230 children.
"Right now our waiting list is until November," Hurst said.
"As a team approach (children) not only see me for a thorough, physical examination and a history but they also see other members of my staff who can test them for problems with either learning or problems with attention," Hurst said.
"What we're trying to do is create a clinic where the testing can be done and done appropriately and make a diagnosis that is correct for that particular child. It doesn't always mean medication."
Hurst's office is on referral only from general practitioners and she has been working with children from Metro Moncton and beyond, including Campbellton and Amherst.
While the clinic doesn't provide formal testing, it does conduct neuro developmental tests to determine if a learning problem exists.
"Then we can pinpoint that to the school (the child attends) and they can specifically test that area," Hurst said.
"If the school's waiting list is lengthy you could use an outside psychologist to do that formal testing in that area," Hurst said.
The clinic also provides both children and parents with behaviour modification training to better understand the child's behaviour and to learn how to handle it.
Hurst has worked as a general pediatrician in Metro Moncton since 2002 and noticed there was a need in the community for help for children with learning issues.
"From talking with families, (the children) would be put on waiting lists for long periods of time, so that way we could create a clinic that could get those kids through a little quicker," Hurst said.

Right now, Hurst works with a behaviour interventionist who helps with the testing and by October she hopes to add a psychologist to her complement.
She is also meeting with representatives from the school districts, the Learning Disabilities Association, local psychologists, psychiatrists, Moncton Family Services and Mental Health to give them the opportunity to find out more about her operation.
"Our goal is for each child to be successful and to be the best that they can possibly be," Hurst said.
This is what I'm concern about. It's on the front page of the Saint John Paper telling the readers how great they are!!!!

NB Telegraph-Journal | Saint John
As published on page B1 on September 14, 2005
Click to zoom (David Nickerson/Telegraph-Journal)
Rideau Construction of Saint John is to begin work today on the $4.1-million, 1,000-seat plus Saunders Irving Chapel in Sussex. But before that could happen, Bethany Bible College trustee Jean E. Irving, joined the college's president David S. Medders, left, and Dr. David Maxwell, co-chair of the Decade of Development capital campaign, for the ground-breaking ceremony Tuesday. Bethany is an accredited Bible college, preparing students for ordained ministries in the Wesleyan Church. The Decade of Development capital campaign is co-chaired by Dr. Maxwell, his wife Margaret, J.K. Irving and Mrs. Irving. The chapel project is phase one of the campaign. Phase two includes the construction of a new library and learning centre while phase three includes the building of an athletic and fitness centre.
This is the front page of the Restigouche tribune telling the public that the final solution is finally completed!!!

It's sounds more like this!

Once this guy took power? He controled the media and the rest was history! Same thing is happening in this province and there's nothing we can do about it. Of course, they don't go around executing people but they do force many families to leave New Brunswick!!!

Only those who dedicate their life and soul to the Irving Empire will be allowed to write letters to the editor or work in this Province.
Final solution? You tell moi????

NB Telegraph-Journal | Saint John
As published on page B1 on September 14, 2005
Click to zoom (David Nickerson/Telegraph-Journal)
Rideau Construction of Saint John is to begin work today on the $4.1-million, 1,000-seat plus Saunders Irving Chapel in Sussex. But before that could happen, Bethany Bible College trustee Jean E. Irving, joined the college's president David S. Medders, left, and Dr. David Maxwell, co-chair of the Decade of Development capital campaign, for the ground-breaking ceremony Tuesday. Bethany is an accredited Bible college, preparing students for ordained ministries in the Wesleyan Church. The Decade of Development capital campaign is co-chaired by Dr. Maxwell, his wife Margaret, J.K. Irving and Mrs. Irving. The chapel project is phase one of the campaign. Phase two includes the construction of a new library and learning centre while phase three includes the building of an athletic and fitness centre.
This is the front page of the Restigouche tribune telling the public that the final solution is finally completed!!!

It's sounds more like this!

Once this guy took power? He controled the media and the rest was history! Same thing is happening in this province and there's nothing we can do about it. Of course, they don't go around executing people but they do force many families to leave New Brunswick!!!

Only those who dedicate their life and soul to the Irving Empire will be allowed to write letters to the editor or work in this Province.
Final solution? You tell moi????

Someone just send me this one. It's dated 2001 but it's true that Ritalin is like Cocaine and Bernard Lord even if 10,000 citizens signed my petition to do a study is telling the public- THE DRUGGING AND THE KILLING OF OUR CHILDREN WILL CONTINUE TILL OCTOBER 15TH, 2007!!!!

New Research Indicts Ritalin
September 7, 2001
By Kelly Patricia O Meara
Thirty years ago the World Health Organization (WHO) concluded that Ritalin was pharmacologically similar to cocaine in the pattern of abuse it fostered and cited it as a Schedule II drug — the most addictive in medical use. The Department of Justice also cited Ritalin as a Schedule II drug under the Controlled Substances Act, and the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) warned that “Ritalin substitutes for cocaine and d-amphetamine in a number of behavioral paradigms.”
Despite decades of official warnings and supporting research confirming the similarities of methylphenidate (Ritalin) and cocaine, tens of millions of children in the United States have been prescribed this psychotropic drug for a widely accepted yet scientifically unproved mental condition: attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Now a recently concluded study at the Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) not only confirms the similarities of cocaine and Ritalin, but finds that Ritalin is more potent than cocaine in its effect on the dopamine system, which many doctors believe is one of the areas of the brain most affected by drugs such as Ritalin and cocaine.
The outcome of this research was so surprising that team leader Nora Volkow, a psychiatrist who is associate laboratory director for life sciences at BNL, told the media that she and the team were “shocked as hell” at the results. “The data,” explains Volkow, “clearly show that the notion that Ritalin is a weak stimulant is completely incorrect.”
This revelation should be of no surprise to the medical and psychiatric communities, given the already documented warnings about methylphenidate by federal law-enforcement agencies and international organizations, but it is noteworthy on one level. Volkow’s newly released research reinforces what critics long have known — that the “medication” being prescribed for ADHD is not merely similar to cocaine but is in fact more potent. And the results raise further questions about the validity and repercussions of having an entire generation of children diagnosed with a “mental disorder” or “brain disease” which to date has no basis in physical science.
Volkow’s findings, published in the Journal of Neuroscience and reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association, may act as a wake-up call to parents, educators and lawmakers who have yet to address the question of whether ADHD is a real physical, medical or neurological disease that can be scientifically confirmed or is even confirmable. Because the ADHD diagnosis is the No. 1 reason for drugging school-age children, and Volkow’s research reconfirms that Ritalin isn’t just kid stuff, parents may want to re-evaluate their child’s treatment. The numbers alone are a telling sign of where the push to medicate is going.
According to the DEA, the number of prescriptions written for Ritalin since 1991 has increased by a factor of five (2.2 million) and about 80 percent of the 11 million prescriptions written for Ritalin are to “treat” ADHD. This means that nearly 9 million children have been prescribed the cocainelike “medication.”
Furthermore, according to a study published last February in the Journal of the American Medical Association, “Trends in the Prescribing of Psychotropic Medications to Preschoolers,” psychotropic medications have tripled in preschoolers ages 2 to 4 during a five-year period. More disturbing, say critics, given Volkow’s recent revelations, is that during the last 15 years the use of Ritalin increased by 311 percent for those ages 15 to 19 and 170 percent for those ages 5 to 14.
The most recent figures available reveal that in 1998 there were approximately 46 million children in kindergarten through grade 12. Twenty percent — one of every five children in school — have been doped with the mind-altering drug.
This can be good news only for investors in the Swiss-based pharmaceutical company Novartis, which makes Ritalin. For instance, if the number of children taking the drug increased fivefold, so did the drug company’s resultant profits and (presumably) stock value. In a June 28, 1999, article, “Doping Kids,” Insight estimated that Novartis generated an increase in its stock-market value of $1,236 per child prescribed Ritalin. Based on these evaluations, the drug company would have enjoyed an increased stock-market value of approximately $10 billion or more since 1991.
In fact, the number of children being prescribed the cocainelike drug is rising at such a rate that, while good for investors, if ADHD were based on science and were a communicable disease, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention would consider it a major medical epidemic among America’s youth. In the meantime, prescriptions continue to increase even as researchers continue to focus on the effect of psychotropic drugs such as Ritalin rather than on how scientifically to verify or validate the diagnosis. And critics of this mass drugging have become convinced that is no accident.
Take neurologist Fred Baughman for example, who tells Insight, “Yes, they have proved and we’ve known for decades that Ritalin alters/damages/
changes the brain. But with no evidence that ADHD is a disease we also know that these children are normal. All this research [from Volkow at BNL] says to me is that 9 million children diagnosed as having ADHD are being damaged by Ritalin just as with cocaine and every other psychotropic drug.”
“The point,” explains Baughman, “is that normal children are being drugged exactly like the Cali and Medellín cartels, but under the guise of medication to help and with all in the medical community being knowing participants. She [Volkow] found something very alarming about Ritalin and at the same time is writing like ADHD is a proven thing — that ADHD is a real disease. It just isn’t so. It’s pure propaganda and there never has been proof of a specific chemical [or] physical abnormality in children diagnosed with the alleged ADHD. None.”
Renay Tanner, an expert in human rights and psychiatry and a doctoral candidate in sociomedical sciences at Columbia University, tells Insight, “Volkow isn’t saying anything new. She’s just looked at the issue with a different technique. The important thing to remember is that no child ever has died from ADHD, yet a number of children have died from the ‘treatment,’ not to mention the brain damage, stunted growth and suicidal feelings they experience. One has to ask why children are being targeted for the myth of the chemical imbalance when no one can show that an alleged sufferer has a chemical imbalance and no one — certainly not the medical community — even knows what such a chemical imbalance might be.”
Tanner continues: “The brain is too complex and our understanding of it is too minimal to be giving children these drugs. We know the drugs cause harm to the brain but have yet to find any real evidence that they are helpful. Sure, the drugs may shut them up, and I suppose that’s good for the parents and teachers, but is it good for the children? I strongly believe that the federal government should remove the financial incentives from school districts as a kind of reward for the number of children put on these drugs. After all, why does the government do this? Is it good intentions gone bad or social policy with unintended consequences? At the most, Volkow’s research is excellent evidence that children should not be given Ritalin. One has to ask why this research wasn’t done before millions of children were put on a mind-altering drug.”
Despite Volkow’s revelations about Ritalin’s potency, critics don’t see changes in the status quo anytime soon. Beverly Eakman, founder of the National Education Consortium, a nonprofit corporation specializing in education law, and the author of Cloning of the American Mind, tells Insight, “The agenda is to dope as many kids as possible because it makes them more suggestible — more open to doing what normally they wouldn’t do.”
According to Eakman, “These drugs make children more manageable, not necessarily better. ADHD is a phenomenon, not a ‘brain disease.’ It is culture-caused, and what we need to focus on is that we are manufacturing drugs for diseases that don’t exist. Because the diagnosis of ADHD is fraudulent, it doesn’t matter whether a drug ‘works.’ You’ve got doctors being encouraged to prescribe these drugs whenever a complaint from a patient is too difficult or costly to diagnose. Why aren’t people up in arms about the fact that children are being forced to take a drug that is stronger than cocaine for a disease that is yet to be proven?”
Critics of the ADHD diagnosis have been asking this question for years, but the psychiatric community appears to have turned more and more to medicating. A closer look at what leaders in psychiatry are saying may prove helpful. In January, for example, National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) Director Steve Hyman reported at the NIMH Advisory Council meeting that “we can make correct clinical diagnoses if the right kind of evaluation is available to children. When proper diagnosis is made, methylphenidate/Ritalin can be safe and effective.” Hyman warned: “We ignore mood disorders in children at our peril. Just because a child is in their seat doesn’t mean they are okay.”
Critics suggest that it also doesn’t mean that they aren’t okay, and that Hyman’s remarks only confirm that psychiatric diagnosis is subjective — that diagnosis of mental health depends upon who is looking.

New Research Indicts Ritalin
September 7, 2001
By Kelly Patricia O Meara
Thirty years ago the World Health Organization (WHO) concluded that Ritalin was pharmacologically similar to cocaine in the pattern of abuse it fostered and cited it as a Schedule II drug — the most addictive in medical use. The Department of Justice also cited Ritalin as a Schedule II drug under the Controlled Substances Act, and the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) warned that “Ritalin substitutes for cocaine and d-amphetamine in a number of behavioral paradigms.”
Despite decades of official warnings and supporting research confirming the similarities of methylphenidate (Ritalin) and cocaine, tens of millions of children in the United States have been prescribed this psychotropic drug for a widely accepted yet scientifically unproved mental condition: attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Now a recently concluded study at the Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) not only confirms the similarities of cocaine and Ritalin, but finds that Ritalin is more potent than cocaine in its effect on the dopamine system, which many doctors believe is one of the areas of the brain most affected by drugs such as Ritalin and cocaine.
The outcome of this research was so surprising that team leader Nora Volkow, a psychiatrist who is associate laboratory director for life sciences at BNL, told the media that she and the team were “shocked as hell” at the results. “The data,” explains Volkow, “clearly show that the notion that Ritalin is a weak stimulant is completely incorrect.”
This revelation should be of no surprise to the medical and psychiatric communities, given the already documented warnings about methylphenidate by federal law-enforcement agencies and international organizations, but it is noteworthy on one level. Volkow’s newly released research reinforces what critics long have known — that the “medication” being prescribed for ADHD is not merely similar to cocaine but is in fact more potent. And the results raise further questions about the validity and repercussions of having an entire generation of children diagnosed with a “mental disorder” or “brain disease” which to date has no basis in physical science.
Volkow’s findings, published in the Journal of Neuroscience and reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association, may act as a wake-up call to parents, educators and lawmakers who have yet to address the question of whether ADHD is a real physical, medical or neurological disease that can be scientifically confirmed or is even confirmable. Because the ADHD diagnosis is the No. 1 reason for drugging school-age children, and Volkow’s research reconfirms that Ritalin isn’t just kid stuff, parents may want to re-evaluate their child’s treatment. The numbers alone are a telling sign of where the push to medicate is going.
According to the DEA, the number of prescriptions written for Ritalin since 1991 has increased by a factor of five (2.2 million) and about 80 percent of the 11 million prescriptions written for Ritalin are to “treat” ADHD. This means that nearly 9 million children have been prescribed the cocainelike “medication.”
Furthermore, according to a study published last February in the Journal of the American Medical Association, “Trends in the Prescribing of Psychotropic Medications to Preschoolers,” psychotropic medications have tripled in preschoolers ages 2 to 4 during a five-year period. More disturbing, say critics, given Volkow’s recent revelations, is that during the last 15 years the use of Ritalin increased by 311 percent for those ages 15 to 19 and 170 percent for those ages 5 to 14.
The most recent figures available reveal that in 1998 there were approximately 46 million children in kindergarten through grade 12. Twenty percent — one of every five children in school — have been doped with the mind-altering drug.
This can be good news only for investors in the Swiss-based pharmaceutical company Novartis, which makes Ritalin. For instance, if the number of children taking the drug increased fivefold, so did the drug company’s resultant profits and (presumably) stock value. In a June 28, 1999, article, “Doping Kids,” Insight estimated that Novartis generated an increase in its stock-market value of $1,236 per child prescribed Ritalin. Based on these evaluations, the drug company would have enjoyed an increased stock-market value of approximately $10 billion or more since 1991.
In fact, the number of children being prescribed the cocainelike drug is rising at such a rate that, while good for investors, if ADHD were based on science and were a communicable disease, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention would consider it a major medical epidemic among America’s youth. In the meantime, prescriptions continue to increase even as researchers continue to focus on the effect of psychotropic drugs such as Ritalin rather than on how scientifically to verify or validate the diagnosis. And critics of this mass drugging have become convinced that is no accident.
Take neurologist Fred Baughman for example, who tells Insight, “Yes, they have proved and we’ve known for decades that Ritalin alters/damages/
changes the brain. But with no evidence that ADHD is a disease we also know that these children are normal. All this research [from Volkow at BNL] says to me is that 9 million children diagnosed as having ADHD are being damaged by Ritalin just as with cocaine and every other psychotropic drug.”
“The point,” explains Baughman, “is that normal children are being drugged exactly like the Cali and Medellín cartels, but under the guise of medication to help and with all in the medical community being knowing participants. She [Volkow] found something very alarming about Ritalin and at the same time is writing like ADHD is a proven thing — that ADHD is a real disease. It just isn’t so. It’s pure propaganda and there never has been proof of a specific chemical [or] physical abnormality in children diagnosed with the alleged ADHD. None.”
Renay Tanner, an expert in human rights and psychiatry and a doctoral candidate in sociomedical sciences at Columbia University, tells Insight, “Volkow isn’t saying anything new. She’s just looked at the issue with a different technique. The important thing to remember is that no child ever has died from ADHD, yet a number of children have died from the ‘treatment,’ not to mention the brain damage, stunted growth and suicidal feelings they experience. One has to ask why children are being targeted for the myth of the chemical imbalance when no one can show that an alleged sufferer has a chemical imbalance and no one — certainly not the medical community — even knows what such a chemical imbalance might be.”
Tanner continues: “The brain is too complex and our understanding of it is too minimal to be giving children these drugs. We know the drugs cause harm to the brain but have yet to find any real evidence that they are helpful. Sure, the drugs may shut them up, and I suppose that’s good for the parents and teachers, but is it good for the children? I strongly believe that the federal government should remove the financial incentives from school districts as a kind of reward for the number of children put on these drugs. After all, why does the government do this? Is it good intentions gone bad or social policy with unintended consequences? At the most, Volkow’s research is excellent evidence that children should not be given Ritalin. One has to ask why this research wasn’t done before millions of children were put on a mind-altering drug.”
Despite Volkow’s revelations about Ritalin’s potency, critics don’t see changes in the status quo anytime soon. Beverly Eakman, founder of the National Education Consortium, a nonprofit corporation specializing in education law, and the author of Cloning of the American Mind, tells Insight, “The agenda is to dope as many kids as possible because it makes them more suggestible — more open to doing what normally they wouldn’t do.”
According to Eakman, “These drugs make children more manageable, not necessarily better. ADHD is a phenomenon, not a ‘brain disease.’ It is culture-caused, and what we need to focus on is that we are manufacturing drugs for diseases that don’t exist. Because the diagnosis of ADHD is fraudulent, it doesn’t matter whether a drug ‘works.’ You’ve got doctors being encouraged to prescribe these drugs whenever a complaint from a patient is too difficult or costly to diagnose. Why aren’t people up in arms about the fact that children are being forced to take a drug that is stronger than cocaine for a disease that is yet to be proven?”
Critics of the ADHD diagnosis have been asking this question for years, but the psychiatric community appears to have turned more and more to medicating. A closer look at what leaders in psychiatry are saying may prove helpful. In January, for example, National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) Director Steve Hyman reported at the NIMH Advisory Council meeting that “we can make correct clinical diagnoses if the right kind of evaluation is available to children. When proper diagnosis is made, methylphenidate/Ritalin can be safe and effective.” Hyman warned: “We ignore mood disorders in children at our peril. Just because a child is in their seat doesn’t mean they are okay.”
Critics suggest that it also doesn’t mean that they aren’t okay, and that Hyman’s remarks only confirm that psychiatric diagnosis is subjective — that diagnosis of mental health depends upon who is looking.
I love living in the Capital because all the Generals are in one small area.

This includes the bureaucrats and the politicians.
Yes, you can tell these people come from a bureaucratic family of the way they walk.
They walk straight up and don’t seem to have a problem in the world.

Fredericton is a small City with different walks of life.
Look at this picture on Regent Street?

On the left hand side housed a condo complex with balconies and a nice view.
Look at the building on the right hand side of the streets?
It’s a building which housed the poor people on social assistant. I might add that they clean the building of the druggies and the drunks.
Once inside, you have a small room with a small window, If you continue your walk towards the old Victoria Hospital.

You will notice that the poor are more visible.

This guy was charge last week for panhandling.

He told me that he was fine $164.00 but once he stood up in court and told the Judge that he will have to panhandle on the streets to pay the fine?

Well, he told me that the Judge threw his charge out of court.
The more you open your eyes the more less fortunate you will see. The larger rooming Houses in the City have clean their act.
If you cause a disturbance in the building. You will be evicted.
In my view, that’s a good thing but where are these people going to land?
Winter is just around the corner. I know that they are responsible for the own action but these people could go on a crime spree.

I was asked yesterday if I would move to the Southern part of the Province?.

I could locate a job and move on with my life. My answer – I love Fredericton not because there’s more action.
I love the beauty. Especially in the evening. I love riding my ten speed bicycle around the City. I love the walking bridge and the river.

If I moved to Moncton, Saint John or even my home town of Memramcook?
I would be the most miserable sonova bitch in the whole world.
I guess the only escape is to move the Capital somewhere else.
There’s hardly any escape from these politicians in the Capital.
Yesterday, I noticed this guy enjoying some fresh air. His name is Tanker Malley and he’s a P.C. MlA from the Northern part of the Province.

Personally, I always like this guy. He always supported me during my six months protest.
I don’t believe that he’ll be re-elected because of his leader Bernard Lord.
We are going to lose many good people from the P.C. Party because of the ignorance of Bernard Lord towards the people of New Brunswick.
I had a good chuckle yesterday, I walked by woman who was reading the HERE newspaper on a City bench.

I walked by but turned back.
I asked- Do you like that newspaper?
She replied- Yeah, it’s an independent paper.
I reminded her that the Irvings bought that paper last year and all the newspapers in this Province are owned by the Irvings.

After our little chat, I took the paper from her and asked her if I could ripped the paper in half and throw it in the garbage bin?

She told me to go ahead and she’ll never read that paper again.
I heard some very bad stories about this Irving paper.
They will go around the City and rank different restaurants for their service and food but there’s a catch.
You have to buy advertisement to be ranked in the Irving newspaper.
Black mail or what?
These Irving employees would call the businesses who advertised in their newspapers and ordered them to pay their bill.
On one occasion, I heard that they say- Hey? You better pay your bill because we own all the newspapers in this Province.
Another way to blackmail people.
Yes, I love it in this City. There’s all different walks of life in this area and it should be an huge eye opener for these politicians that something must be done with the issue of the poor.
I know some of them will say - Get off your butt and find a job.

Many told me the same phrase but you have to understand that it’s an impossible task especially when the employer insists to know your work record.
Hey? I worked at the shipyard < Irving > for over 10 years. They call the Irvings and what so you think they’re going to say about moi? …lol…
Hey? There’s a reason for everything and I just take it day by day.
Right now? My goal is to get the Lord Government to add roomers and boarders to the Rentalman Act.
Lets see what’s going to happen. Will it take years? What do you think is going to happen once I phoned these talk shows and confront these Ministers that someone is sh@ting in a garbage because he can’t use the washroom and he place the pooh in a garbage bag on the street on garbage day?

UGGHH!!! Sickning!!!!

This morning, I phoned CFBC talk of the town and told the host Rick Mantle this sad story of the guy shit@ng in a garbage bag! It was sickning!!!

This includes the bureaucrats and the politicians.
Yes, you can tell these people come from a bureaucratic family of the way they walk.
They walk straight up and don’t seem to have a problem in the world.

Fredericton is a small City with different walks of life.
Look at this picture on Regent Street?

On the left hand side housed a condo complex with balconies and a nice view.
Look at the building on the right hand side of the streets?
It’s a building which housed the poor people on social assistant. I might add that they clean the building of the druggies and the drunks.
Once inside, you have a small room with a small window, If you continue your walk towards the old Victoria Hospital.

You will notice that the poor are more visible.

This guy was charge last week for panhandling.

He told me that he was fine $164.00 but once he stood up in court and told the Judge that he will have to panhandle on the streets to pay the fine?

Well, he told me that the Judge threw his charge out of court.
The more you open your eyes the more less fortunate you will see. The larger rooming Houses in the City have clean their act.
If you cause a disturbance in the building. You will be evicted.
In my view, that’s a good thing but where are these people going to land?
Winter is just around the corner. I know that they are responsible for the own action but these people could go on a crime spree.

I was asked yesterday if I would move to the Southern part of the Province?.

I could locate a job and move on with my life. My answer – I love Fredericton not because there’s more action.
I love the beauty. Especially in the evening. I love riding my ten speed bicycle around the City. I love the walking bridge and the river.

If I moved to Moncton, Saint John or even my home town of Memramcook?
I would be the most miserable sonova bitch in the whole world.
I guess the only escape is to move the Capital somewhere else.
There’s hardly any escape from these politicians in the Capital.
Yesterday, I noticed this guy enjoying some fresh air. His name is Tanker Malley and he’s a P.C. MlA from the Northern part of the Province.

Personally, I always like this guy. He always supported me during my six months protest.
I don’t believe that he’ll be re-elected because of his leader Bernard Lord.
We are going to lose many good people from the P.C. Party because of the ignorance of Bernard Lord towards the people of New Brunswick.
I had a good chuckle yesterday, I walked by woman who was reading the HERE newspaper on a City bench.

I walked by but turned back.
I asked- Do you like that newspaper?
She replied- Yeah, it’s an independent paper.
I reminded her that the Irvings bought that paper last year and all the newspapers in this Province are owned by the Irvings.

After our little chat, I took the paper from her and asked her if I could ripped the paper in half and throw it in the garbage bin?

She told me to go ahead and she’ll never read that paper again.
I heard some very bad stories about this Irving paper.
They will go around the City and rank different restaurants for their service and food but there’s a catch.
You have to buy advertisement to be ranked in the Irving newspaper.
Black mail or what?
These Irving employees would call the businesses who advertised in their newspapers and ordered them to pay their bill.
On one occasion, I heard that they say- Hey? You better pay your bill because we own all the newspapers in this Province.
Another way to blackmail people.
Yes, I love it in this City. There’s all different walks of life in this area and it should be an huge eye opener for these politicians that something must be done with the issue of the poor.
I know some of them will say - Get off your butt and find a job.

Many told me the same phrase but you have to understand that it’s an impossible task especially when the employer insists to know your work record.
Hey? I worked at the shipyard < Irving > for over 10 years. They call the Irvings and what so you think they’re going to say about moi? …lol…
Hey? There’s a reason for everything and I just take it day by day.
Right now? My goal is to get the Lord Government to add roomers and boarders to the Rentalman Act.
Lets see what’s going to happen. Will it take years? What do you think is going to happen once I phoned these talk shows and confront these Ministers that someone is sh@ting in a garbage because he can’t use the washroom and he place the pooh in a garbage bag on the street on garbage day?

UGGHH!!! Sickning!!!!

This morning, I phoned CFBC talk of the town and told the host Rick Mantle this sad story of the guy shit@ng in a garbage bag! It was sickning!!!

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