Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Before I began the long trip to the back to the Capital?
I meet an old friend of mine and we were chatting about my
Close by was a another friend who I haven’t seen in years.
His name is Delbert and he’s a very good musician.
I noticed that Delbert was paying close attention to my stories.
He was very surprised once he heard what I was doing?
He told me that he has a son with ADHD and the school system isn’t treating his son with respect.
He continued by saying that one morning his son was a little out of control.
The teacher stood up in front of the class and shouted - Young Jimmy? Did you take your Ritalin this morning????
Now, I told the musician that I’ve heard this story on many
occasions and that’s what I’m all about.
I’ll fight till my last days for the rights of those kids.
I didn’t like my little vacation in the City because my girl Pat was still taking care of her son and his drug habit was getting worse and worse every day.
He was out of control and I didn’t have the patience to handle it.
People with ADHD are very well known for their quick temper and this was one main reason that I was protesting.
I took a bus to the Western Part of the City and began to hitch a ride to the Capital.
It was hot and I had a very difficult time getting a ride
I said to myself -Am I ever going to make it???
I love hitch hiking because I can relax and you do meet some
very interesting people in the roads.
This time around, I wasn’t so relax because Dan Bussieres stoled my tent was gone and I didn’t really know what to expect
once I arrive at the Legislature.
Click below for last story -
It was over two months and no media coverage and I wasn’t going to give up my hopes now.
After over one hour and thirty minutes, I finally got a drive and they were driving right to the front of the Legislature.
They were a couple from the North Side and they were very friendly.
We made a stopover at a story and I saw my story on the Daily
Heather interviewed me on the Friday before I left and we chatted for over one hour.
I didn’t trust the Irving media so therefore I told her to do me a favour before she left?
I told her that when she does the story? She shouldn’t be writing
about Charles but the kids.
Write the story and mention the kids!
Would she follow my advice?
I bought the Daily Gleaner and I was on the second page and she
did a wonderful job.
I couldn’t no longer condemn the local media because my story is finally out to the public and little did I know that it would make my protest much more easier.
Once at the Legislature, the email that Dan Bussieres send me was true that my tent was gone.
I looked around and it sure look empty without my little part time home.
I walked to the Legislature and asked the Commissionaire to see the Sergeant At Arms.
He told me that Dan left early and he would only return in the morning.
I was down and confuse.
I decided to go and check my emails at the Post Office.
Someone shouted at me and it was Kevin Bissett from Broadcast News.
I’ve known Kevin for over 10 years and he told me that he saw Dan and three other guys from Supplies and Service remove my tent.He asked me if I knew where my tent was?
A few minutes later, I was surrounded by more media personnel.
They also asked me where was my tent?
I answered - You tell me?
They told me that a homeless guy was seen in my tent. I told the media that I have a buddy name Marc and he lives under a bridge and he’s been keeping me company for 40 days and I’m very grateful!
He stayed in my tent over night.
I asked him to watch my little home while I was gone.
Shannon Hagerman A Reporter asked me what was in my bag?
I told the reporter from the Daily Gleaner that I bought some clothes with me to Saint John.
I did a wash and even a protester has to stay clean.
I noticed someone watching all the excitement and it was my old friend Hylene D’Aigle.
She’s the girl who gave me the key of her apartment while she visited Montreal.
I mentioned her to the media but they seem more interested in my tent.
Thank God that Kevin Bissett witness the little scene because this would have given me more media attention.
It was the Sergeant At Arms from Quebec against Charles the Acadian?
Sounds like the battle of the Plain of Abraham all over again???
But it’s the battle of the French cultures just like Fort Latour!
I knew that Dan just came from a Sergeant At Arms convention in
Ontario and maybe while drinking some cheap wine withother Sergeant of Arms from other Province that the issue of me came up and others told him what to do with me.
All my belonging were gone and I felt helpless.
Dan could have stick around but he was gone and he had all my belonging.
Marc came to the scene and told me that he was told to leave the ground of the Legislature and he added that Paul < Jesus >
was also present.
The sun set in behind the mountains and I was sitting on a curb with Marc.
It was there that I noticed that Dan took everything.
I mean everything!!!
He never left a chair for me. I was getting very upset and the girls cleaner - Tammy and Ethel knew it.
I noticed a vehicle parked in front of the Legislature and there was Jason and Colleen.
I could tell by the look on their face that they were very upset that my tent was gone and prayed with me to continue the battle?
This couple have a son that the system wants him on Ritalin and they were great supporters of my fight for the kids. They
pleaded with me to continue and gave me a tent.
It’s about the same as the old one.
I thanked them very much and I couldn’t wait to see the look on Dan’s face once he saw a new tent in front of the Legislature.
My old tent was green but this one was purple.
Hey? I needed a change of color.
That evening of August 18 was very cold.
Dan could have left me with a blanket.I didn’t sleep good at all and I was wondering of the media was going to cover the story that my tent is gone?
The next morning, I woke up with the Crow.
I didn’t need a alarm with that nosy crow around. I had my coffee and waited to see the Sergeant At Arms.
I knew that I had a bad temper and I was going to remain calm, cool and collective.
It has been quite a last 24 hours and I’ll admit thatI am very tired.
Pretty hard to sleep when you don’t have your blanket.
I guess that I’ll have to go at the Salvation Army and explain to them what happened to me. Hey? Never know? Maybe the media will return if they see those honest volunteers at my tent?
I noticed a few people are honking their horns in support and many people are coming to my tent. It was a different approached because the public finally knew about me and they came to visit me with their concern about ADD/ADHD!
L’Acadie Nouvelle made another good story about my tent being stolen and this time it was directed tothe fine couple who gave me their tent.
I feel guilty to take their tent but they told me to continue the fight!
The picture in the French Paper was the couple son Michael.
He’s a young child who’s teacher wanted to give the kid Ritalin.
The mother refuse and that’s good.
Paul Harpelle a reporter from Global News gave me his card and told me that if The Sergeant at Arms-Dan Bussiere pulls a
stunt like that again? I should call him as soon as possible.
I like Dan, he’s a good guy but he has a job to do!
What the heck was he’s thinking about when he took my tent?
Finally the moment arrive when Dan walked out of the Legislature.
My first pharse was- MA MAUDIT RAPASE!!! Don’t even asked me to translate those words.
He had a smile on his face and he knew that I was upset.
He told me that the reason that he removed my tent was that there were two homeless guy around my tent.
I told Dan that Marc was a friend of mine and I consider him my associate.
Gave him permission to stay in my tent and he was protecting myitems.
Dan told me that there was another guy around.
I asked Dan if by any chance it was the guy walking towards us behind him?
He turned and said- Yes,That’s the guy!
It was Jesus and I know that Dan is a Religious man so I knew this was going to do a very interesting meeting.
I introduced them to each other while I was sitting on the front steps of the Legislature.
Dan continued to talk to me encouraging me to leave.
Of course, he wanted to know where I got a tent so fast?
I told him that there’s more tents like that one around and if he removes this tent? I was in negotiation with the Native to built a tee pee. < Major problem with Ritalin among the Native population >
He asked me if I was joking and I told him with me you never know.
While Dan pleaded with me to leave?
Jesus came out with this Phrase - You said that the Government owns the land but this isn’t true because God owns the land.
Dan quickly turned his attention to the preacher.
I said to Dan - Hey Dan? He’s good eh?
Pretty good eh?
The look on Dan’s face was funny.
Dan decided not to debate with the stranger and continue by telling me that no camper are allowed on the ground
of the Legislature.
Jesus said - That man isn’t a camper! He’s a protester for the children!
Once again, Dan stared at the guy.
I repeated myself and said- Pretty good eh Dan? I like this guy!
I told Dan that I bet that he believe that he was a homeless guy but now he should know that he has nothing to worry about.
Marc and Jesus are allowed around my tent. I am very grateful to Dan Bussiere because he attracted the media like no one did.
I waited over 60 days to spread my message and Dan did it in a couple of minutes.
Because of his stupidly? The public will now know why I’ve been in a tent for 40 days!!
I have to give credit where it’s due.
The media did ignored me but once the staff at the Legislature interfered with my freedom of speech?
They moved in for the kill! I am certain that Dan never expected this reaction from the media and I must admit that neither did I.
As long media watches over Government, everything should be
Media? I couldn’t no longer say bad stories about the Evil Irving Papers because they did a fantastic job covering my stolen tent.
On August 19, I had close to 1,700 names but with the media coverage, I am certain that I can reach the 2,000 goal without any
I can’t no longer go at the soup kitchen! Pray that
my new tent is still there!!

This is from a blog I wrote this week.
Click below -
If you want to actually debate it then feel free, just saying 'bs' doesn't do much. I don't know what 'half of those things' means, we know what ALL of the things that happened to Charles are-we know that he was falsely arrested, the judge said so, we know that he was banned from the legislature immediately afterwards with no public process or any evidence given (as were five others). We know that he was fired from a job at the legislature, although it can be argued about the reasons.
As for being held accountable, thats essentially what the comments section are for, and Charles certainly doesn't censor too often judging by them. If you are talking about him being arrested or something that is another issue entirely, but if all you mean is that people should criticize him then I don't think there is any person in New Brunswick who gets as much criticism as Charles does publicly.
But in the end it is a free country and within the law he is free to do as he pleases. Like I said, I agree with Jennifer and now really have nothing but sympathy for Dan Brussieres (except for getting Charles fired, but even that isn't so surprising and once again the fault rests with an inadequate human rights commission which would allow it to happen without an investigation and a legislature that would allow a head of security to fire somebody without due process. There are former criminals -several in fact- who are now elected MLA's for heavens sake).
As for his actions, so long as they are non-violent and don't hurt anybody they don't need justification-thats what living in a free society is all about. I would say 'as long as they are legal', but we have the strange case where a person's stepping on a piece of public property would result in charges of 'assault', so the 'law' here needs more justification than Charles does.
Jennifer's comments were highly critical, but also not accurate. She said that "you judge them before knowing anything about them" even though Charles talked to them and said quite plainly the person 'was a nice person'. That's hardly being judgemental. His issue is a valid one, NB has high unemployment, why aren't there enough french speaking police in a bilingual province? If the media had been doing their job then perhaps 'we' wouldn't need Charles to bring up this issue (and it is an issue, regardless of how you feel about it).
The Boys in Red from the tragedy in Bathurst will officially be in the hands of God this afternoon!!!!

Prayer and Devotions
Jesus at Prayer
by Father Paul Campbell, LC
Resolution: Offer up your day for the work of evangelization in your parish.
January 16, 2008
Wednesday of the First Week in Ordinary Time
Mark 1:29-39
As soon as they left the synagogue, they entered the house of Simon and Andrew, with James and John. Now Simon's mother-in-law was in bed with a fever, and they told him about her at once. He came and took her by the hand and lifted her up. Then the fever left her, and she began to serve them. That evening, at sundown, they brought to him all who were sick or possessed with demons. And the whole city was gathered around the door. And he cured many who were sick with various diseases, and cast out many demons; and he would not permit the demons to speak, because they knew him. In the morning, while it was still very dark, he got up and went out to a deserted place, and there he prayed and Simon and his companions hunted for him. When they found him, they said to him, "Everyone is searching for you." He answered, "Let us go on to the neighboring towns, so that I may proclaim the message there also; for that is what I came out to do." And he went throughout Galilee, proclaiming the message in their synagogues and casting out demons.
Introductory Prayer: Lord, thank you for this time we will spend together. Help me to use it well. Let all my thoughts be pleasing to you. Increase the desire in my heart to step away from the world and all its activities to be alone with you. Please teach me how to pray.
Petition: Lord, increase my love for prayer and the interior life.
1. A Man for Others Here is Jesus in action. He works tirelessly from morning to night. He never thinks of himself. He never says he’s too tired or too busy to serve someone or to give others part of his time. He is there for everyone, and he keeps pushing himself to do more and more. He loves, and his love compels him to give himself to everyone around him without counting the cost. The whole city gathers to see him, and he opens his heart to all. He teaches. He heals the sick. He casts out demons. He is a man for others.
2. A Man of Prayer After a full day of work, Jesus rested for just a little while, and then he rose early for prayer. There was a balance between his apostolic work and his life of prayer. Jesus wasn’t too busy to seek the solitude necessary to speak heart-to-heart with his Father. He found strength in prayer. He strengthened his resolve to follow his Father’s plan in prayer. He was absorbed in prayer for so long that the others began to go in search of him. Prayer wasn’t just a one-time activity; it was part of his daily routine.
3. Everyone Is Searching for Him “Everyone is searching for you,” they said when they found Christ. They express the desires of every person. We all need God. He is the deepest desire of the human heart. God is searching for us, too. Jesus gets up from his prayer and heads out to the next town. We are searching for Christ, and he is searching for us. Where do we meet him? In prayer. In prayer we speak heart-to-heart with the one whom we know loves us. In prayer we can speak about the things that are important to us and about those things that are most important to him. This vital encounter gives light and strength to every other encounter we will have during the rest of the day.
Conversation with Christ: Lord, help me to put you first in my life, by giving you the best of my time. Help me not to give into laziness, but to rise early in the morning so that I can be with you. I need you in my life. Help me to experience your love so that I can share it with others. Help me to give myself to your plan of salvation and to reach out to those who are searching for you.
Resolution: I will offer up my day for the work of evangelization in my parish.
In my view? I believe this is just a way for the system to jail the poor for years.
They are arrested like me in Saint John and are told they have to represent themself in court.
The less fortunate are found guilty and put on probation.
After they break their probation? They are jailed for years and years.
This is the system in New Brunswick and this is the reason the P.C.'S never questioned the Government.
They are arrested like me in Saint John and are told they have to represent themself in court.
The less fortunate are found guilty and put on probation.
After they break their probation? They are jailed for years and years.
This is the system in New Brunswick and this is the reason the P.C.'S never questioned the Government.
I email two offers but they never replied to their emails.
I guess it's a snobby affair anyway!!!!
No pics in this blog.
I guess it's a snobby affair anyway!!!!
No pics in this blog.
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