I must admit this individual really pissed me off!!!!
A few months ago, Andree Guy from the Addiction and Mental Health Services with the Department of Health told the media the person who wishes to be on Methadone can go to Anger Management while they wait for this much needed helpful treatment for Drug addiction.
I wonder if these addicts feel That Anger Management will not be successful in getting these poor souls off of drugs; it seems like many bureaucrats are very uneducated as to what it takes to help addicts get clean.
Dealing with issues like anger is certainly something that addicts must do, but it is almost impossible for addicts to deal with such issues while they are still a practicing addict.
After chatting with an addict who told me - “ As an addict who has now been clean for two years, I know that looking at these issues is absolutely necessary if an addict wishes to stay clean. The problem, however, is that the addiction problem must be addressed before an addict can look into their background and their lives to discover what the reasons for their addiction are.”
With addictions such as opiates (which is the drug family that methadone maintenance treats) a person’s mind while they are practicing is on anything BUT dealing with anger or depression or whatever the case may be.

The body and mind of a practicing addict is in such turmoil and pain that the only thing an addict can think of is to get rid of the sickness and pain of withdrawal.
Once the withdrawal is taken care of and the addict is stable enough to tackle the problems which led to their use, then, and only then, will programs, such as Anger Management be useful to their recovery.
These bureaucrats must have rocks in their heads on this very emotional issue. They must educate themselves on this issue before they speak to the media.
Bureaucrats such as Andree Guy should be ashamed of themselves!
No wonder there’s 700 people < Who want help? > on the waiting list and 600 are enrolled in the program!!!!!
Closed-minded bureaucrats SUCH AS Andree Guy one shouldn’t be in charge of an issue when they don’t know what the heck they’re talking about!!

SHAME!!!! SHAME!!!! SHAME!!!!!