Just go to the top of this blog in search this blog and write- New Brunswick Human Rights Commission.
You’ll soon see that the Commission has totally ignored the issue of the poor. These appointed Unionized workers haven’t held a human rights tribunal in years.
They told me months ago that they would invite the poor to learn more about their issue.
Well, the poor were once again ignored.
I won’t go into a tirade in this blog but I will say that in the Spring? I will organize a huge protest in front of the Commission building.
The word must spread that the poor are being totally ignore in this Province. I received this email earlier.
To the editor
Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s statement for Human Right’s day.
“Canada’s New Government is committed to the promotion and protection of human rights both at home and abroad. We will continue to stand up for human rights and take principled positions on important issues to ensure that freedom, democracy, human rights and the rule of law – values that define our country – are enjoyed around the world.
I do believe in Prime Minister Stephen Harper to do the right thing. In this area Human Right Watch has Forgotten about this New Brunswick. It is so sad that Human Right can be forgotten, with all the abuse battered women, injured individuals and all of the lack of equality and Justice, civil and criminal, how can we disregard the Human right violation in our own back yard. Human Right should be as much an issue in New Brunswick as any where else. Claudette Bradshaw has been given a job, New Brunswick in Non-profit sector, Will she do any thing for this cause, Society for Equal Right and Justice, civil and well as criminal or are we to have any help at all. This is not one of Claudette Bradshaw’s best subject. Again, it is sad to see all the abuse and no one is paying any attention or want to do any thing about it which needs to be address very seriously.
Frank Comeau
Monday, December 11, 2006
Reminds me of a earlier blog I wrote last week. Click below -
Hello Charles,
I have been partaking in your blogging for over a year now. I can actually say that I enjoy the dedication that you have to maintaing your site.
I though I would write to you because you are a man of integrity to me.
So I feel I can trust you.
I am writing to you about Prescription Drugs. I see that you write many
articles on it, and years ago I was living in Fredericton and saw you camped out to raise awareness about Ritalin.
My younger sister died January 18, 2005 as a result of accidental prescrition overdose.
The drugs were Codne and Percosets= Oxycodone. Codene is a catalyst for oxycodone so the two drugs combined for a leathal overdose to cause a heart attack.
She was just 44 years old. Then just seven months after her death, a good friend of mine died in August 2005 from Oxy based drugs as well.
I do not know if you are aware but Oxy is synthetic herion that is used for painkillers.
The addiction to this drug is in epidemic porportions in Atlantic Canada.
The recovery rate for this addiction is only at ten percent chance. Therefore anyone who cannot kick it, will die from it eventually.
The Government is at fault for letting Pharmaucetical Industries have the power that they do.
Basically the government has let the Pharmacucetical
Industries and Pharmacies have an open market on drugging consumers.
I think every human has price tag attached to them to determine our consumption worth to capitalizm. Heath has taken on a whole new meaning when the profits margins are the ultimate goal.
I contacted my local MLA with a petition and all they did was use delay
tactics to slow me down. That is okay, I will perhaps use a different
avenue. Because the RCMP are impliacated in this mess also as I had asked for their service to track down my sister before she died or killed someone -she is known to be violent- but they ignored my request and did not do anything at all.
Even though they had her in their possession twice and charged her once with 'mischief' and the second time with "causing public
disturbance'. Even though they knew she had been hospitalized for mental illness several times and even though they could enforce SECTION 10 of the mental health act to save her life they did not do it!!!
Do you know why they did not do it? Because she was a homeless addict who frequently ended up in the justice system for some reason or another.
She was nothing to them, just a violent, homeless Aboriginal woman who could not get her life together. Trash! That is what the RCMP believe as it has been evidenced in their actions for many years now. I have the PUBLIC COMPLAINTS COMISSION AND THE J DIVISION investigating their own abuse.
Pathetic but its the only way to go when you are poor and have no money!!!
NB OMBUDSMAN says its not a provincial issue because they are a FEDERAL BODY!!! but who pays the bill to hire the RCMP in NB??? we do , NB does!!!
What a fight I have on my hands!!! They even made attempt to cover up cause of her death because the first toxicology was at 0%, so i had to make them do another one and it came back FULLY LOADED! but the corner declared that the codene was cause of death and not the OXY!
They are wrong as elsewhere in "the conclusion" it indicates that codene makes oxy more powerful in the system.
They tried to hide that because she went to the doctor because her
lungs were conjested, she had difficulty breathing, but the doctor gave her nothing for that, and gave her PERCOSETS instead????!!!!
The reason why is this drug is a big money maker for the doctors too.
Because the producer of the drug offers incentive to the doctor who
prescribes it for patients.
The get free cruise vacations paid from the pharmaucetical companies!!!! Who's health do they have in mind?? Not mine and not yours also!!
I wish you will take time to write me if you have time as I know you are
busy. Tell me what you think Charles.
All my Relations
Love Deborah
Hello Charles,
I have been partaking in your blogging for over a year now. I can actually say that I enjoy the dedication that you have to maintaing your site.
I though I would write to you because you are a man of integrity to me.
So I feel I can trust you.
I am writing to you about Prescription Drugs. I see that you write many
articles on it, and years ago I was living in Fredericton and saw you camped out to raise awareness about Ritalin.
My younger sister died January 18, 2005 as a result of accidental prescrition overdose.
The drugs were Codne and Percosets= Oxycodone. Codene is a catalyst for oxycodone so the two drugs combined for a leathal overdose to cause a heart attack.
She was just 44 years old. Then just seven months after her death, a good friend of mine died in August 2005 from Oxy based drugs as well.
I do not know if you are aware but Oxy is synthetic herion that is used for painkillers.
The addiction to this drug is in epidemic porportions in Atlantic Canada.
The recovery rate for this addiction is only at ten percent chance. Therefore anyone who cannot kick it, will die from it eventually.
The Government is at fault for letting Pharmaucetical Industries have the power that they do.
Basically the government has let the Pharmacucetical
Industries and Pharmacies have an open market on drugging consumers.
I think every human has price tag attached to them to determine our consumption worth to capitalizm. Heath has taken on a whole new meaning when the profits margins are the ultimate goal.
I contacted my local MLA with a petition and all they did was use delay
tactics to slow me down. That is okay, I will perhaps use a different
avenue. Because the RCMP are impliacated in this mess also as I had asked for their service to track down my sister before she died or killed someone -she is known to be violent- but they ignored my request and did not do anything at all.
Even though they had her in their possession twice and charged her once with 'mischief' and the second time with "causing public
disturbance'. Even though they knew she had been hospitalized for mental illness several times and even though they could enforce SECTION 10 of the mental health act to save her life they did not do it!!!
Do you know why they did not do it? Because she was a homeless addict who frequently ended up in the justice system for some reason or another.
She was nothing to them, just a violent, homeless Aboriginal woman who could not get her life together. Trash! That is what the RCMP believe as it has been evidenced in their actions for many years now. I have the PUBLIC COMPLAINTS COMISSION AND THE J DIVISION investigating their own abuse.
Pathetic but its the only way to go when you are poor and have no money!!!
NB OMBUDSMAN says its not a provincial issue because they are a FEDERAL BODY!!! but who pays the bill to hire the RCMP in NB??? we do , NB does!!!
What a fight I have on my hands!!! They even made attempt to cover up cause of her death because the first toxicology was at 0%, so i had to make them do another one and it came back FULLY LOADED! but the corner declared that the codene was cause of death and not the OXY!
They are wrong as elsewhere in "the conclusion" it indicates that codene makes oxy more powerful in the system.
They tried to hide that because she went to the doctor because her
lungs were conjested, she had difficulty breathing, but the doctor gave her nothing for that, and gave her PERCOSETS instead????!!!!
The reason why is this drug is a big money maker for the doctors too.
Because the producer of the drug offers incentive to the doctor who
prescribes it for patients.
The get free cruise vacations paid from the pharmaucetical companies!!!! Who's health do they have in mind?? Not mine and not yours also!!
I wish you will take time to write me if you have time as I know you are
busy. Tell me what you think Charles.
All my Relations
Love Deborah

I finally decided to write a blog about my experience since the verdict came down on my court case more than two weeks ago.
It’s strange that I didn’t jump on the blog and write my views on the verdict but there were so many things happening that even with a person with ADHD < five brains > that I just couldn’t settle down and write my views.
While the Judge read his verdict, I sat up front and thinking to myself that it was indeed a part of history.
A blogger on trial in New Brunswick and what would the Judge say?

Before we entered the court room, I told my lawyer that I wanted to say something to the Judge after he read the verdict.
The point that I wanted to make was I appreciate his patience before my lawyer came into the scene.
The Judge listened to me and let me explain that this was a very important case.
I remember the prosecutor told the Judge in an ignorant way that the trial would only last half a day.
I quickly stood up and said - Your honor? This will take at least one week!!!!
The Judge look at me and said - This should be very interesting?
You know what? I wasn’t far off the mark because if I had called my side of the witnesses? It would have been close to one week.
It was nice to see my family in the court room. They were very concern that I would be found guilty.

My uncle Al who is in poor health ordered me not to take the stand.

My lawyer also suggested the same thing.
I wasn’t afraid to go head to head with the prosecutor because I knew that I didn’t do anything wrong.
I took the stand years ago on a few occasions but maybe they believe that I would lose my temper?
Nahhhh..... I would have done ok.
But we didn’t have to because the Judge made it clear once the prosecutor rested their case that he wasn’t amuse with their presentation.
My God? He was very straightforward.
Once he showed the picture of me walking side by side with Sgt. John Parks and said - Does this looks like a man who is resisting arrest????

I almost took my camera and took a picture!!!..lol...
The Judge went on and on.

I believe he was giving a chance to the prosecutor to drop the charges right there!!!
But all she said was- But?...but....but....She didn’t back down and the Judge was force to give a verdict on my case but the sad part was we had to wait till the end of the week so up to Fredericton we went again.
I truly believe there are very powerful people in the back rooms who pushed the prosecutor.
Question? Why did she insist to pursue this case? I guess we’ll never know the answer to that one?
If I had represented myself?
I would have tried to put the prosecutor on the stand and asked some questions? Was it because she knew me and wanted to jail me? Why? Many questions?
Especially after the Police admitted in the disclosures of deleting a picture from my camera?

That should have shown her from red flags that there was something very wrong here?
Once in the Capital? I heard many people telling me that it look good for me. I had nothing to worry about.
My lawyer asked me not to blog this issue so I didn’t.
It drove me nuts!!!!! < Short drive for me anyway. >..lol
Once in Saint John for D-DAY.
I noticed the media was there CBC, ATV and CFBC but there was no Irvings or Global News in the area.

As for the Irvings, it didn’t bother me but it just proves my point that the Irvings will only cover court case that favours them to the public eye.
They were there at the beginning of the trial but once the ball fell on my favour?
The Irvings quickly disappeared.
Why? I really don’t care but I will send a letter to the Senate. < Waste of time >
The Irvings cannot begin to cover a trial and escape halfway.
They dare to call themselves journalists???

The point that I wanted to make with the Judge was I wish to thank him for his patience and thank God that Harold Doherty showed up to represent me because it would have been an impossible task to represent myself.
As a reward for the Judge’s patience?
This issue made me a strong advocate for more money toward Legal Aid.
Help is on the way Your Honor I would have said.
The Saint John Police Force can grab anyone from the streets and charge them with obstruction.
These poor people are force to represent themselves in court.
In the end, they are found guilty and put on probation.
But the catch is if they break their probation they will end up in jail!
How many poor people are in jail because of this system?
That’s what I wish to know? I am very concern about this issue.
My lawyer told me this wasn’t the place to be political so I kept my mouth shut.
After the verdict was read. Everyone was happy and we went home.

Once downstairs, I was confronted by the media and this is a good thing because New Brunswickers and the world must know what happen in Saint John?

My first statement was the issue of Legal Aid but they never covered those concerns.
I might add that T.J. Burke told me that he’s looking into improving the system.

The interviews went well and a friend gave me $40.00 for I could buy some beers and celebrate.

Once over Tim’s place, I received an email from CBC that they wanted me on Shift < CBC Live program > in the afternoon so therefore the celebration had to wait.
I was asked to be polite because this is LIVE radio. I told the guy not to worry because I’m becoming a pro in this line of communication with the media.
I was ready to go but I received an email from the New York Times asking me for an interview?
Well, the way CBC has treated me during this case?
They had to come first.
Thank God for Roger Cosman for filming the arrest and Robert Jones for his reporting. They educated New Brunswickers and the world of what was going on here?

The New York Times had to wait....lol...
The host Paul Castle almost took a heart attack when I told him what happen with the Times?...lol....
You can listen to the interview by clicking below -
I had lots of interviews. I was even on a show live in Western Canada.
The interviews went well.
I put my message across that Blogging is the new way of journalism.
The case was debated around the world and this was a good thing. I was surprise the way this issue took off.
I found out one thing? The public was really watching this issue very closely.
Many strangers approached me to congratulate me on winning my case.

In the past after taking a picture. I would ask - Do you know what a blogger is?
Close to 90% of the people wouldn’t know.
These days, they say - Are you Charles LeBlanc???
So the word is spreading....lol
I am very surprise that the Irvings haven’t written about this issue in their editorial?
That’s right??? They are too busy brainwashing the readers of the Irving way of thinking....lol
I would always answer thank God for my lawyer Harold Doherty.
It would have been an impossible task to represent myself and this is the reason the system must change.
This was a different case because the Saint John Police Force has arrested a blogger.
Usually once someone is arrested?
The individual remains silent till the trial but not this guy. I blogged the Saint John Police Force all summer long and at the end, my concerns were proven right.
I was getting very tired of talking about it but I had to do what I had to do.
I stayed in Saint John for five days and poor Tim? He had to have me around his place. I was so sick of talking on the phone that once I got to the Capital? I never phoned anyone for five days.
I met with the Saint John Police Chief Allen Bodechon..
href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/httpoldmaisonblogspotcom/312336059/" title="Photo Sharing">

The meeting lasted for around 10 minutes.
I expected some kind of apology but I never got it.
I was told a Police Force from outside of the Province will investigate my complaint.
Maybe an apology will follow afterwards? Who knows what’s going to happen in this case?
I showed up at a Town Hall meeting and it was funny...I noticed Noel Chenier < very nice guy > and John Mazerolle

I asked John if he was still working for the HERE Paper???
I was surprised once he told me that he covers issues concerning City Hall for the Telegraph Journal.

I quickly replied - So???? The verdict of my trial wasn’t important enough for the Irving paper????
In a low voice he said - It’ll be in the paper in the morning?
I quickly shot back- Really??? You mean that I’m going to make the Evil Irving Newspaper??? By any chance would it be because my court case was in the New York Times this morning ??? ...lol.....

I must say this about all the Irving employees who works for the papers in this Province.
They are not bad people. They take a lot of abuse from me but they all take it in strides.
My concern is freedom of speech and we don’t have it in the Irving newspapers.
The public are not allowed to write critical letters of the Irvings and this is not right!!!!
Once in the Capital, I was once again approached by many people congratulating me on my victory.

I even surprised myself by not blogging any of the issues because I took many notes during the trial.
One issue that I find very funny is everyone is suggesting to me that I should sue the Saint John Police Force?
Well, I did asked the opinions from a few lawyers on this issue.
My lawyer Harold Doherty let it known very clearly that he wasn’t interested in a civil suit against the Police Force because it takes lots of time to reach a decision.
I found out that this is Canada and not the U.S.A.!!!!
A case like this one down the States? Lawyers would run to you begging the right to represent ya so they could make a few bucks.
This is a case were the Police have broken the law so the lawyers would step forward right?
It would cost me $4,000.00 to hire a lawyer and at the end? I would maybe be granted $1.00!
I really don’t understand the system but this is what they tell me.
I’m not into a civil suit for the money? It’s the principle of the issue.
The Saint John Police Force falsely arrested me. Assault me!!! < The ambulance came over to see me in jail >
I had two lumps on my head and they deleted 200 pictures from my camera.
Here in Canada, we should just be glad that we won in court and move on?
As one lawyer told me the other day? The Police and bureaucrats have deep pockets and a good memory.
From this day on, once there’s a protest or event? The Police knows who I am so therefore they won’t bother me. I accomplish to be known as a blogger and they have to respect this.
The Police Force are looking at me in a different way now. I believe they will respect me once I’m in an area of conflict.

But if I cross that thin line? I’ll be in deep trouble.
One issue I taught about during these last few days is that I don’t have to confront these bureaucrats or MLA’S on the issue of the banning of the Legislature.

The whole world is watching this issue very closely.
I believe I’m going to back off from Dan Bussieres. < Just a little > I got nothing to prove.
I was going to get myself arrested with assault < If I set foot on the ground of the Legislature? I would be charge with assault! > therefore bringing the issues to the court system.

The Government has spent lots of money of trying to silent me.
The trial cost thousands of dollars and it was a huge waste of time.
Myself, I never hitch a ride so many times to Saint John in all my life!
Lets not forget that Dan Bussieres have spent thousands of dollars to prove that he was in the right to have me fired from my job.
Look at all these booklets?

A lawyer made a lot of money.
I told Premier Shawn Graham a few days ago that I have to meet with him in his office to discuss the ban.

I whispered in his ear one of the reason I was ban and he looked surprised that I knew?
Well, I never went public with this one but if I have to? I will!!!! It’s dirty and very emotional!
Many will be very hurt by this one so stay tuned.
I believe I have proven myself not to be a threat to nobody so therefore I’m ready to put this issue like water under the bridge and move on.
But I truly understand that we’re dealing with a Quebecois Dan Bussieres and there’s no way in the world that he’s going to back off.

One thing is certain? He’s the most infamous Sgt. at Arms in Canada!
People or kids get their information on the information highway these days.
Go to Google and write Dan Bussieres or go to image.
He’s famous till eternity!!!...lol
I must blog a jab once in a while so the public is always reminded what happens to me at the New Brunswick Legislature.
All I wish to know is the reason I was ban and I will take the next step.
To evict New Brunswickers from the People’s House without telling the individual the reasons is a system that’s done in China or other third world countries.
This is Canada! I am ready to forget this awful situation and move on but I don’t believe the bureaucrats will see it that way because they don’t wish to see poor people hanging around the Legislature. < ESPECIALLY BLOGGERS!!!!! > ...lol..
Can’t blame them because there’s lots going on in there?
I have a huge concern of the way Tom Mann’s attitude < Union leader > against the poor in New Brunswick.

Ok...never mind that!!!! Stay tuned....

There’s a few people I would love to say Merci Beaucoup!
One of them is definitely my good friend Tim Smith.

You have to understand that Tim is the type of individual who looks at an issue from different ways.
Anyone who enjoys the television program Survivor must really looking at the personalities of an individual.
I HATE THAT SHOW!!!! ..lol...
Anyway, I remember the first day I was arrested by the Police Force. I didn’t truly understand what was going on?
I was very confused of the charge of obstruction.
Tim confronted me and said- Listen? You are involved in an issue that’s way over your head!!!

You don’t understand what’s going on here!!! This is going to make international news!!!
Tim noticed that when I told someone the story? I didn’t mention the issue of deleting the pictures right from the start?
This is the number one issue. He kept on driving issues in my head especially once Harold Doherty asked for the disclosures of the Police Force.
Myself? I didn’t even know what a disclosure was? Goes to show you how far I would have gone in court if I had to represent myself?
One funny part was when the Police wrote - Charles said - Je suis
Acadien! Je ne comprend pas Anglais!
They wrote - Earlier I heard Mr.Leblanc speak perfect English.
Tim pointed that part and bang his fist on the table and said- THAT IS A COMPLETE LIE!!! I HAVE KNOWN YOU FOR TWO YEARS AND NEVER ONCE HAVE I HEARD YOU SAY ONE PERFECT WORD IN ENGLISH!!!! THAT IS A BIG LIE FROM THE POLICE OFFICER!!!..lol.....lol...lol...
I don’t know if I was just insulted by Tim Smith...lol

Of course, Harold Doherty? Well, I blog enough about his service and he sure is the Iron Horse! He’s good.

I must thank all the people who supported me in this blog also.
I have lots of more issues to write about this case but we’ll just wait and see what’s going to happen?
Stay tuned!!!
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