Monday, February 04, 2008

These Irving's bloggers are pretty high class!!!

Here's a blog I wrote last summer!

Originally uploaded by Oldmaison
This blogger will continue to blog the old fashion way. By my feet!!!!!

No snobby bureaucrats in charge eh????
Last call extended during Fredericton ECMAs
Last Updated: Monday, February 4, 2008 | 10:12 AM AT
CBC News
Music lovers in Fredericton will have some extra time before last call to enjoy the East Coast Music Awards this week.
The provincial government approved extending the closing times for licensed establishments hosting EMCA artists in the city from Feb. 7-10.
"It means more music," said Tim Yerxa, chairman of the ECMAs. "The showcasing artists are going to strut their stuff a little bit longer and audiences are going to get a chance to take a little more music in."
Bars will be allowed to stay open an extra hour until 3 a.m. and hotels will be allowed to stay open until 4 a.m.
Dolan's Pub on King Street will be benefiting from the extra time while featuring Newfoundland music as one of the partnered stages in the festival.
The extra hour won't likely mean a lot more business, but it will be good for customers, said owner Linda Dolan
Last call extended during Fredericton ECMAs
Last Updated: Monday, February 4, 2008 | 10:12 AM AT
CBC News
Music lovers in Fredericton will have some extra time before last call to enjoy the East Coast Music Awards this week.
The provincial government approved extending the closing times for licensed establishments hosting EMCA artists in the city from Feb. 7-10.
"It means more music," said Tim Yerxa, chairman of the ECMAs. "The showcasing artists are going to strut their stuff a little bit longer and audiences are going to get a chance to take a little more music in."
Bars will be allowed to stay open an extra hour until 3 a.m. and hotels will be allowed to stay open until 4 a.m.
Dolan's Pub on King Street will be benefiting from the extra time while featuring Newfoundland music as one of the partnered stages in the festival.
The extra hour won't likely mean a lot more business, but it will be good for customers, said owner Linda Dolan
Is this a set up by the New Brunswick Provincial Party to do me harm???
Who knows????
If the riding of Fredericton-Silverwood don't want the less fortunate around?
I'll fight them!!!! < Non violence of course >
Someone sent a hit against me last Christmas so lets see what's going to happen this time around.
You would believe that I would take the hint and don't bother with these people but I'm just a nosy curious little blogger!!
Wish me luck!!!!
Stay tuned!!!
(le texte français suit l’anglais)
You are cordially invited to our Open House at the Constituency Office, 83 Regent Street, hosted by Fredericton-Lincoln MLA, Minister Greg Byrne & Fredericton-Silverwood MLA, Rick Miles.
Date: Monday, February 4, 2008
Time: 4:30 to 6:00 pm
Everyone Welcome, Apple cider & light refreshments will be served.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Vous êtes cordialement invité.e.s. à notre événement « portes ouvertes » au bureau de circonscription situé au 83, rue Regent, parrainé par le député de Fredericton-Lincoln, le ministre Greg Byrne et le député de Fredericton-Silverwood, Rick Miles.
Date : le lundi 4 février 2008
Heure : 16h30 à 18h
Du cidre de pommes et rafraîchissements légers seront servis. Bienvenue à toutes et à tous! Au plaisir de vous y voir!
Charles Leblanc 250
Originally uploaded by Oldmaison
A couple of weeks ago, I received this email...Who knows????
If the riding of Fredericton-Silverwood don't want the less fortunate around?
I'll fight them!!!! < Non violence of course >
Someone sent a hit against me last Christmas so lets see what's going to happen this time around.
You would believe that I would take the hint and don't bother with these people but I'm just a nosy curious little blogger!!
Wish me luck!!!!
Stay tuned!!!
(le texte français suit l’anglais)
You are cordially invited to our Open House at the Constituency Office, 83 Regent Street, hosted by Fredericton-Lincoln MLA, Minister Greg Byrne & Fredericton-Silverwood MLA, Rick Miles.
Date: Monday, February 4, 2008
Time: 4:30 to 6:00 pm
Everyone Welcome, Apple cider & light refreshments will be served.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Vous êtes cordialement invité.e.s. à notre événement « portes ouvertes » au bureau de circonscription situé au 83, rue Regent, parrainé par le député de Fredericton-Lincoln, le ministre Greg Byrne et le député de Fredericton-Silverwood, Rick Miles.
Date : le lundi 4 février 2008
Heure : 16h30 à 18h
Du cidre de pommes et rafraîchissements légers seront servis. Bienvenue à toutes et à tous! Au plaisir de vous y voir!

Charles Leblanc 250
Originally uploaded by Oldmaison
le texte français suit l’anglais)
1. *** REMINDER ***
Greater Fredericton Liberal Christmas Party
Date: Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Location: Sweetwaters/Rockin’ Rodeo, 339 King Street , Fredericton , NB
Time: 7:00 pm (Steve Whalen Band from 9:00 pm on…)
Details: Come join us and the Liberal MLA’s/MP to celebrate the Holidays! There will be a 50/50 draw with proceeds going to "Changes", a new non-profit organization in the city. We will also be accepting both children's books and non-perishable food items. Also, for your convenience, there is plenty of parking available in the parking garage located behind the Toronto-Dominion Tower Building with access from King Street .
For more information, contact the NBLA at 453-3950.
Everyone welcome! We look forward to seeing you there!
*** RAPPEL ***
Soirée sociale de Noël des libéraux du Grand Fredericton
Date : le mercredi 12 décembre 2007
Endroit : Sweetwaters/Rockin’ Rodeo, 339, rue King, Fredericton, NB
Heure : 19h (avec l’orchestre Steve Whalen à compter de 21h)
Détails : Venez célébrer la saison des Fêtes avec nous et les députés! Il y aura un tirage 50/50 dont les profits iront à « Changes », un nouvel organisme sans but lucratif dans la ville. Nous accepterons aussi des livres pour enfants et des denrées alimentaires non périssables. En plus, pour vous accommoder, il y a amplement de stationnement disponible dans le parc de stationnement situé en arrière de l’édifice Toronto-Dominion avec accès sur la rue King.
Pour de plus amples renseignements, veuillez communiquer avec l’A.L.N.-B. au 453-3950.
Bienvenue à toutes et à tous! Au plaisir de vous y voir!
As a matter of fact? I got two invitations???
It’s not my style of party because I was there last year and the riding of Fredericton Silverwood is full with true snobs.
I remember when the Premier walked in? He took a picture of me and another MLA with my camera
Everyone was watching and many must have said - Who’s that guy with no fancy clothes the Premier is taking a picture of?
Anyway that was last year and this is this year.
I didn’t bother going for a meal at the Soup kitchen because there would be lots of food at the Party right?

I always tell people when I’m going somewhere? I don’t know if I’m going as an activist? A blogger? A photographer? Just an ordinary individual?
Tonight I was going in there a Liberal member of the riding of Fredericton Silverwood!!!

I know the less fortunate are not welcome but I'll make a presence!
The Liberal Christmas Party was between 7pm and 9pm so I decided to show up around 7:15pm.
It was held at a bar call - SweetWaters.
I walked in and passed by some bouncers.
At first, I surprised to see them present? I never saw them last year.
I kept on walking and one of them shouted at me to stop and asked me for ID?
I replied- Huh???? ID???
I didn’t know I looked that young?
They told me there’s a list of names of people invited to the Party.
I said - My name is Charles LeBlanc! I’m sure I’m on the list!
Little did anyone knew < including yours truly > I was indeed on the list but not the list I expected???
Well? Seconds later, I was surrounded by three huge bouncers and one of them shouted-
I felt like I was on America Most Wanted list???

You know – GET THAT SCUMBAG!!!

I was very confuse!!! I receive an invitation to a Liberal Christmas Party and I’m told that I’m not welcome at the door????
Why would I attend a private party if I wasn’t invited????
It was in Rick Miles’s riding!!!
I demanded that Rick Miles comes out and chat with me??? I supported this guy when he ran for the nomination and he's my local MLA.

I was confuse and I hate to be degraded in such a public place.
Everywhere I go lately? There’s trouble!!!
I said- What the F@ck is going on????
I was reminded there was a woman present.
I usually don’t swear but I was being degraded and I wanted to know what was going on???
This idiot Greg showed up and told me to leave immediately because the Liberals MLA’S don’t want you here!!!!
I once again said- I was invited!!! As a matter of fact I got 2 invitations???
< They really must have wanted me at their party >
He asked me if I had the invitation with me?
I said - It was sent to me via email and I deleted the message.
He quickly replied- You delete an invitation? You would have post it on your blog!!!
Well? We were getting somewhere? He knew I was a blogger but I didn’t know the guy!
He told me in a very rude manner to leave of he’ll call the Cops???
This guy was full of hate!!!!
You could tell that he was telling me - Go ahead??? Make my day!!! I got three huge bouncers behind me!!!

Of course, if the jerk would have took a swing? I would have to defend myself and God knows what would happen?
Lots of frustrations in my body during the last 5 years!!!! < But we’re not going to go down that road??? >
I told the guy to go ahead and call the cops!!!
He said- You would like that would you???
I didn’t truly understand what he meant by that line?
I was surrounded by three huge bouncers. I almost went for my camera for a good shot but I knew I was on private property.

I might add I saw these bouncers in action beating people so I decided to keep my camera in check. I believe this was one of my smartest moves during the last few
With three huge bouncers around me? I wasn’t going to play hero so I decided to go outside.
Now? Did they expect this less fortunate individual just to go home with my head down???
That wasn’t going to happen!!!
I stayed on the sidewalk and people walked by asking me the reason I wasn’t inside the building?
I said - You guys are truly a bunch of filthy Rats!!! You invite someone to a Party and you send three bouncers after me????
You guys trying to get me killed or jailed???
One Liberal MLA told me to go inside with him.
I said - With three bouncers waiting for me???
The next thing I knew the cops arrive!!!

For a minute, I believe that I was being set up BIG TIME!!!
Invitation, bouncers and the investigation of the Police Force In Saint John???
Something ugly is going on and I’m right in the middle of it!!!
The cops knew me by my first name and one of them walked inside.
Afterwards, they were very nice to me and told me they couldn’t stopped me from standing on the sidewalk but not to stop anyone from going in.
I told the guys not to worry!!! I won’t stop anyone from walking inside the building!!!!
They left and guess who arrive seconds later?
Premier Shawn Graham!!!

I told Shawn- YOU???? GRRRRRR...
Seconds later, non smoker Mayor Brad Woodside himself!!!!

Now? The cops were still in their vehicle and maybe I was being set up?

Stopping the Premier and the Mayor from going into a building after I’m told not to stop anyone from walking in could put me in a lot of trouble!!!!
I was very paranoid but I played along.
The Mayor and the Premier chatted about issues and wish me a Joyeux Noel and walked inside.
The cops never left their vehicle so everyone was happy!
I guess I was wrong!!!
I stayed outside in the cold winds for another 30 minutes and let every single Liberal MLA or worker that they were truly a bunch of Filthy Rats!!!
Why would you invite someone and degrade him in front of everyone???
Well? I guess this break all the ties I had with the Liberal Party.
I told Shawn Graham himself that’s it’s very unfortunate because he’s going to get it because he’s the leader!!!!
I know the Premier for years and he’s a nice guy but his entourage have got to go!!!!
I really didn’t want to go to this snobbish party but I was surprise that THE liberal MLA’S would give the orders not to let me in there after I received an invitation?
...and you people are always telling me that I’m making up these stories???
Did the Liberals believe that I would flipped so the three bouncers would have had an excuse to hurt me?
We had many deaths in New Brunswick because of bouncers. I’m glad that I’m not the Charles LeBlanc I was 20 years ago because I would have reacted and I would have been dead.
I always stay calm like in Saint John at Atlantica but I still manage to end up in trouble?
Always something going on in the Capital.
Why didn’t the liberals just let me do what I had to do and everyone would have been happy!!!
But noooooo!!!! Someone is out to destroy Shawn Graham and I would love to know who.
Tim Porter???? Who truly knows???

It’s a dirty game and I’m right in the middle of the action.
As in the past, I must stay calm but I will continue telling the Liberals what’s going on???
Maybe there’s too many Irving’s employees in the Premier’s office?

Who truly knows???
Stay tuned!!!!
P.S. I sent an email to Rick Miles who was organizing the Party.
He sent me an email apologizing for what happen. Takes a man to apologizes but I still would love to know who in the Liberal Party wants to harm me????
Truly stay tuned!!!!
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