Two days ago I first learned about Bernard Lord resigning as leader of the P.C. Party.
I immediately emailed a few people asking where the location would be?
I finally received an email telling me the place where Bernard Lord would make the announcement.
The individual added-. You never heard this from me!!!
You got to love blogging!!
Everyone wishes to blog issues but must remain
I was all set to attend the news conference at 3:30pm at the old Beaverbrook Hotel.
I bumped into three guys from the media in the morning and we had a little debate wondering if someone would stop me from entering?
I wasn’t worried because I told them that I was a member of the P.C. Party signed me to the party around six years ago but I’m not certain if I’m still a member?
I showed up and bumped into this guy

He said hello but continue telling me that it was for the media only.

I replied - I am the media. You wish to go through that again?

I looked around and decided to have a smoke.
The guy also went outside and in a polite way told me not to cause any problems.
I let it known that I won’t be speaking. I’m just taking pictures.
I noticed all the media waiting in the ground of the Legislature for the Premier to show up.

Once there I said- OK....I guess I’m one of you guys now!!! So???
What are we suppose to do????
One reporter quickly said - Are you allowed on the ground of the Legislature?
I replied - I would love Dan Bussieres and the Quebec security staff arresting me in front of the National

I knew they had their video security camera right on me but it didn’t bother me. I was in the area and I was looking for that perfect picture.
At around 3:15pm, a group of people left the Legislature. All the media were silent but no Bernard Lord.

The P.C. MLA’s began their walk toward the Hotel and I began taking pictures.

I heard many of them shouting- Smile!!! You’re going to be on the blog.
One by one they walked and I had no time to chat because I was looking for a good shot.
The media followed for a short distance but they wanted the man of the hour.

All eyes were toward the direction of the Building of the opposition.

More than 10 minutes when by and we began thinking that the former Premier would drive in a vehicle.

I made the prediction there’s no way in the world he’s going to walk to the hotel. He won’t face the media.
We all look in different direction if we could locate Bernard Lord.

The media always huddle in a group to exchange ideas or suggestions. I always love to stand back and watch them in action.
It’s like a football team going for the win. It’s very interesting to watch them go.
They were getting impatient but there he was walking in front of the Legislature toward the Beaverbrook Hotel.

I was wrong! < Not the first time > Bernard decided to face the media head on!!!
With his family on his side, he began his final walk as Leader of the P.C. Party.
The media stayed put till the last second and the race was on.
It’s very difficult to stay still with the camera while moving with the action.

Bernard Lord walked by me and I said my normal- Bonjour Bernard. Boujour Diane.
They both answered Bonjour Charles.

Their kids???? were walking with their parents.
Once inside, I made it in the room where the news conference was held.

I was told all the other places were book solid so the little room was the only place in the Capital.

Yes, I am getting up there in age.
My brain cells went back years ago when he was leader of the opposition and he told me that as Premier he would indeed do a study on Ritalin.
Well? That never happen and there he is face to face with me resigning his post as Leader and former Premier.
My God time do indeed fly. I wonder if the same thing will happen with Shawn Graham? Stay tuned in years from now. I surely will be shot by
While I walked in the room. I quickly realize that I was witnessing a little history.

A former Premier of New Brunswick was going to resign his seat.
Plus..I’m certain it’s the first news conference in history where a blogger goes around freely with his business.
My God? It was hot!!!!
I told an Irving photographer - Aren’t you hot with that jacket?

All the people squeeze in one room. It was indeed hot!

One site that really bothered me were the two kids of Bernard Lord.
They had tears in their eyes < just like election night > This really bothered me.

Afterwards, I told the little girl in French that Daddy will no longer have any more phone calls and meetings.
Daddy will be home! Tu vas avoir ton PAPA!!!
She’s a cute little thing.

I also gave Bernard Lord's wife a little hug and they pose for this picture with my mouth open because the darn guy couldn’t take the picture.

Yes, it was indeed a moment in history in that room and I’m happy that I was there.
I saw Bernard Lord afterwards and he allowed me to take a picture with him.
I noticed he had his arms folded but I knew that it wouldn’t be a good picture so I shook his hand.

He was very busy with the media and it was nice of the former Premier to take a few minutes with me.

I tapped Bernard on the back and my last word was- Tu es un bon gars!!! < He's a nice man >
Now...we will have a new leader in a few months?
I wonder who it will be???