-Yeah, Friday was one of those days!!!

I left the Legislature and walked into the Library to write my latest blog.

I noticed that my eye glasses were missing from my little pouch. I told a person to hold the computer for me and I’ll be right back!
I was mad at myself because I always bring my glasses with me.
I noticed a little black item on the sidewalk from far away! Once I came closer, it wasn’t my glasses.
I continued and behold? I found my eye glasses but it wasn’t a pretty sight.
They were on the ground on Regent Street.

So you outsiders, Regent street is one of the busiest street in the Capital.
I never bothered to open my case because I knew that my glasses were history!!!
I felt like a tone of bricks were on my shoulders.
It was around 3:30pm and close by was the office of Family Services.

I walked in and asked for my case worker - Erma Jones.
I saw her the day before and we had a little meeting outside. I liked it that way because there were more privacy than the open cubicles system in Fredericton.
This is where the staff from Family Services degrades the welfare recipients!!!!
In a matter of minutes, she came over to see me. I told her that I wanted to chat with her outside for a minute.
She told me that she wasn’t allowed to do this.
Maybe she was told by her boss never to meet the welfare clients outside.
I said- Ohhhh,,,no!!!! Not the open cubicles policy again???
Once in room six, I told Erma Jones that I had a major problem!!!
I bet she was thinking -I could have told you this a long time ago Charles!
I repeated myself that I had a problem!!!
Once again? She asked me -What’s the problem?
I took my case and put it on the counter.

All the pieces of my eye glasses spread before her.
She immediately asked me - When did I get those glasses?
I told her – I got them from last year. She told me that I will have to wait till April of next year for a new pair.
You see? That’s what the staff at Family Serviced do!

They give you news like this in the open cubicles!
Well? Trust!!! I COMPLETY LOST IT!!!
I told the staff worker that it’s the open cubicles policy they want?
That’s what you’re going to get!!!
You could have heard me around 2 miles away.
I was furious!!!
I was out of control and those open Cubicles didn’t help the situation!
I am surprise that the cops weren’t called in?
I told Erma Jones that I will be out front with a blowhorn Monday morning because ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!!
These case workers are like robots!!!! No emotional feeling no nothing!!!!
They just go by the policies and they just don’t care of the way they will treat its recipients!
I told the robot case worker that I’ll be out front Monday morning with a blowhorn denouncing Family Services of the way they treat its recipients.
Before I left, I quickly grabbed my camera from my pouch.
She asked - What are you doing???
Maybe she believed that I was going for a 38???
She quickly ran in the back so I wouldn’t take her picture.
Before I left she asked me to clean my mess!
I shouted at her - Hey??? That’s the evidence!!! Go get your supervisor and show her my glasses and I left the building.
With all the excitement I forgot something so I went back at the counter and sure enough there was her supervisor looking over the situation.
I never said a word!
That evening, I bumped into Brad Green and told him what happen?
He told me that it’s an accident so there should be any problem?
Why are the staff at Family Services so cruel to the less fortunate?
I went to the regent street store where I got my glasses and they told me that my eye glasses cost around $200.00.
The word spread around and a few offered me their eye glasses. I refuse them because it would only damage my eyes.
The sad part is that I attended Church Sunday and I couldn’t follow the messe because I couldn’t read the booklet.

Maybe Family Services don’t believe that the poor should attend church?
It was an accident!
I told my priest- I always believe there’s a reason for everyting but why did my glasses had to fall on Regent Street and not on the sidewalk? Why?...Why???....Why????

Well? I have a new battle in my hands and lets see what’s going to happen? I can’t read the newspapers or magazines!
If you believe my grammar was bad in the past? Wait you read them in the future?
Who ran over my glasses?
Could it be that it was a bureaucrat who saw them falling on the street and quickly ran over them so I will not be able to read or
I’m writing this update in my computer were I can set the system up with huge letters!
Only with Charlie!!!! What the hell is going to happen next in my life????
I backed off from protesting with a blowhorn! I’m a blogger and they way of communicating with the public is fine with me. I will confront every elected official and bureaucrats who I come across with about my story!
I don’t have the money so what else am I suppose to do?
I know…many of you will say- GET A JOB!!!!!!
I will continue to write and talk about this issue until the poor are treated with respect!!!
Maybe they don't want to give me the glasses because they want this blog shut down!!!! Who knows????
My head hurts from working on this blog without my glasses!!!! I got to go outside!!!!