Tuesday, August 30, 2005
I'm moving out in the morning and it's not the fault of the Human Rights! I'll get to that later. I'm moving everything down to an apartment next door! I might have to stay at the shelter over night! I believe the case was settle but I don't believe so. Will say more during the next few days!!!! If you know where there's a room? Send me an email. Merci! I tell ya one thing? There's never a dull momment in my life. Gotta go!!!
Yesterday morning, I phoned the talk show talk of the town on CFBC.

I told the audience my little story about tenants and roomers having no rights.
I proved my point by telling the host Rick Mantle that the fire marshall came by and told the caretaker that he wasn’t allowed to lock the middle door in the building.
Minutes later there was a hand written letter on my door telling me that I couldn’t take a shower downstairs any longer.
I went on to say that I was going to make a complaint to the New Brunswick Human Rights Commission and that I did.
I also mention that I don’t have to deal with Carl White!!! Thank God!!!!
I can deal with the Generals.
I arrived at their building at 11:00am.
The girl who answered the door turned around and I believe she said-He’s here because seconds later, a door quickly shut!
Once inside, I expected to see Christian Whalen but he was no where to be seen!
I asked the girl to speak to a case worker.
Mind you? I must admit that I didn’t have to perfect attitude because I can’t stand to be around these people.
Aline Barnett came over and asked for my name?
I believe she was making fun of me? At first, I believe it was a joke???
The door that quickly shut?
Where there police officers in that room? Who knows?
I asked the case worker how long she has been with the Human Rights Commission? She told me around 10 years.
So? We sat in the conference room and I began to tell her my story.
She told me that there wasn’t much that could be done?

It has to be you know… Race, Ancestry, National Origin, Place of Origin, Colour, Religion, Menatl Disablility, Physical Disablility, Age, sex, Sexual Harrasment, Sexual Orientation, Martial Status, social condition or Political Belief or Activity Convictions.
She mentioned - Social condition but at the end?

She wasn’t certain if I would be covered by the Human Rights Act?
I said- Never mind reasons? I won’t use French or ADHD!
I am just a human being who is being denied my right to have a shower like everybody else.
It’s only about the right to have a shower.

She showed a piece of paper to be fill out!!!
I quickly said- No..no..no….you people agreed with the Irvings that people with ADHD are close to mental retardation so therefore I need help to write the complaint.
Hey? They came out with this very discriminating verdict so therefore they are going to do the paper work.
I flatly told them that the last time I wrote my complaint?
I didn’t do a good job because the new Brunswick Human rights Commission told the Irvings that niggers and frogs can be assaulted!!!
SH@T!!!! Getting upset again!
I didn’t seem to get nowhere with Aline???
So I quickly left my chair and confronted their lawyer Christian Whallen.

As I told Aline earlier. I demanded that they call the Fredericton Police Forces so we can know what the hell is going on?
Christian suggested that I call the Rentalman???
Sh@t! Here we go again!
The Rentalman says the cops has to be present if I’m evicted without just cause.
The cops says to go to the Human Rights!

No one seem to know what to do with boarders or roomers????
We live in Canada and a person can be denied taking a shower and no one can do anything about it????

I added that these workers make between $50,000 to $100,000 per year and they should get out from the nice cozy atmosphere of the building and go have a chat with the other tenants? They told me that they can’t do that!!!! What kind of people are they????
Making that kind of money and just stay in the building. Makes me sick!!!!
I return to the office in the afternoon and a sense of anger goes through my blood every instance I see this building never mind walking inside.
Susan Butterfield open the door and was friendly but I just ignored her! It’s better that way and it wouldn’t surprise me that the cops were in her office in the morning?

Why didn’t they call the cops once I asked? Good question?
Who can I talk too?
I gave the complaint form and this time around Aline sounded a little different so did they have their little meeting after I left about my ADHD attitude?
Are they worried??? Hey? When I’m dealing with people who supported and set up a precedent of the way adults taking Ritalin will be treated?
Well? I put my head in my hand and said - I am so happy that I was ADHD!!!!
I have the energy to carry on the fight!
Someone in the Capital must have the answers???
I heard the landlord was around the Building this evening while I was volunteering at the kitchen!
Hey? I believe that I will be evicted and all this because a former Homeless guy is the caretaker and he will do as he pleased!

I do not understand why the landlord wants his name to come out public on this issue?
All because of a shower? It just doesn’t make sense.
I told the girl at the Human Rights that I will be there in the morning and I will!
This has nothing to do with me!
If this happens to moi? What the hell is going on around this province?
That’s the emotional question?
Poor New Brunswickers must be protected! I believe the next step will be eviction!
I told the case worker to phone the landlord and I believe the issue will quickly be resolved.
Hey? If I’m not afraid of the Irvings?

Will a landlord scare moi?
Especially one who don’t seem to care about human life! He doesn’t seem like a bad guy but the situation is totally out of control and I’m still staying around to see what’s going to happen?
Any other individual would do like the female officer told me over the phone!
A person would just move to another place.
Sorry that’s not my style.
If I don’t break bo rules or law. Why should I move? I know that this winter it’s going to be cold in this building because it was last winter.

Hey? How many other people are going through the same BS?
The Fredericton Police Force sent me at the building of the Human Rights Commission so we’ll take it from there.
I am going there again today and if nothing is done? I will tell them to call the Police and get to the bottom of this!

I’m telling you! There’s never a dull moment in my life! There’s always something going on and thank God I have ADHD because I have the energy to continue the fight!

I’m supposed to have a interview by a reporter of the Irving’s newspaper. I trust this reporter because she did a good job with my protest.

Stay tune for more action from the Capital!
I just received this email so once again stay tune???
Subject: Human Rights
Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2005 09:05:23 -0300
From: "Barnett, Aline (HRC/CDP)"
View Contact Details
To: oldmaison@yahoo.com
Mr. LeBlanc,
Further to our discussions yesterday, I can meet with
you today at 3 p.m. If this is not convenient for you
please let me know and we can arrange another time.
Please let me know.
Aline Barnett
Intake Officer/Agente d'accueil
NB Human Rights Commission/
La Commission des droits de la personne N-B

I told the audience my little story about tenants and roomers having no rights.
I proved my point by telling the host Rick Mantle that the fire marshall came by and told the caretaker that he wasn’t allowed to lock the middle door in the building.
Minutes later there was a hand written letter on my door telling me that I couldn’t take a shower downstairs any longer.
I went on to say that I was going to make a complaint to the New Brunswick Human Rights Commission and that I did.
I also mention that I don’t have to deal with Carl White!!! Thank God!!!!
I can deal with the Generals.
I arrived at their building at 11:00am.
The girl who answered the door turned around and I believe she said-He’s here because seconds later, a door quickly shut!
Once inside, I expected to see Christian Whalen but he was no where to be seen!
I asked the girl to speak to a case worker.
Mind you? I must admit that I didn’t have to perfect attitude because I can’t stand to be around these people.
Aline Barnett came over and asked for my name?
I believe she was making fun of me? At first, I believe it was a joke???
The door that quickly shut?
Where there police officers in that room? Who knows?
I asked the case worker how long she has been with the Human Rights Commission? She told me around 10 years.
So? We sat in the conference room and I began to tell her my story.
She told me that there wasn’t much that could be done?

It has to be you know… Race, Ancestry, National Origin, Place of Origin, Colour, Religion, Menatl Disablility, Physical Disablility, Age, sex, Sexual Harrasment, Sexual Orientation, Martial Status, social condition or Political Belief or Activity Convictions.
She mentioned - Social condition but at the end?

She wasn’t certain if I would be covered by the Human Rights Act?
I said- Never mind reasons? I won’t use French or ADHD!
I am just a human being who is being denied my right to have a shower like everybody else.
It’s only about the right to have a shower.

She showed a piece of paper to be fill out!!!
I quickly said- No..no..no….you people agreed with the Irvings that people with ADHD are close to mental retardation so therefore I need help to write the complaint.
Hey? They came out with this very discriminating verdict so therefore they are going to do the paper work.
I flatly told them that the last time I wrote my complaint?
I didn’t do a good job because the new Brunswick Human rights Commission told the Irvings that niggers and frogs can be assaulted!!!
SH@T!!!! Getting upset again!
I didn’t seem to get nowhere with Aline???
So I quickly left my chair and confronted their lawyer Christian Whallen.

As I told Aline earlier. I demanded that they call the Fredericton Police Forces so we can know what the hell is going on?
Christian suggested that I call the Rentalman???
Sh@t! Here we go again!
The Rentalman says the cops has to be present if I’m evicted without just cause.
The cops says to go to the Human Rights!

No one seem to know what to do with boarders or roomers????
We live in Canada and a person can be denied taking a shower and no one can do anything about it????

I added that these workers make between $50,000 to $100,000 per year and they should get out from the nice cozy atmosphere of the building and go have a chat with the other tenants? They told me that they can’t do that!!!! What kind of people are they????
Making that kind of money and just stay in the building. Makes me sick!!!!
I return to the office in the afternoon and a sense of anger goes through my blood every instance I see this building never mind walking inside.
Susan Butterfield open the door and was friendly but I just ignored her! It’s better that way and it wouldn’t surprise me that the cops were in her office in the morning?

Why didn’t they call the cops once I asked? Good question?
Who can I talk too?
I gave the complaint form and this time around Aline sounded a little different so did they have their little meeting after I left about my ADHD attitude?
Are they worried??? Hey? When I’m dealing with people who supported and set up a precedent of the way adults taking Ritalin will be treated?
Well? I put my head in my hand and said - I am so happy that I was ADHD!!!!
I have the energy to carry on the fight!
Someone in the Capital must have the answers???
I heard the landlord was around the Building this evening while I was volunteering at the kitchen!
Hey? I believe that I will be evicted and all this because a former Homeless guy is the caretaker and he will do as he pleased!

I do not understand why the landlord wants his name to come out public on this issue?
All because of a shower? It just doesn’t make sense.
I told the girl at the Human Rights that I will be there in the morning and I will!
This has nothing to do with me!
If this happens to moi? What the hell is going on around this province?
That’s the emotional question?
Poor New Brunswickers must be protected! I believe the next step will be eviction!
I told the case worker to phone the landlord and I believe the issue will quickly be resolved.
Hey? If I’m not afraid of the Irvings?

Will a landlord scare moi?
Especially one who don’t seem to care about human life! He doesn’t seem like a bad guy but the situation is totally out of control and I’m still staying around to see what’s going to happen?
Any other individual would do like the female officer told me over the phone!
A person would just move to another place.
Sorry that’s not my style.
If I don’t break bo rules or law. Why should I move? I know that this winter it’s going to be cold in this building because it was last winter.

Hey? How many other people are going through the same BS?
The Fredericton Police Force sent me at the building of the Human Rights Commission so we’ll take it from there.
I am going there again today and if nothing is done? I will tell them to call the Police and get to the bottom of this!

I’m telling you! There’s never a dull moment in my life! There’s always something going on and thank God I have ADHD because I have the energy to continue the fight!

I’m supposed to have a interview by a reporter of the Irving’s newspaper. I trust this reporter because she did a good job with my protest.

Stay tune for more action from the Capital!
I just received this email so once again stay tune???
Subject: Human Rights
Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2005 09:05:23 -0300
From: "Barnett, Aline (HRC/CDP)"
View Contact Details
To: oldmaison@yahoo.com
Mr. LeBlanc,
Further to our discussions yesterday, I can meet with
you today at 3 p.m. If this is not convenient for you
please let me know and we can arrange another time.
Please let me know.
Aline Barnett
Intake Officer/Agente d'accueil
NB Human Rights Commission/
La Commission des droits de la personne N-B
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