I knew that I had to move fast and it sure is nice to have ADHD because the energy I needed.
I had to leave in the morning.
At 9:00am, I began to pack my things!

My God? The Irvings staff even gave me a helping hand. They gave me some boxes. Hey? The Irvings helping Charles??? WOOWW!!! No..The staff at the this are excellent!

Ok….There were two guys downstairs. John and Bob!

I asked them if they could give me a hand?
They did and all the stuff was gone in a few hours.

I also had to carry Ken’s stuff!

That’s the guy who’s in jail.
It was raining very hard and it matched the mood I was in.
I decided to bring my little letter telling me that if I dared to fart, I was evicted to the Human Rights Commission.
After our little meeting, Francis Young contacted the Landlord and something was said.
He sent me a email asking me to contact him at the Human Rights office.
Once at the building, I knocked on the door but no answer.
I knocked a second time and you’ll never guess who I came face to face with?
Right across the window door was Carl White himself.

If looks could kill we would have been both dead.
I’m certain that he didn’t know what to do? He slowly opened the door and I slowly walked in and Christian Whallen quickly ran from his office.
He must have seen me coming in from the picture window and at the last second, it must have hit him- My God?? Charles and Carl face to face????
I pretend that Carl White wasn’t even in existence and I told Christian Whallen en Francais that Francis Young asked for me?
I never seen a lawyer moved so fast in all my life.
He didn’t walk up the stairway but he ran!
There we were Carl and me together in the same room! It made me sick but I had to remain calm!
He immediately ran downstairs and told me that Francis wasn’t around. I gave a copy of the letter to the lawyer and I walked into the Ombudsman office and gave Bernard Richard a copy of my letter.

Maybe the ombudsman can suggest to the Government that roomers must be protected by the law? Who knows?
I left my chair outside in the rain. The guys didn't want it and there's no way in the world that I was going to leave the chair to Maurice?

I clean my room.

I went to the Human Rights Office this afternoon and I got a meeting with them at 1:30pm tomorrow!
Lets see what will happen to my case. Will those people tell me that there’s nothing that can do for the poor human beings in this province. Lets see what’s going to happen and I might bring 777 with me again so she can keep me in check! Stay tune because I have much more to write about this very emotional issue!!!!!
Excuse the style of this blog because I just wrote the darn thing and send it along the information Highway!!!