After thinking about it? I finally found one.

My person of the week is Rick Mantle.
Who’s Rick Mantle you asked?
He’s a radio talk show host from CFBC in Saint John New Brunswick.
The show is called –Talk of the Town.
That show has been around for the last 30 years and I have been a regular caller for the last 10 years.
Some people might say that I’m kissing butt in nominating this individual?
Well, that’s not my style!
When the issue of LNG came up in the spring. The issue was talked about almost daily.

The host is in control of the show.
Rick could have easily cut the issue off from the public.
But he didn’t. He kept on asking the public for their views on this issue and callers called in with their views.
Rick went further than his show by organizing a meeting in Saint John so Saint Johners could show up in great numbers.

I was there and I would say around 400 people showed up to speak out against the LNG!!!!

Any talk show host would have been afraid to speak out against the Irvings in fear of their job.

Rick stood firm and came back on the air a few weeks ago.
The issue of LNG is still talked about on the air and all the praise should go to Rick Mantle.
I might add that he allows callers to speak freely so therefore making them feel at ease.
There’s also more new callers phoning in with their concerns.
I also like the fact that Rick allows me to mention my blog on the air therefore attracting more new visitors to my blog site.
Yes, this is the only talk show in the province and Rick Mantle should be congratulated for a job very well done!
Congratulation Rick!


What’s your view on this choice?