Remember this one? One week after the raid. He's a former Cop!!!
He was pretty sharp in his prediction eh???
I just finished reading all of the articles both written and audio / video. I've been watching you for years and you and I have spoken on a few occasions. I always said you were on the edge and could get under peoples skin, but that this was acceptable because of the valued stories that you have brought to lite over the years. However, unless you are swinging with both hands you are not supposed to be able to get under the skin of a police officer. I should know, I was a police officer for a very very long time.
Bye the way, I know your arch nemeses ..."Dan Bussier"... He quit the RCMP because he couldn't take it. He was a sickly thing from Quebec and when he couldn't get his way, he jumped into a decent job at the legislature. I gave him koodoos at the time, but the only thing is, he brought his sickly, whining behaviour with him. He has used his position and abused his authority to push you around. It's easy to do when he doesn't really have a boss and he just orders people around "willie nillie" which certainly includes the Fredericton City Police.
It would appear to me that everyone from the city police that have taken a shot or two at you have previously been involved in the legislature issues, which have all been influenced by the Sergeant at Arms Dan Bussier. "Dan" you should be ashamed of yourself, but I know you're not. I understand that it was you that reported Charles for riding on the sidewalk and no helmet and you were able to influence the city police into giving him the $140 fine....."Give me a Break"..... I'm glad you left the RCMP...That is sad...
"Getting back to the City Police", They should know better as well, but they don't. Weak minded police officers do weak minded things. Giving Charles traffic violations wasn't good enough!!!!... Charles fights back verbally so you charge him criminally for "libel".... a section of the criminal code that has been proven to be ineffective and as well non constitutional... Have we completely lost it "Boys"
Now, you have city councillors speaking out. Well it's about time actually, although they are asking the wrong question of the wrong person. They should be asking for the Chief of Police to step down, immediately. He has allowed his police force to attack the rights given to all Canadians. "The Right to Speak out and be Heard"
Everyone in the know, and especially the police know that Charles Leblanc is not a violent man. He is known as a pain in the rear or the neck. For the FPF to send a large number of officers to his small apartment to seize his computer was in and by itself unreasonable. What foolish Crown Lawyer authorized this foolishness or did they just go straight to a JP. I hope they did just go to a Justice of the Peace, because maybe the DOJ can clean this up before it goes any further.
What truly offends me in this matter, is that the police took all of Charles' computer equipment. Regardless of the quality of the investigation or charge, the only thing the police needed in this investigation was the computer/and or hard drive. For them to take all of his equipment including his monitor, keyboard and mouse was just plain spiteful and purely ignorant of the officers. They know better and this was just another attempt to silence Charles, and to deprive him of his lawful property, ect., which is not the right of the police to do.
I don't just think the officers involved here have been mischievious in their childish ways, I actually believe that they are bordering on "Criminal Mischief"
I am not as elequant as Jordan Graham, "but by God", I agree with him.