This jerk is starting to get on my nerves. I received another letter of copyright infringement.
These new Irving employees are really trying to have this blog shut down.
I used some stories years ago < The days we had a paper >
Why are the Irvings or Jamie Irving allowing this Jerk Scott Agnew to cause me some harm?

I guess the Irvings are working overtime to have this blog shut down!!!
It's a darn shame we don't have anymore Talk Shows in this Province because I would go on the air big time!!! < Just like the good old day >

...and you people get upset when I used the Hitler picture???

When Hitler took power??? He took control of the media to brainwash the citizens of Germany and the same thing is happening in this Province.
The mayor of Bathurst and Miramichi are very upset with the Irvings because they shut down their newspaper office in that area.

Mayors in N.B. criticize disappearance of regional media
Last Updated: Monday, October 1, 2007 | 1:20 PM AT
CBC News
Mayors and communities in northern New Brunswick are criticizing the wave of recent decisions to pull reporters out of their region.
The Moncton Times and Transcript has closed its bureau in Miramichi effective immediately, eliminating the last daily newspaper reporter covering the area. Management at the newspaper did not return calls for comment.
They said that they haven’t saw an Irving reporter in their chambers for months!!!
When I appeared in front of the Senate in 2005- Click below for info-
The Irvings told the Senate they weren’t interested in the news. They were only interested in advertising!!
This is what I believe is happening?
The Irvings will continue to make complaints till the blog is shut down!!!
I am not making these stories up???
These people wish to control what is said in New Brunswick.
They don’t want the outside world to know what’s happening so therefore the underground media is the only way!!!

The only time I noticed their paper is when I’m in a line up.
The Irvings are dirty and must be stop but the question is how???

I have a little blog but it’s powerful.
Many end up here by searching- J.D Irving.
Guess what? My blog site is way up there and also in the image section.
Not too may people can say they’re in the same photo album with the Irvings!!!..lol

This is what it is and that’s that!!!
Even Premier Shawn Graham is in the same ball game.
Go ahead and google his name and my picture shows up!!!
I believe the Irvings have given orders to their employees such as Scott Agnew to have this blog shut down but one thing is certain?

If they succeed? I will be in Saint John and the Irving will truly hear from this blogger.
If the blog shuts down? I’ll just start a new one but it could be a huge public disaster for the Irvings!
New Brunswickers are a passive bunch but not that passive.
When I blogged this issue last month?
I was approached by many strangers telling me this is not right at all!!!
I have my little blog and the Irvings have all the newspapers in New Brunswick!!!
Jamie Irving should leave me be!!!

Why don’t they just leave me alone and just let me continue blogging issues away!!!
What’s going to happen???
Maybe I should have been accepted as an Irving blogger and everyone would have been happy???

Stay tune!!!
P.S. Where is this Scott Agnew from anyway??? Germany maybe???