I notice the Carleton docking near the man made wharf in the Capital.

The Captain is no other but the Mayor of Fredericton Brad Woodside.

I always found this Mayor pretty straight forward with different issues.
He put his name on the ballot at the last minute and won the Municipal election.
I saw the Mayor the day before the election.
I told him that I couldn’t vote for him because I had my own little column in the FRED paper and I already put my support behind Joel Richardson.
He told me that the people wanted him to run in which he did and won.
I had a good chuckle because one of his first line of duty was to proclaim gay week!
It was on the front page of the Irving paper.
For you newcomers? Years ago, the Mayor refuse to read a proclamation for the gays.
Here's the story I found on the internet.
The issue went to those beautiful people of the New Brunswick Human Rights Commission.
At the end, he gave in to the pressure.
This time around? I guess that he was sort of saying - Hey? I read it and don’t bother me till next year!
Being Charles? I had to have some fun with the Mayor.

I walked on his boat and showed Mr.Woodside a card and said - I represent the Irving family. I'm a Irving bureaucrat!!

I pointed across the river and told the Mayor that we wanted to built a huge LNG Plant in that area!

He quickly answered-- NOOOOOOOOO!!!!
I continued and said- Listen!!! We may have a misunderstanding here!
I represent the Irvings! I’m a Irving bureaucrat from the Capital! We got the power!!!

The Mayor turned a little more stern and look at me straight in the eye and repeated-NOOOOOOO!!!!! ..lol…
All in fun.
I don’t believe that the Irvings could reach the same deal with this Mayor and they did with Norm MacIrving!!!

The Capital has a pretty good Mayor but I often wonder where’s the crosswalk in this location?

Why wait till someone gets killed? The again it could be a member of the Lord Government.
My God? We would wish the Government to fall because of a City who refused to erect a crosswalk in a busy intersection!

This Mayor has always been straight forward in his views and lets hope that he continues his same style for many years to come.

I might also add that this Mayor isn't scare to speak out of the need of a Methadone Clinic in this City!!! The Mayor knows that Dilaudid causes crime in the Capital!!!