While giving out my prediction for the Provincial election? I got a little flashback.
I went back to the year of 1993.
It was the Federal election and guess what?
In those days, I was writing updates to a huge email list so you can say that I have been in this hobby for a very long time.
So I started a contest asking the people on my list to make a prediction on the Federal election?
I had around 30 people who replied to my email and guess who won???
Yes, the Premier of the day join in the contest.
This is the reason that I respected Frank McKenna so much.
He would reply to your email.
To make matter worst. I was watching the news on television and I saw Frank showing the media that he won the contest!!!
I laughed when I saw that.
So, look at this situation. I was working at the Shipyard and I was still writing those stupid updates in 1993.
Now we’re in 2006 and I’m still going the same hobby!!!
But in this case??? IT’S BLOGGING!!!!
I will post a contest Sunday and maybe everyone can post their predictions.
Hey? Maybe Frank McKenna reads this blog and he could join in also????
Who knows who reads this blog????