This was the best move Bernard Lord has ever made and he should be congratulated for a job very well done!

I was praying that my book would have been printed by now but I don’t believe if it will happen!
Here’s a part of a story when I was protesting in my tent in front of the Legislature.
I’m pasting a part were the Security staff at U.N.B. ordered me off the property. You have to read this as I went back in time to the year 2003.
Many students told me they agree with Ritalin because that pill helps them with their exams in the classes.
They don’t have ADHD but they snort the darn thing.
Major problem at U.N.B. with this drug and it’s a darn shame the administration stopped me from preaching to these kids on the danger of Ritalin.
I’m not making these stories up because it was on a CBC program call- Market Place.
They said that many students use Ritalin in the colleges.
It’s ok because I collected about 3,000 names from the students at U.N.B and I’m still allowed at S.T.U.!
These kids know there’s a problem and it’s too bad that the administration doesn’t believe this is true.
I guess we’re going to have many kids passing their exams high on drugs.
It’s very scary. You can just imagine the attitude of the next generation?

Makes a person wonder?
I said to myself- ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!
I’m going to my tent and relax.
This just isn’t my day!
I better quit before I get myself in anymore trouble.
But little did anyone know?
There was more bad news ahead for this protester.
I laid back on my pillows and heard on CBC News that Bernard Richard will be taking a job.

He will be the new Ombudsman.
I wasn’t totally surprised when I first heard this news because I really can’t blame him because he gets over $1,000,000 over 10 years!
I knew there was something going on because I approached the honest politician < not too many of them around > a couple of weeks ago and asked him if it was true he was going to be appointed as a judge?
Being Bernard? He didn’t say non or oui!
I knew right then that something was in the making.
It’s too bad because he was the person who was supposed to present my petition to the house.
I knew he would find the perfect words to say in the Legislature because he’s been
supportive for my cause for the past five years.
It’s a great lost to all New Brunswickers because he’s a good honest man and maybe he can investigate some issues that’s going on with those bureaucrats like the Human
Rights Commission?
Who knows? I predict that Bernard will be back in 10 years.
Now? I had another problem?
Who’s going to present my petition to the house?
Some mentioned Kelly Lambrock but I didn’t really know the guy so I passed.

Another person mentioned was Mike Murphy?

He’s too high classed for this dude.
Shawn Graham?

What about Roy Boudreau?

He used to be a former teacher.
Many more names were mentioned but I wasn’t comfortable with those politicians.
Someone from the Government even suggested that he would present my petition.
Then suddenly guess who walked out of The Liberal Building?
T.J. Burke himself. I said to myself?

Hey? Maybe that’s the guy????
During the summer months, as you know I had some fun with this new M.L.A.
I got him really upset at me on a few occasions but lets face it?
He’s a very smart young man!
So I decided to ask T.J. and he accepted.

I told him we’re going to put our difference behind us and fight for the kids of this Province.
We shook hands and we had an agreement. I know he’ll give a good presentation.
He’s the first Native to be elected in the Legislature and as I said in the past?

There’s a major problem with Ritalin on different Native reserves around this Province.
I have 8,900 names on my petition but it looks like the whole world is crashing
down around me so I’m not certain I’ll be able to reach my goal of 10,000?

November 27th was a beautiful day in the Capital.
November was nicer than the month before.
Yesterday, I saw Bernard Richard and Derek Riedle walking on the sidewalk. Derek is on the left in the picture.

This was the first time I’ve seen Bernard since he announced his resignation.
I quickly confronted the new Ombudsman and said- Ma maudit Rapasse! < In English it means - You sonavagun!>
You sold me for one million dollars???
While he had his head down he said-Wellll….. Charlie?? It’s not a million dollars.
I quickly said- Ohhh I’m very sorry!
You sold me for 1.4 million dollars? Who am I going to give my petition to now that you’re gone Bernard?
He said- Well Charles? You should have given the papers to me months ago.
After a few minutes, I congratulated him for his new job.
I told Bernard if the Government also offered me a 1.4 million job? I would remove my
tent in a matter of seconds.

So I guess I can be bought!
I truly believe Bernard Lord made the right choice in picking this individual.

Bernard Richard agreed with me that T.J. Burke was a good choice.
After the protest ended, I decided to make a stopover at the new Ombudsman office.

I walked in the building and behold there was Bernard sitting at his desk with his hands against his face.
My God? He looked bored to death!
His term was only going to begin in January lets not forget this politician is always on the go fighting for New Brunswickers.
This 1.4 million dollar 10 years appointment was going to be a huge change for Bernard Richard. I always told people that Bernard has ADHD big time!!! He's full of energy!!!
If you didn’t know? Their office is located right next door.

It wouldn’t be a very long walk and it would be nice to saw the looks on those members faces once they seen Bernard and I walk through the doors of the N.B.H.R.C.????

We had a good chat on this issue and maybe something will come up in the future?
Who knows because I know Bernard has been reading my updates from day one and he heard me speak out on many occasions when I talked about the issue of Ritalin on talk shows so he is well aware of my situation.

Who knows what can happen during the next few months?

That’s it!!! Indeed.... a few issues have come forward since he got appointed to the job!!!! Continue ton bon travaille Bernard!!!!