Wednesday, April 06, 2005


Mr.Lord? It is with great sadness and disappointment that I am writing you this evening.

I cannot believe after going on four months of almost non-stop media exposure.

The awareness of the ills facing this Province and the Maritimes as a whole with the out of control VLT gambling problems?

Also the many suicides plus other levels of despair associated with this addiction that you have not made even the smallest attempt as the leader of this province to step forward with good face to present any type of implementation to ease this burden on the population.

Yet the public and myself have been told by at least three of your own Ministers that the suggestions put forward to ease this crises were and I quote (VERY REASONABLE)!!!!!!!

Other Maritime Provinces have listened to their people’s concerns and
have acted appropriately and have now given their plan of action to such
Legislation as to the concerns voiced within and yet you have not spoken
to a single reporter or newspaper either way other than the one liner you gave on opening day of the house to say ( Well the people want them for entertainment )

Well I must say for you to basically say that you find it entertaining to watch people die from an addiction that you have control over pretty well tells us as voters where your morals and principles lies.

I think that you should go to Nova Scotia and ask John Hamm if you
might sit in on how the legislature is properly run?

By the people!!!!!!!!!!!

With which you shouldn't find fault with his ideas as the governing
party is the Conservative Party and also you might also do well to include a few lessons from him on public relations with the people of which you govern.

For the life of me I cannot figure out how you see leading this Province with the arrogance and blatant disregard for any concerns but your own will ever bring you any further then this point in time.

As I've started to clarify how the wheels of government turn I can only see total disappointment in the remembrance of your time spent as Premier of the Province of New Brunswick because you do not take into account the will of the people with which you lead.

Everything I hear about you is full of
negativity and suppression!

It's like you carry the largest black cloud over this Province that it has ever seen in at least a hundred years.

According to the what the public are saying lately ABOUT YOU???

You are all but on your way out of office at first chance from just about every interest group of every kind.

I seriously feel demoralized because when you first came into the light as this great new leader and savour of the people I will admit that I was one who bought into that dream but mistakes were made and bridges were crossed but never again will I be known as a gullible citizen of New Brunswick because you have made absolutely sure that we will never forget what can happen to us if someone like you works there way into office through manipulative manoeuvres.

When I went to Fredericton to bring awareness to the public on what
was really happening to the people of this Province over this issue?

They told me I might as well die on your front step because you would not
do anything that would cost you one dollar regardless of lost lives or

I defended you every single time these remarks were made to me
and to the response was – You’re going to see what it's like to eat those very words!

You obviously do not know who it is you have come here to see the premier is not the type of person you think he is.


Tomorrow, I have some plans so therefore there will be no updates from yours truly! Are you happy???
Anyway, Thursday evening at 8:00pm. Bernard Lord will be a guest on Voice of the Province.
This is a show on Rogers. Many of you don’t have cable so therefore you cannot watch the show.
I’ll give you the toll free number so you can phone the Premier. The toll free number is- 1-866-414-3628!!!!
You better call sharp at 8:00pm because it’s going to be a busy period. Myself? I don’t believe that I’ll phone because it’s a waste of time but a person never knows!

What don't the Irvings own?

It really probably is a shorter list of what Irving doesn't own in the provinces of New Brunswick, P.E.I. and Nova Scotia but for those of you interested in knowing the Irvings cold reach into our society have a look at this list. I may even be currently working for one of these businesses...


1-Irving Oil

2-Master Packaging Inc.

3-Selecta Brand Toilet

4- Paper Acadian Lines Ltd.

5-Irving Oil Stores Ltd.


7-Cavendish Farms Indian River Farm Ltd.

8-Bus Lines Midland Courier

9-Majesta Brand Paper Products

10- Irving Oil Transport Ltd.

11-Summit Publishing

12- Atlantic Advocate University Press, N.B.

13-Island Fertilizer Ltd.

14-Malpeque Fertilizer Ltd.

15-Atlantic Speedy Commercial Equipment Stores

16-Gulf Operators

17-J.D. Irving Ltd.

18-Georgetown shipyard, PEI

19- Daily Gleaner, Fredericton

20-Telegraph Journal,

21- Moncton Times Transcript

22-Oromocto Post

23-Riverdale Foods Ltd.

24-Irving Pulp and Paper Ltd. West

25-Isle Farm Supply Ltd.

26-Irving Equipment Irving Personnel Plus Inc.

27-J.H. Irving Ltd. Saint John

28-Shipbuilding and Drydock

29-Irving Steamships Ltd.

30-Halifax Shipyard Ltd.

31-Irving Glen Shipping Ltd.

32-Harbour Development

33-Midland Transport Ltd.

34- Kent Shipping Lines Ltd.

35-Kent Homes

36-Irving ProCare

37-Kent Building Supply

38-Sunbury Transport

39-Kent Hardware Stores

40-Irving Forest Products Ltd. Saint John


42-Ocean Steel Ltd. (OSCO) Steel and Engine Products Ltd.

43-Marque Construction Ltd.

44-Irving Forest Service Ltd.

45-Irving Tissue Sales Ltd.

46-Atlantic Towing Ltd.

47- HarthStone Homes

48-Chandler Sales

49-The Home Centre Maritime Tire Store outlets Custom Fabricators and Machinists

50-K.C. Irving Ltd.

51-Russel & Swim Ltd.

52-Phillips Feed Engineering Consultants Limited

53-Superior Propane (PEI)

Again, what we have forgotten, please inform and we would like to categorically organize this list into sector and reveal the absolute reality of this list...


This is indeed a sad day for many people in New Brunswick especially in the area of Memramcook and Shediac.

It was exactly one year ago this morning that Remi Cormier was hit and killed by a school bus in Cap Bimet!

I personally know this Family and my prayers are with them on this sad day!

Hey? Guess what?

Today is also Saint Andrew Day! I noticed the Scottish Flag flying at half mast in front of the Legislature. I am half Scottish < That’s my problem not ADHD…LOL… > therefore we all know there’s nothing more stubborn that a darn Scotsman!

Last night while entering the Soup Kitchen, I noticed the 5 months old woman had all her belongings on the ground.

My God? She had a lot of stuff in there!

It reminded me of my protest in front of the Legislature. The Sergeant At Arms couldn’t believe that I had so much junk????

Hey? You live in a tent for six months? People are going to come by with items such as Blankets, t-shirts and other things!

I confronted a few people about the issue of the poor girl

Shawn Graham- Liberal

Roly McIntyre- Liberal

Kevin Price-Bureaucrat

ChisHolm Pothier < aide to Premier Lord >

Milt Sherwood < P.C. MLA >

Two other bureaucrats

This morning while leaving the Library, I told Chisholm Pothier of the poor girl!

Seconds later in front of me were all these Irving reporters and other media personal asking me to move over so they could film the Premier leaving the floor of the Legislature.

I answered- What do you think I am? A media Hound???

A few Irving reporters quickly said- Yes you are!!!

Oh well? C’est la vie!…

They had their interview with Bernard Lord while I was sitting on a nice sofa! I could only stay in that atmosphere for a few minutes.

Hey? How come the Blogger cannot asked questions to the Premier?

Of course, I could have waited in the background until he was done and confront him on the issue of the pregnant woman but I already told his aide Chisholm Pothier and I was told by a bureaucrat that someone from Family Services will go down there and chat with the girl!

Hey? I said it in the past and I will say it again! I really don’t care where the girl sleeps?

I do care for the unborn child! The unborns in this province should be protected at any cost so lets see what’s going to happen???

As of last evening? No one from the Government approach her for support! Stay tune!!!

I just receive an email from my favourite Priest and he’s ok!

Speaking of Religion? You know something?

There’s another issue that bothered me in the past and I droved my Priest crazy on a few occasions with my many questions.

I’ll try to explain my views on this issue-

1,200 years before Jesus came Moise!

1,000 years before Jesus came David

2,005 years ago Jesus was born!

It’s been around 2,000 years since we saw a true person popping out from nowhere doing huge Miracles????

You know something? What do you believe would happen if Pope John Paul showed up in the Blue Skies of Rome and told everyone – Not to mourn because he’s with God!!!

Can you imagine what would happen afterwards?????

I mean with the media, internet and proof and that there’s life after death????

My God? It sure would change many people attitude in this world!

It would be such a strong message that the Irvings would run from the Golden Ball in Saint John and shower the public with money!

But seriously think about it? Millions of people are waiting 10 to 20 hours in line to pay their respect to the Pope < 1 to 2 minute >

You would believe that this large amount of believers would attract some attention from above?

Oh well? Faith is stronger than seeing so I guess we will continue the way of believing in God!

Ok…What am I??? Born again? Change the subject Charlie!

I heard that many poor families are planning to set up a tent City in front of the Legislature during the next few months so lets see what’s going to happen on that issue?

Speaking of protesters? Remember this protest? Go to


and stroll down to picture number#15!

Bonnie O’Dea was in court last Friday and I was there. She was represented by two individuals who were not lawyers. She told the court that Legal Aid will not give her a lawyer so therefore she only has faith on the guy who was supposed to represent her.

It’s a long story and I was taking notes.

Some issue caught my eye while I was listening to the debate?

There was a tiny police female officer sitting beside me with a huge revolver on her side! My mind went back to Atlanta Georgia where the guy grab the weapon and shot the judge!

I said to myself? Shouldn't the officers be a large Male? What would happen if someone went nuts in the court room???

The only police officers presents were two tiny females! Hey? This is New Brunswick!!! We’re not supposed to think this way!

Anyway, the Judge denied the individual to represent Bonnie so they adjourned the court for a quick meeting so the protesters could go to Plan B!

I followed them outside and there were another guy who was making fun of the decision of the Judge!

The two individuals and Bonnie teamed up outside and asked me if they could have their meeting in private?

No problem!!!! All I wanted to do is stand there keep my mouth shut < I KNOW IT’S HARD TO BELIEVE BUT I CAN DO IT!!..LOL > and learn how these protesters are going to fight the Justice system without proper legal lawyers?

I told them it was ok and I went home! I wonder what happened? It sure would have been nice to share this story with the readers! Oh well? C’est la vie!!!!

Speaking of lawyers? The fishermen in the Red Head area got together and collected $6,000 for a lawyer so they could fight the Irvings!

The LNG issue is still in the minds of many people! The local talk show CFBC has many angry callers about this issue! The issue of LNG don’t seem to go away!!!

Guess what? They couldn’t find a lawyer in Saint John to take their case!

They finally located a lawyer in Fredericton and he told the fighters that it would take at least $100,000 just for a start to fight the Irving Empire!

Sure reminds me of Mr.Burns on the Simpsons!

I remember my case with the Irvings! Those racists members of the New Brunswick Human Rights Commission told me to bring them in court!

I read in the Irving paper that a lawyer preached to the students about discrimination and racism in the workplace!


I had the lawyer on the phone and the minute that I mentioned- IRVING????

He quickly hung up the phone! Very scary stuff!

The Irvings have control of the lawyers and it’s all part of the Final Solution!

Too bad so sad!!!

Sh@t!!!! OVER 1,200 WORDS ALREADY????

Please excuse the style and grammar of this update because I just write the darn thing and send it along the information highway!!!!

BY THE WAY???? Someone sent me the link of the Federal sponsorship debate in Ottawa but if I pasted the link in this Blog? Could I be in trouble?????? Let me know…

Bye bye


Hi Charlie,

I have another unbelievable story which just took place this week which is another reflection of this Government and what they are all about.

A man that I know died on Saturday (April 2,2005) in Saint John of a brain

His wife received a bill fromt he government yesterday April 6, 2005 stating the amout of money that her husband owed and that if she did not pay it in full they are going to take her home and any other asset that they have.

She is not well herself, she has parkinson disease, a very serious heart condition as well as many other medical problems.

I wanted you to share this with your readers so they know just how they treat
the every day person who pays for EVERYTHING in this Province. I think that they should stop supporting the Billionaire Irvings and get back to the real world.

I think if he owed money they could of made arrangements for payments to be made not the treat 4 days after her husband died to take everything that they have ever owned. Everyone deserves mourning time Mr Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!