Sunday, August 20, 2006
I know it's over $200,000. He holds two title I guess and the Party pays him also. Does anyone know the exact amount?
Pope Benedict XVI says that I'm doing just fine.....
Pope Benedict XVI told members of Italian labour unions and Catholic workers' organisations that work is an "an important aspect of human existence" but they must not let their jobs take over their lives.
Catholic News Service reports that, anticipating yesterday's liturgical feast of St Joseph, the pope said on Sunday that work enables people to realise their potential and contribute to the good of society as long as their work is "undertaken in full respect for human dignity and the common good."
In order for work to serve the good of humanity, professional and technical preparation and a just social order are not enough, Pope Benedict said.
The pope said people need "a spirituality that helps believers sanctify themselves through their work, imitating St Joseph, who had to provide with his own hands each day for the needs of the Holy Family."
During the Mass, special prayers were offered that God would help all men and women work with respect for creation and for justice. Other prayers were offered for those who are abused or exploited in work and for those who have died because of work-related accidents and illnesses.
The pope asked St Joseph, patron saint of workers, to take special care of "young people who have difficulty entering the world of work, the unemployed and those who suffer from difficulties related to the widespread employment crisis."
In addition to the Sistine Chapel choir, the choir from St James Cathedral in Seattle provided music for the Mass.
Reciting the Angelus at noon with visitors in St Peter's Square, the pope continued his reflections on St Joseph. Using the saint as an example, the pope said every Catholic is called to "undertake with fidelity, simplicity and modesty the task which providence has assigned to us."
"I am thinking particularly of fathers and mothers of families, and I pray that they always will appreciate the beauty of a simple and industrious life, cultivate their conjugal relationship with care and fulfil with enthusiasm their great and not always easy mission to educate (their children)," he said.
Catholic News Service reports that, anticipating yesterday's liturgical feast of St Joseph, the pope said on Sunday that work enables people to realise their potential and contribute to the good of society as long as their work is "undertaken in full respect for human dignity and the common good."
In order for work to serve the good of humanity, professional and technical preparation and a just social order are not enough, Pope Benedict said.
The pope said people need "a spirituality that helps believers sanctify themselves through their work, imitating St Joseph, who had to provide with his own hands each day for the needs of the Holy Family."
During the Mass, special prayers were offered that God would help all men and women work with respect for creation and for justice. Other prayers were offered for those who are abused or exploited in work and for those who have died because of work-related accidents and illnesses.
The pope asked St Joseph, patron saint of workers, to take special care of "young people who have difficulty entering the world of work, the unemployed and those who suffer from difficulties related to the widespread employment crisis."
In addition to the Sistine Chapel choir, the choir from St James Cathedral in Seattle provided music for the Mass.
Reciting the Angelus at noon with visitors in St Peter's Square, the pope continued his reflections on St Joseph. Using the saint as an example, the pope said every Catholic is called to "undertake with fidelity, simplicity and modesty the task which providence has assigned to us."
"I am thinking particularly of fathers and mothers of families, and I pray that they always will appreciate the beauty of a simple and industrious life, cultivate their conjugal relationship with care and fulfil with enthusiasm their great and not always easy mission to educate (their children)," he said.
Brad Woodside should have run under the Liberal Banner!!!
La Presse Canadienne arrive au Nouveau-Brunswick pour L'election provincial!!!
His name is Jacques Boissinot and he's from La Belle Province.
Can someone give Lieutenant Governor Herménégilde Chiasson a can of white paint???
I don't make it a habit in linking or promoting a blog until I see what they're all about? Since this is a short election, I decided to link his blog.
Maybe he'll be the first blogger in the Press Gallery???
You can visit his blog by clicking here
Maybe he'll be the first blogger in the Press Gallery???
You can visit his blog by clicking here
Brian Kenny the MLA from Bathurst is a nice guy.
I call him a Rock Star because he loves to play the guitar in a band. Brian was very supportive of myself during my protest.

He’s one of those young political star to watch in New Brunswick.
He always works hard and he’ll be re-elected in his riding. I believe the youths are going to vote for this guy big time!!!
The riding will stay Liberal!!!!
I call him a Rock Star because he loves to play the guitar in a band. Brian was very supportive of myself during my protest.

He’s one of those young political star to watch in New Brunswick.
He always works hard and he’ll be re-elected in his riding. I believe the youths are going to vote for this guy big time!!!
The riding will stay Liberal!!!!

Last evening was quite different in the Capital.
I was at my computer and the power went off for 4 seconds.
I knew at that instance that there was a huge thunder storm coming in the area.
I quickly shut my power bar and went outside.
On the horizon were huge black clouds coming towards the Capital.
It wasn’t raining so I sat down on a stool and watch the lighting show.
I noticed one huge bolt hitting downtown and the power went out.

It was total darkness.
The people in the rooming house were in the dark but they had emergency light in action. Everyone adjusted just fine and I expected the power to return shortly but that wasn’t the case.

It was around 8:15pm and by 10:00pm I realize that I was going to miss my favorite show America Most Wanted.
People gathered in different rooms in the building waiting for the power to come back.

I went outside and took a few pictures of the lighting storm. It’s pretty difficult to take a good picture. With the power going off. The alarms went off and the firemen came to the rescue.

At around 10:45pm, I decided to walk downtown and trust me. It was different.

It was so dark that I decided to keep my camera home.
You never know who you’ll meet in the dark.
I noticed many drunks walking on the streets with their drinks in hand.
The Fredericton Police Force were driving around in their vehicle but not on the walking beat.
I wondered if my friend Robert was still in the vendor business during the black out?

Sure enough? He was there and he was selling a lot of sausage and hot dogs.
He told me that his son was running another vendor stand.
He asked me if I would check on his son?

I went there and it was dark. I had a flashlight with me so I gave it to the kid so he could see what he was doing.
I was pretty busy for the next half hour going from one vendor to another. They needed some stuff so I didn’t mind giving them a helping hand.

While I was near the kid. I noticed many people were sitting around in the Tannery.

That line gave out a good laugh.
It didn’t came out good especially Fredericton is suppose to be the Gay Capital per Capital in Canada!!!!
I visited Robert and he asked me if I would take care of his little business while he goes to check on his son for 20 minutes.
I said - No problem!!! There were no one in sight so it would be safe.
A lot of drunks on the street but it would be ok. I really paid close attention to the bag of money on the stand.
Suddenly four young attractive girls showed up and they wanted 3 sausages and one hot dog.

I told the girls - I just wish to let you know that I’m not the vendor but I’ll gave it a try.
A couple of guys walked by and said - You got a new job Charles???? Double Time????
Three bouncers came from behind me and wanted some hot dogs.
I hate that when someone is located behind me but what can I do?
Robert was there to sell sausages and hot dogs and the customers were all around me.
I gave the girls their food but there was only one itty bitty problem???
Robert forgot to tell me the price???
I took a guess and I was short but it made it up with the one dollar tip they gave
Before I could serve the bouncers?
The power came back on around midnight and everyone in the City shouted with great joy.
I noticed minutes before three cops walking the beat.
The area could have become out of control because it was Saturday night.
Robert had to go somewhere for 30 minutes and asked me if I would take care of the business one more time?
I really wasn’t interested but he needed my help so I did.
There were hundreds of people lined up to get in the club.
Then suddenly? I heard- A BIG BANG!!!! A transformer blew up. My nerves were shot!!!!
I lit up a cigarette and I believe that a vendor selling hot dogs with a smoke isn’t a good thing.
I got lucky because I never sold any.
Robert came and I told him that it was a good experience because I will never be a vendor.
There’s a lot of things that can happen when you’re in public and it’s definitely not my cup of tea.
My hats goes out to all the vendors out there. It’s a job that I sure couldn’t handle!!!!

I'm going to give my view on every MLA during this election and if they are going to win or lose.
The reason that I know them? My God? They were my neighbors for six long months in front of the Legislature.
I know their personally and will share it with the readers. So stay tune!!!!! I'm going to have one later on today.

The reason that I know them? My God? They were my neighbors for six long months in front of the Legislature.
I know their personally and will share it with the readers. So stay tune!!!!! I'm going to have one later on today.

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