My God? 40,000 visitors????
That’s a lot of reading, The stats shows that over 140,000 pages have been read.
Yes, I sure came a long way from writing my daily updates during my protest.
A few suggested that I go on my site so often and this is the reason the hits are so high!!!! Sorry trust me…I tried that it doesn’t work! If that was the case? I would have over 100,000 hits!!!...lol..
The system is set up for one hit from one computer every 24 hours.
I remember before the Irvings pull the plug on my letters to the newspapers.

I got printed 500 letters to the editor.
Many people asked me - Why don’t you run for politics?
I had no interest.
I always enjoyed writing my views on different issues of the day.
It’s a hobby but it came with a price. You make a lot of enemies.
WCIE approached me at the Soup Kitchen in December and asked me if I was interested in being a blogger???

I quickly told him that I HAD NO INTEREST!!!!
I noticed that many young students have heard of my updates and my list was getting larger.
I would continue to write my updates.
One day, WCIE explained to me that bloggling was different than writing an update.
I sent out my updates and the readers either delete them before reading or deleted them after they were finish with it and that’s was that!
But bloggling is a total different ballgame!!!
You google Bernard Lord, The Irvings or any other issues and my blog site would show up!
What a way to communicate with the readers around the world. Especially for New Brunswickers who works outside of the province.

WCIE and WCIE jr bought me a computer which I’m very grateful.
WCIE walked around with me and we took many pictures which we still use today.
I wish I had a digital camera for good new pictures so I can drive these bureaucrats and MLA’S crazy!!!!...lol
Then came Tim Smith with his views. What I find funny is that Tim Smith takes this blog very seriously.

If he has an issue? He will post it here first. It was amazing how many reporters follow this blog during Tim protest in Fredericton.
I remember when he announced that the protest was over. I blogged it and once I arrive in front of the Legislature he was surrounded by all the media.

If there’s an issue going on and the media knows that I’m interested in it? They will follow the blog.
It was so bad that during the locked out CBC asked me to link their site to mine. I believe that CBC took a huge step forward!!!...lol

Lately, there’s been new blogglers showing up in the Province of New Brunswick.
But they would soon find out that it’s not an easy task.
It takes a lot of time and effort to run a blog.
They would asked me to link them so they can share their views with the public.
Very rarely would I link a blog without watching to see if they will stick with it!
Then came the famous ARTIST WCIE who made my job much easier.

A few people emailed me asking me the reason that I didn’t write as much lately???
I find that the blog works on its own.
I post ARTIST WCIE work and the war of words begin.
Artist is a master in his work. Many people on the streets would asked me his name but I always refuse to tell anyone. He’s a mystery!!!..lol
Many read the comments section and I find that if someone crossed the line?

Many would come in the blog and call me a welfare bum!!! An idiot that should be ignored at any cost!!! I’m sorry but poor people should have the right to a view???
Some people will come to my defense and this is a good thing.
Who can forget Spinks? Where the hell did he come from?
I don’t have a clue but he took the heat away from me on many occasions.
Everyone hated Spinks!!!!
But once he left? Everyone cried for him to come back!!!!...lol…
Yes….we did indeed come a long way and mind you behind the scene between myself WCIE, artist WCIE or WCIE jr they can be some serious debate or arguments via the information highway.
But at the end?
We moved forward.
Myself, I’m getting a little tired of it but that’s ok.
It’s a great way to spread the word.
Many would call this an Liberal Blog?
Sorry! This is not a Liberal Blog and it will never be one.
I will turned against anyone who does something wrong.
Myself I’m just waiting for the day that Shawn Graham is elected Premier and in a matter of weeks, I’ll be in his office for a meeting.

If he doesn’t confront the issue of Ritalin or VLT’S?

I will be very upset!!!!
Bernard Lord told me as Leader of the P.C. Party that he gets many phone calls in his office on the issue of Ritalin.
Once we get in power Charles!!! We will study the issue.
After he got elected Premier he said- Ritalin? I don’t know what you’re talking about Charles????

Therefore he lied to me!!!!!!
Will Shawn do the same? I don’t think so but there’s some people around the Premier who don’t respect me too much and lets see if this plays a roll?
What the hell am I doing? That’s two long years away!
I believe many of the MLA'S should take their Ritalin.

J.K. Irving and Arthur Irving told me years ago that I should work for the paper and I’m certain that they are reading this blog because we noticed in the stats that the Irvings came and visit.
If someone has an opinion against the Government? This is the place to do it!
So? We reached 40,000th visitors and what’s going to happen before we hit 50,000????
Look what happen last week? Rogers television has join the Irvings in denying certain individuals the right to call their talk shows.

Rogers Television has maybe made a deal with Bernard Lord and the Irvings that New Brunswickers will be brainwash by their powerful people from Ontario?

Oppsssss starting a new blog here….lol…
Wrote enough already!
Lets continue to debate the issue in a good fashion and keep on the good work!
Opppsssss forgot to mention the people who are brave enough to take pictures with their little digital camera and send the pictures to me.

Great work!
I wonder what’s going to happen during the next few months? Who knows????
There’s never a dull moment in my life.