Thank God this Priest is a pro in delivering his message because I do pay attention!
Ok…never mind that!!!
I’ll be in those members building Monday morning but this time it will be different because the Fredericton Police Force told me to go there.
The cop told me that he knew that I didn’t like those racist members of the New Brunswick Human Rights Commission but I must forget the pass and make a complaint!
He must know that I have no use for them because these people always call the Police for protection every instance they attend an event!
For you newcomers?
Here’s a picture of me making a speech and Detective Bragg is the woman against the wall and there was also a black cop!
What a waste of taxpayers money!!!
I might add this is where all the Generals are located. The top dogs are in the Capital and the rest of the soldiers are spread out around the Province.
In the year 2000, I put a complaint against the Irvings.
Little did I know that those racist members of the Commission would agree with the Irvings that people with ADHD are close to mental retardation and that minorities can be assaulted by the Irving Gestapo!
I wonder if they will allow me through the doors?
What they do? They escort the complainant out the door and lock the door!
It’s security lock! Some Human Rights eh?
I remember when the former director Janet Cullinan.
She’s the one at the far right!
Shoved the papers in my face and demanded that I leave the building!
She’s no longer there and she serve the Irvings well!!!
Will they call the police for protection as they did when Susan Butterfield work in a police sting again me?
Good question?
I phoned the Landlord and left a message on his answering machine.
This was the first time that I ever call the guy!
I phoned at 1:00pm!
I told the landlord what had been happening with the tenants and the caretaker and that I was going to the Commission on Monday morning.
I was also going to get a hold of the media because This issue has nothing to do with me!
If this happens to moi??
What the hell is going on around the Province????
That’s the emotional question???
The Rentalman told me that they receive 4 to 6 phone calls a week from roomers and boarders!!!
The Government don’t seem to care.
We must not forget that the economy is not as good as it used to be therefore there’s more New Brunswickers living in boarding or roomers homes.
I was told that the landlord was on vacation.
I was surprise when he showed up at the building at 2:30pm.
I wasn’t around but I guess that he wasn’t a happy camper.
He looked upset so I guess that he was going to order Maurice the caretaker that the tenants can used the shower.
I felt good about the situation.
I could move one the other issues and forget this foolishness!
I walked through the door where it says - Employees only!!!! Stupid sign!
I went in the back where Maurice has his little office and asked him if I could take a shower?
He waved his head in a NO sign.
I said- OK….and left.
I immediately phoned the Landlord and left another message on his answering around 6:00pm!
I had to make certain that it wasn’t like the Fire Marshall episode that he ordered the Caretaker not to lock the door but Maurice kept on locking the door!
I had to make certain that the Landlord knew what was going on?
I told the landlord that if I’m allowed to take a shower?
This issue would be drop!
I’ll continue paying my rent and everything will be ok!
I just wish to be left alone!!!
I guess the landlord is sticking with the former homeless guy!
So I have to put his name in the complaint!
Well? The rules stand and that’s the way it is!
I have no choice but to make a complaint to the Human Rights Commission.
I know one thing for a fact!
I would love to be a fly on the wall when those people at the Commission opens their mail box and sees this story on Monday morning!!!
They’re on my email list!!!
It’s going to be equal to 20 cups of coffee!
It will be like a bunch of ants moving around.
I’m going there with a major complain and lets see if they tell me that it’s denied or make me wait a few weeks or months!
I told this ombudsman of what's going on in April. I told Bernard Richard that roomers or boarders had the right!
Stay tune and wish me Bonne Chance!!!!
I told my priest to make a prayer for me Monday morning! Maybe that will help????
There might not be any blogs on Monday because I'm going to contact the Irving paper so the word can truly get out there! It's not everyone who knows about this blog! Lets see what the Irvings employees are going to say????
I might be dealing with this guy! He's the lawyer of the Commission and we attend the same church! If you see any police Officers around this building in the morning? Let me know!!!!!
I saw Mary Keith < IRVING ROBOT > on ATV news telling the media with a smile on her face that the shipyeard was gone forever! Was she laughing at all the shipyard employees? You tell moi?????