Saturday, December 23, 2006
Charlie did pretty good at the Farmer's Market today.
Someone sent Charles a very dangerous weapon!!!

It’s near Christmas for therefore I’m not going to go on a tirade of the many reasons we’re protesting a Elimination of the New Brunswick Human Rights Day on January 24th in front of the main office on Brunswick Street.
I will say that the Commission hasn’t held a tribunal in years compare to Nova Scotia that hold over 10 tribunals per year.
The Commission is a total disgrace in New Brunswick.
They held a Canadian Human Rights Conference last June but we didn’t protest this little shameful meeting.
These appointed individuals do not care for human rights in this Province and must be investigated.

The final straw was when they came out with their annual report last week.
They never mentioned the issue of the poor.
They had more complaints than the year before but no tribunals hearings.
The question is why? Is someone being paid to back off?
In my case? Well? I have been fighting with these people for the last 7 years.
Just go to the top of this blog to search this blog-
New Brunswick Human Rights Commission.
There’s all kinds of information in there. Enjoy!
I’ll go more into the details in the new year. This is going to get really dirty.
I tried to talk to the Commission but to no avail.
They believe that New Brunswickers rights should be ignored.
Stay tuned!!!

Liberal MLA calls broken rebate promise 'embarrassment'
Last Updated: Friday, December 22, 2006 | 12:05 PM AT
CBC News
A Liberal MLA from Saint John is taking shots at his own government for abandoning a key election promise to provide New Brunswickers with a home heating tax rebate.
Saint John Lancaster MLA Abel LeBlanc called the cancellation of the $45-million program an "embarrassment," and said although he accepts the province's financial situation may be worse than the government had believed prior to the Sept. 18 election, he doesn't agree with breaking campaign promises.
"I think it's an embarrassment," he said Thursday. "You run on a ticket and that was the platform."
LeBlanc, who won his riding with nearly 60 per cent of the popular vote, said he's received a handful of phone calls and e-mails from angry constituents about the cancelled rebate. He says he responded by toeing the party line, and explained that the government can't afford the rebate.
Publicly, however, LeBlanc says the Liberals should have tried harder to keep their word. "Did I have any input into it — no I didn't have any input into it. It was a cabinet decision. Do I have to live with the cabinet decision? Yes I do," he said. "I don't think it's very good."
On Wednesday, Finance Minister Victor Boudreau released the results of an independent review of the government's books. The accounting firm Grant Thornton reviewed the government's finances, forecasting huge deficits worth hundreds of millions of dollars within the next several years unless the government makes serious spending cuts.
In response, Boudreau cancelled the long-promised tax rebate program, saying the province can't afford it. The former Tory government had pledged to refund the provincial sales tax portion of all heating bills starting in July 2006. Instead, the Liberals have offered a one-time $100 payment to households earning an income of less than $25,000.
Prior to the financial review, Liberal Premier Shawn Graham made several spending announcements, including investments in nursing homes and home-care services, and cuts to provincial gasoline taxes.
LeBlanc says his government should have waited until after the review to spend money on any campaign promises — allowing it to consider all of them — instead of cancelling a rebate that would help nearly every New Brunswick resident.
"I think the audit played a very important part in this. When you're affecting, well, I'd say 99 per cent of the people in the province on this HST [rebate], I think the audit, we might have been able to make more room rather than some of the decisions that we did promise that we did fulfil right after the
Bill Eaton is gone.
Someone sent me this story this morning.
This is truly one appointment that I didn’t agree with.
As a matter of fact? I saw the guy last month walked into a fancy place and told someone of the apopoitment. Here’s the story -
Liberals cancel Tory's contract
Daniel McHardie
Published 2006-12-23 | Page A1
Environment Minister Roland Haché cancelled a well-paying contract to a former political aide to Brenda Fowlie who managed a recycling board that never existed.
About four months after Bill Eaton witnessed his boss resign from cabinet over a privacy breach in 2005, he became chief executive officer of the Multi-Material Stewardship Board, which was supposed to oversee the recycling of objects like paint, tires and electronics.
The former executive assistant was named to the post Nov. 7, 2005.
When the province's new Liberal environment minister examined Eaton's position he quickly terminated the job.
"I did not think taxpayers of New Brunswick got value for their money because if I would have thought so Mr. Eaton would still be working here," Haché said in an interview. "It's difficult for me to justify an employee of a board that doesn't exist. So I made my decision. It's nothing personal."
Rodney Weston, chief of staff to the official opposition, said it is ridiculous to think that Eaton just sat around and did nothing for all that time. Eaton is just being persecuted by the Liberals for being a former executive assistant to a Tory cabinet minister, Weston said.
"I would say these guys are bent on saying anyone who got a job as a Tory is a Tory," Weston said. "Come on, we've moved beyond that. These guys don't seem to have moved past that. It blows me away."
Eaton's position was never announced by former environment minister Trevor Holder. The only evidence was the discovery in the recent edition of the province's public accounts documents, released by the Office of the Comptroller, which lists government salaries.
The document shows Eaton earned $71,267, well above the normal scale for a ministerial executive assistant. He also racked up $27,879 in expenses. Over the course of a year, as the board's chief executive Eaton would have earned $92,664.
The Telegraph-Journal was unable to locate Eaton for an interview Friday.
When asked what Eaton did for that salary and large expense account, Haché had a tough time explaining, other than to say he prepared one document and travelled to other provinces to examine their recycling systems.
"A 17-page report to me in one year and a payband 10 for an employee of a board that doesn't exist, to me, seems very minimal," Hache said.
This is the second Conservative loyalist who landed in a position that was shielded from the public's view and to a board or commission that did not exist.
Win Hackett, a former chief of staff to Richard Hatfield, made almost $75,000 in salary and expenses as executive director for the Provincial Capital Commission, more than a year before it was announced. Kelly Lamrock, the minister responsible for the Provincial Capital Commission, terminated Hackett's contract when he said he found "no tangible evidence" of what was produced by the former employee.
Coincidentally, both Hackett and Eaton were paid by the Department of Environment and Local Government.
Haché said he takes full responsibility for the decision to release Eaton from his job, but he said any explanation as to why these appointments were made so secretly must be directed toward the previous Conservative government.
"You have the facts yourself, the deputy minister at the time you know who he was," the minister said referring to Hermel Vienneau, a former chief of staff to Bernard Lord who Haché defeated twice in the Nigadoo-Chaleur riding. "These were decisions that were not taken under this government. The decision that was taken under this government was that we would terminate that employment because there wasn't any board."
Weston said that Haché's actions show that he can't separate his current job from past political battles.
"The minister of the day ran against the fellow who was the deputy minister in two past elections," Weston said. "Any time Mr. Vienneau came before public accounts, whether it was (the Regional Development Corporation) or Environment and Local Government Mr. Haché took a level of interest that he didn't have in every department," Weston said. "There is bad blood."
The Department of Environment is still interested in establishing the Multi-Material Stewardship Board, but Haché said when he does it there will be "better management" and employees won't be hired until the board exists.
This is truly one appointment that I didn’t agree with.
As a matter of fact? I saw the guy last month walked into a fancy place and told someone of the apopoitment. Here’s the story -
Liberals cancel Tory's contract
Daniel McHardie
Published 2006-12-23 | Page A1
Environment Minister Roland Haché cancelled a well-paying contract to a former political aide to Brenda Fowlie who managed a recycling board that never existed.
About four months after Bill Eaton witnessed his boss resign from cabinet over a privacy breach in 2005, he became chief executive officer of the Multi-Material Stewardship Board, which was supposed to oversee the recycling of objects like paint, tires and electronics.
The former executive assistant was named to the post Nov. 7, 2005.
When the province's new Liberal environment minister examined Eaton's position he quickly terminated the job.
"I did not think taxpayers of New Brunswick got value for their money because if I would have thought so Mr. Eaton would still be working here," Haché said in an interview. "It's difficult for me to justify an employee of a board that doesn't exist. So I made my decision. It's nothing personal."
Rodney Weston, chief of staff to the official opposition, said it is ridiculous to think that Eaton just sat around and did nothing for all that time. Eaton is just being persecuted by the Liberals for being a former executive assistant to a Tory cabinet minister, Weston said.
"I would say these guys are bent on saying anyone who got a job as a Tory is a Tory," Weston said. "Come on, we've moved beyond that. These guys don't seem to have moved past that. It blows me away."
Eaton's position was never announced by former environment minister Trevor Holder. The only evidence was the discovery in the recent edition of the province's public accounts documents, released by the Office of the Comptroller, which lists government salaries.
The document shows Eaton earned $71,267, well above the normal scale for a ministerial executive assistant. He also racked up $27,879 in expenses. Over the course of a year, as the board's chief executive Eaton would have earned $92,664.
The Telegraph-Journal was unable to locate Eaton for an interview Friday.
When asked what Eaton did for that salary and large expense account, Haché had a tough time explaining, other than to say he prepared one document and travelled to other provinces to examine their recycling systems.
"A 17-page report to me in one year and a payband 10 for an employee of a board that doesn't exist, to me, seems very minimal," Hache said.
This is the second Conservative loyalist who landed in a position that was shielded from the public's view and to a board or commission that did not exist.
Win Hackett, a former chief of staff to Richard Hatfield, made almost $75,000 in salary and expenses as executive director for the Provincial Capital Commission, more than a year before it was announced. Kelly Lamrock, the minister responsible for the Provincial Capital Commission, terminated Hackett's contract when he said he found "no tangible evidence" of what was produced by the former employee.
Coincidentally, both Hackett and Eaton were paid by the Department of Environment and Local Government.
Haché said he takes full responsibility for the decision to release Eaton from his job, but he said any explanation as to why these appointments were made so secretly must be directed toward the previous Conservative government.
"You have the facts yourself, the deputy minister at the time you know who he was," the minister said referring to Hermel Vienneau, a former chief of staff to Bernard Lord who Haché defeated twice in the Nigadoo-Chaleur riding. "These were decisions that were not taken under this government. The decision that was taken under this government was that we would terminate that employment because there wasn't any board."
Weston said that Haché's actions show that he can't separate his current job from past political battles.
"The minister of the day ran against the fellow who was the deputy minister in two past elections," Weston said. "Any time Mr. Vienneau came before public accounts, whether it was (the Regional Development Corporation) or Environment and Local Government Mr. Haché took a level of interest that he didn't have in every department," Weston said. "There is bad blood."
The Department of Environment is still interested in establishing the Multi-Material Stewardship Board, but Haché said when he does it there will be "better management" and employees won't be hired until the board exists.
God's Minute.
This Invitation Is Especially For Charles J Leblanc
Charles, You Are Cordially Invited To A Birthday Celebration.
Guest of Honor: JESUS CHRIST
Date: December 25th
Time: When you're ready, ( please don't be late, though; or
you'll miss out on all the fun!!! )
Place: In your Heart...He'll meet you there ( you'll hear Him
knock )
Attire: Come as you are...grubbies are okay. He'll be washing
our clothes anyway. He said something about new
white robes and crowns for everyone who stays till the
Tickets: Admission is free. He's already paid for everyone..( He
says you would not have been able to afford cost
Him everything he had! )
Refreshments: New wine, bread and a far-out drink He calls
living water, followed by a supper that promises to be
out of this world!!!
Gift Suggestions: Your Heart. He's one of those people who
already has everything else. He's very generous in
return though; just wait until you see what He has for
Entertainment: Joy, Peace, Truth, Light, Life, Love, Real
Happiness, Communion with God, Forgiveness,
Miracles, Healing, Power, Eternity in Paradise, and
much more!
( All rated "G" so bring your family and friends )
R.S.V.P. Very important! He must know ahead so he can
reserve a spot for you at the table. Also He's keeping
a list of His friends for future reference. He calls it the
( "Lambs Book Of Life" )
Party Being given By His Kids ( That's Us )
Hope To See You There!!!
SPIRIT. Amen. ( ROMANS 15:13 *NIV )
With My Love & Prayers,
your servant Allen
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