Friday, June 10, 2005
After I arrive in the Capital. I decided to go for a nice walk! Someone told me that a car just crashed from the Westmorland Bridge and into the Saint John River. I told the guy- This would be impossible because the railings are so high. But I walked to the River and didn't see anything strange. I was by the Legislature. 30 minutes later I noticed hundreds of citizens near the old Victoria Hospital and a car did indeed plunged into the Saint John River. I was told that a older man was behind the wheel and this could have been a tragedy. He left the road and went down a hill and droved right past a walking trail and into the River. That part of the City are usually full of people on this walking trail. It could have been much worst! It's too bad that I'm not set up to post the pictures on the blog. I wish that I would have had Tim's digital camera with me! Ohhh well? C;est la vie. God bless the guy's soul!!!
Boy! The Premier received a blast from the voters last night on the program Voice of the Province. Mind you, he’s been on the show a lot lately.

Of course, I decided to call but I had something different in mind for the Premier.
I called the show just as it began to make certain that there’s no excuse for Rogers not to return my call.
I watched the show with Tim Smith and it was funny to watch a live talk show on television receiving a blast from the voters.
It was fun to watch. It was so much fun that I totally forgot that Rogers was supposed to call me back.
The first half hour was done and the host Phil Vincent seemed to apologize to the Premier during the last minute of the first half of the show for the callers reactions.
Every time a caller would call? He would drink his water. I am certain that he went to the washroom during the break.
Hey? Three shows ago, they didn’t return my call. The last show, I didn’t bother to call but this time I wanted to be on so I once again phoned Rogers.
The guy taking the calls said- Ohhh Charles???
I said – When am I going on the show?
I knew that the Premier’s staff was in the studio and I didn’t want to say - Can I? Can I??? Can I be on the show???? Pretty Pleasseeeee????
He said- Charles, you’re on the list!
I quickly answered - I was one of the first one to call and close to 10 callers have been on since I call.
He said- Well charles? You’re on the list!
I got angry and said to myself- Enough is Enough! I demanded to talk to the producer Patrick Watts but I was told that he was too busy!
I told the guy to tell the producer that if Rogers doesn’t return my call? I am going to complain to the CRTC!!! I am not fooling around!! I mean business!!!
He replied- Ok Charles….I will pass the message and hung up.
I reminded the guy to carefully remember these words- C.R.T.C.!!!
The staff at Rogers knows the way that I have been fighting the Irvings that I will crucify Rogers ,I will do it!

I am a strong believer of freedom of speech and there’s no way in the world that a talk show will deny me the right to speak!
When I hung up the phone and told Tim Smith!
If they don’t return my call? I am going to go on a rampage during the summer months against the talk shows on Rogers. Just like Trudeau? JUST WATCH ME!!!
I was so serious that I was going to go on a rampage. I was so serious that I had it all ready to paste in my blog and post that there was 30 minutes left on the talk show but Rogers refuse to call me!
I was all ready to post my blog and Sh@t! the phone rang and it was the Producer from Voice of the Province!
He told me that I was going to be the next caller.
Personally I like the guy and I said - Why did you decide call me??? I’m all ready to go on a rampage here!!! I got my blog all set up to go!!!…lol…
I would have loved to be a fly on the wall when the guy told the producer – Charles told me that I made certain to mention to you the letters - C.R.T.C.!!!
Ok…It was show time and my turn came up.
I started with my usual Bonsoir Phil.. Bonsoir Bernard.

Bernard had his head down because he’s thinking what will Charles say?
Will he remind the Premier to go to Church? The no sins story?…or any other issues that would be in my five ADHD brains!!!

I could see a sign of relief in his face once I mentioned Ritalin!!!
Of course, he agrees that the doctors should continue to drug and kill our children until the next Provincial election.
What kind of Mickey Mouse answer is that anyway?

I did something different this time around. I handed the phone to Tim Smith and he asked the Premier about the issue of VLT’S!

I have been phoning these talk shows for years and this was a first for me. A two for one call! You can watch the program during the weekend at 3:00pm!!!!
What I found interesting is that the Premier announced in a arrogant fashion that he’s proud to announce the next provincial election will be on October 15, 2007.

He sort of told the audience that he’s going to stay there until the very last day and there’s nothing New Brunswickers can do about it!
He did the same action with the by-election in Shediac-Cape Pele! He waited till the very last day to announce this much needed election for the Acadians in that area.
These poor people were left without an MLA when Bernard Richard became the new Ombudsman of this Province.
It’s that kind of arrogance that’s going to be his downfall!
By the way? The atmosphere is getting very heated in the Legislature.
I wish to ask a question?
What’s your view on this guy????

Please excuse the style and grammar of this update because I just write the darn thing and send it along the information Highway!
Have a good weekend and keep on checking this blog site during the next few days because you never know what Charles is going to come across.
Also don’t be afraid to leave a comment!!! Bye bye

Of course, I decided to call but I had something different in mind for the Premier.
I called the show just as it began to make certain that there’s no excuse for Rogers not to return my call.
I watched the show with Tim Smith and it was funny to watch a live talk show on television receiving a blast from the voters.
It was fun to watch. It was so much fun that I totally forgot that Rogers was supposed to call me back.
The first half hour was done and the host Phil Vincent seemed to apologize to the Premier during the last minute of the first half of the show for the callers reactions.
Every time a caller would call? He would drink his water. I am certain that he went to the washroom during the break.
Hey? Three shows ago, they didn’t return my call. The last show, I didn’t bother to call but this time I wanted to be on so I once again phoned Rogers.
The guy taking the calls said- Ohhh Charles???
I said – When am I going on the show?
I knew that the Premier’s staff was in the studio and I didn’t want to say - Can I? Can I??? Can I be on the show???? Pretty Pleasseeeee????
He said- Charles, you’re on the list!
I quickly answered - I was one of the first one to call and close to 10 callers have been on since I call.
He said- Well charles? You’re on the list!
I got angry and said to myself- Enough is Enough! I demanded to talk to the producer Patrick Watts but I was told that he was too busy!
I told the guy to tell the producer that if Rogers doesn’t return my call? I am going to complain to the CRTC!!! I am not fooling around!! I mean business!!!
He replied- Ok Charles….I will pass the message and hung up.
I reminded the guy to carefully remember these words- C.R.T.C.!!!
The staff at Rogers knows the way that I have been fighting the Irvings that I will crucify Rogers ,I will do it!

I am a strong believer of freedom of speech and there’s no way in the world that a talk show will deny me the right to speak!
When I hung up the phone and told Tim Smith!
If they don’t return my call? I am going to go on a rampage during the summer months against the talk shows on Rogers. Just like Trudeau? JUST WATCH ME!!!
I was so serious that I was going to go on a rampage. I was so serious that I had it all ready to paste in my blog and post that there was 30 minutes left on the talk show but Rogers refuse to call me!
I was all ready to post my blog and Sh@t! the phone rang and it was the Producer from Voice of the Province!
He told me that I was going to be the next caller.
Personally I like the guy and I said - Why did you decide call me??? I’m all ready to go on a rampage here!!! I got my blog all set up to go!!!…lol…
I would have loved to be a fly on the wall when the guy told the producer – Charles told me that I made certain to mention to you the letters - C.R.T.C.!!!
Ok…It was show time and my turn came up.
I started with my usual Bonsoir Phil.. Bonsoir Bernard.

Bernard had his head down because he’s thinking what will Charles say?
Will he remind the Premier to go to Church? The no sins story?…or any other issues that would be in my five ADHD brains!!!

I could see a sign of relief in his face once I mentioned Ritalin!!!
Of course, he agrees that the doctors should continue to drug and kill our children until the next Provincial election.
What kind of Mickey Mouse answer is that anyway?

I did something different this time around. I handed the phone to Tim Smith and he asked the Premier about the issue of VLT’S!

I have been phoning these talk shows for years and this was a first for me. A two for one call! You can watch the program during the weekend at 3:00pm!!!!
What I found interesting is that the Premier announced in a arrogant fashion that he’s proud to announce the next provincial election will be on October 15, 2007.

He sort of told the audience that he’s going to stay there until the very last day and there’s nothing New Brunswickers can do about it!
He did the same action with the by-election in Shediac-Cape Pele! He waited till the very last day to announce this much needed election for the Acadians in that area.
These poor people were left without an MLA when Bernard Richard became the new Ombudsman of this Province.
It’s that kind of arrogance that’s going to be his downfall!
By the way? The atmosphere is getting very heated in the Legislature.
I wish to ask a question?
What’s your view on this guy????

Please excuse the style and grammar of this update because I just write the darn thing and send it along the information Highway!
Have a good weekend and keep on checking this blog site during the next few days because you never know what Charles is going to come across.
Also don’t be afraid to leave a comment!!! Bye bye
Ok…it’s been quite a last 24 hours. Last evening, I attended the meeting at Harbour View School.

It was hosted by CFBC in Saint John. This was a place for the citizens in Saint John to voice their objections against the manner the City reach a deal with the Irvings of the LNG plant. Hey? I even bumped into my bigot buddy Jimmy Webb. Me and this former co-founder of the C.O.R. Party always argue the Freanch issues on the talk show so therefore if we agree on this issue? It must be a good one!

The number of citizens who attended the meeting varies from who you talk with? The organizers will say 400 to 500 people showed up but the media will put the number closer to 300 people.

The Irving papers will surely not put the number at 500!
I went there with my good friend Dorothy Dawson. The organizers told us to sit up in the front.

I quickly replied - Hey? I’m the shy type!
They said - Yeah right!! You? Shy??? Hey? Guess what?
I am the shy type! Since I’ve been a kid,
I never enjoyed sitting up front. I don’t know why but then again it’s very hard for me to stand still in one seat. I always had that problem. < ADHD remember? >
I’ll be sitting there for 30 minutes and I got to move. Of course, I enjoy chatting with people that I haven’t seen in years and this was the case this last evening.
I believe this was the first time that a host < Rick Mantle >of a local talk show in Saint John have organise a public debate and I might add that it was live on CFBC!
It’s going to be very interesting to see if Rick Mantle is still around next year as host of this talk show?

Will the Irvings use their muscles to make certain that Rick is history after this season?

Time will tell?
Talk shows are becoming very popular in this Province because it’s the only way to spread the message among New Brunswickers.
What else can a person do? We sure cannot turn towards the Irving’s Newspapers!

During the meeting, for one minute? I said to myself - I’m not going to asks questions but being Charles, I was the first one on the mike but little did I know Abel LeBlanc was right behind me on the other mike and my god this is ever gave a good speech!

Nothing better than a longshoreman to tell it as it is! Then it was my turn and I was told to speak away from the Mike but this didn’t work but I was concern with one issue only.

When this LNG issue came uo for the first time. I quickly walked into the Liberal building in Fredericton and my main concern was that this could intervered with the Equal opportunity Act.

You know big industries could approach small towns and demand the same deal as Saint John in which they couldn’t compete. Louis Robichaud must be turning in his grave. I believe that Bernard Lord is breaking the law on this one? But what the hell do I know? But they did debate the same issue on CBC tonight so therefore maybe I am not far off the mark?
Speaking of power? Guess what?
They changed the flag at Fort Latour!
Power of the bloggers!!!

It took 4 days for the proper officials to act on this issue but WE DID IT!!!
It only took four day!!!
Now if the Lord Government would move that quick on other New Brunswickers issues?
That would be perfect!
Boy? They sure move in the Irving LNG deal eh? Really fast! No fooling around there.
The Irvings Bureaucrats are hard at work in the Capital and this is the reason this issue is on the top burner.
The Lord Government and the Irvings truly believe that the citizens who are against this deal will go away.
I got news for these people? Sorry! They’re not going to go away with the sunset and the Mayor of Saint John must…I REPEAT MUST hold an news conference and announce that the City is going to go over this tax deal with the Irvings!
The Mayor must admit that it was a mistake to debate this emotional issue with a gun to their heads! Will it happen? Of course not!
While in the Mayor’s office, I discussed this issue with Norm MacFarlane and I compared it to the era of Richard Nixon.

I’m not saying that he’s a crook. I’m saying that he must tell the public that he made a mistake and the issue of LNG is holding the City back so therefore we’re going to scrap this deal.
I also asked the Mayor that he should go for a stress test and a medical because stress is an awful thing. It sneaks slowly behind you and once it gets an hold on you?
It’s too late!!!
The Mayor told the media that he was going to clean up the garbage in the City of Saint John. < I mean the real garbage >

Look at these two girls playing near the left over in the City? Scary!!! Lets see what’s going to happen with this issue.

Now, it’s late in the evening and I’m tired so therefore please excuse the grammar and style of this update!!..ok???
Good night!!!

It was hosted by CFBC in Saint John. This was a place for the citizens in Saint John to voice their objections against the manner the City reach a deal with the Irvings of the LNG plant. Hey? I even bumped into my bigot buddy Jimmy Webb. Me and this former co-founder of the C.O.R. Party always argue the Freanch issues on the talk show so therefore if we agree on this issue? It must be a good one!

The number of citizens who attended the meeting varies from who you talk with? The organizers will say 400 to 500 people showed up but the media will put the number closer to 300 people.

The Irving papers will surely not put the number at 500!
I went there with my good friend Dorothy Dawson. The organizers told us to sit up in the front.

I quickly replied - Hey? I’m the shy type!
They said - Yeah right!! You? Shy??? Hey? Guess what?
I am the shy type! Since I’ve been a kid,
I never enjoyed sitting up front. I don’t know why but then again it’s very hard for me to stand still in one seat. I always had that problem. < ADHD remember? >
I’ll be sitting there for 30 minutes and I got to move. Of course, I enjoy chatting with people that I haven’t seen in years and this was the case this last evening.
I believe this was the first time that a host < Rick Mantle >of a local talk show in Saint John have organise a public debate and I might add that it was live on CFBC!
It’s going to be very interesting to see if Rick Mantle is still around next year as host of this talk show?

Will the Irvings use their muscles to make certain that Rick is history after this season?

Time will tell?
Talk shows are becoming very popular in this Province because it’s the only way to spread the message among New Brunswickers.
What else can a person do? We sure cannot turn towards the Irving’s Newspapers!

During the meeting, for one minute? I said to myself - I’m not going to asks questions but being Charles, I was the first one on the mike but little did I know Abel LeBlanc was right behind me on the other mike and my god this is ever gave a good speech!

Nothing better than a longshoreman to tell it as it is! Then it was my turn and I was told to speak away from the Mike but this didn’t work but I was concern with one issue only.

When this LNG issue came uo for the first time. I quickly walked into the Liberal building in Fredericton and my main concern was that this could intervered with the Equal opportunity Act.

You know big industries could approach small towns and demand the same deal as Saint John in which they couldn’t compete. Louis Robichaud must be turning in his grave. I believe that Bernard Lord is breaking the law on this one? But what the hell do I know? But they did debate the same issue on CBC tonight so therefore maybe I am not far off the mark?
Speaking of power? Guess what?
They changed the flag at Fort Latour!
Power of the bloggers!!!

It took 4 days for the proper officials to act on this issue but WE DID IT!!!
It only took four day!!!
Now if the Lord Government would move that quick on other New Brunswickers issues?
That would be perfect!
Boy? They sure move in the Irving LNG deal eh? Really fast! No fooling around there.
The Irvings Bureaucrats are hard at work in the Capital and this is the reason this issue is on the top burner.
The Lord Government and the Irvings truly believe that the citizens who are against this deal will go away.
I got news for these people? Sorry! They’re not going to go away with the sunset and the Mayor of Saint John must…I REPEAT MUST hold an news conference and announce that the City is going to go over this tax deal with the Irvings!
The Mayor must admit that it was a mistake to debate this emotional issue with a gun to their heads! Will it happen? Of course not!
While in the Mayor’s office, I discussed this issue with Norm MacFarlane and I compared it to the era of Richard Nixon.

I’m not saying that he’s a crook. I’m saying that he must tell the public that he made a mistake and the issue of LNG is holding the City back so therefore we’re going to scrap this deal.
I also asked the Mayor that he should go for a stress test and a medical because stress is an awful thing. It sneaks slowly behind you and once it gets an hold on you?
It’s too late!!!
The Mayor told the media that he was going to clean up the garbage in the City of Saint John. < I mean the real garbage >

Look at these two girls playing near the left over in the City? Scary!!! Lets see what’s going to happen with this issue.

Now, it’s late in the evening and I’m tired so therefore please excuse the grammar and style of this update!!..ok???
Good night!!!
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