Finally a couple of weeks before Christmas, the person asked me to blog this very sad story.
The individual is a Native from Saint Mary’s.
These Natives are called off reserves Indians.
They don’t live on the reserves.
They’re spread out around this Province.
Christmas time, all the Natives who are registrer to a certain reserves receives a little Christmas gift.

They can receive- $100,$200 or $300 once a year.
This individual has never been on Social Assistance.

The case worker in Fredericton began asking questions.
The individual told the worker that she received a few bucks from the Reserves.
This is a Native I met during my protest in 2003!

New Brunswick Family Services began removing $25.00 a month from the Native check every month.
This has been going on for the past year.
I began to investigate this issue for the past six months and I located a great spoke person for the Natives off reserves.
He told me that the individual should have remain silent and should have never told Family Services of the money.
The only crime the individual made with New Brunswick Family Services is being honest!!!!
While in Saint John, I bumped into a female Native friend.
She belongs to the Big Cove Reserve < today is a new name and I don’t know it >
Anyway, she told me that Family Services should never have taken the money from the individual because it’s not taxable.
I know for a certain fact that $25.00 is not a lot of money for a lot of readers but this is not right at all!
Why does Family Services goes against the Natives off reserves in New Brunswick?
As a manner of fact, the first instance this individual applied for Assistance?
The individual was denied!
I couldn’t believe that a poor New Brunswicker would be denied assistance from the Lord Government in today’s standard.
The individual < in their 50s > was told to go and live at the shelter.
Last year, it took the fine action of MLA Abel LeBlanc to straighten this emotional issue out!

Pretty sad when you have to get an MLA from Saint John to help a poor person in the Capital! Thanked God for Abel!!!
Yes, I’m not done with this issue. Not from a long shot!!!
Myself, I confronted the case worker and the worker wouldn’t change her mind in this issue.
Of course, I have no right to speak on this issue because I’m not a lawyer or a social worker.
This is pure discrimination against the Natives in this Province and I would love to know who is behind this dis-respectful act?
It took a long time for this individual to give me this ok to write about this issue and you will hear a lot more from me on this one.

I will confront Joan MacAlpine face to face on this issue or even Bernard Lord.

I tried everything with Family Services but to no avail.
The Natives off reserves shouldn’t be discriminated against by Family Services!
I wonder if Brad Green knows about this???? This kind of action shouldn't be happening in this province.

Am I wrong or right on this one???