This is one issue I've never written about. It's raining hard outside so here we go.
As usual my Priest picked me up for church.
I love listening to this man speak the word of the Lord.
I have known him for 40 years and I know the sad day will arrive that he’ll no longer be doing this line of work. I pray every day that this will never happen!!!
So therefore I’m taking advantage of the situation in hand but this morning I got carried away. During my protest, Father Brien would let me use his computer in his office between messes. He was the main force of my battle against the use of Ritalin.
For you long time readers? You remember how I used to write a daily update about my protest.
These last 10 months its been bloggling!!!
Ok….getting away from the story in hand.
He had a messe at 10:00am and quickly ran with his guitar to the French school for Sunday school.
He left the church at 10:55am and chatted with the kids in two different classes.
Then at 11:50am he ran to the church for the noon messe.
I always said that this priest has ADHD big times.
He’s full of energy and he used it well.
Last year, I decided to follow the Priest to Sunday school.
My God? My brain cells went back in time.
You can read more at target="_blank">Charles Blog
Anyway, after 10:am service, I would help him by carrying his guitar to the Sunday School classes.
I would sit in the back and listen.
Afterwards, I would carry the guitar to his vehicle and shake his hand goodbye.
I hope he had a good week. Trust me, the life of a Priest isn’t an easy one.
I learned a lot during these last few years.
This morning, it wasn’t raining so I didn’t bother bringing an umbrella with me.
After the messe was over we ran over the French school for Sunday School.
The Catholic Church has many volunteers who give their time to teach the children of the Catholic Religion.
I might add that they do a fine job.
But this morning was a little different.
We walked in the room and there was this woman preaching to around 30 kids.
We will call her -333!!!
In past practice the volunteers would stop talking and quickly turn the audience to the Priest.
But not this morning!!!
333 was walking around and preaching.
She made certain that she had the attention of the whole room.
Man was she ever good!!!!
I noticed that she even had the attention of Father Brien.
If 333 believe that a child wasn’t paying attention she would confront the individual head on!!!
I stood up and whispered in the Priest ear - And they don’t wish to ordain women in the Priesthood????
He smiled…lol….but seriously just for this time only. I wish the woman would have continued because she had my attention.
I confronted her afterwards and I was told she was a teacher.
I asked her how many kids in her class were on Ritalin.
Yes….even in Sunday School I’ll bring the issue of Ritalin…lol…no peace… There’s no escape!!!….
She didn’t really answer my question but she did tell me that she never had a problem with kids with ADHD!
I truly believe her because she had my attention 100%!!!
She was so good that I almost stayed behind and leave the priest alone.
Afterwards, it was still raining hard so I again went to a Messe in church!
Two Messes Services in one day????
The end of the world is near. I got carried away I guess????
But seriously????
Should the Catholic religion allow women in the Priesthood???
After my little experience this morning? I say a big- OUI!!!!!