Ok…I just came back from church so therefore I am in a wonderful mood but there’s a few issues that I have to get out from my system before I can continue my day in a peaceful manner.
As I told my priest this morning.
I have to go do some bloglling because if I don’t keep the blog site updated? The numbers quickly go down and this was the case when I went down to Memramcook last weekend.
I also told the Priest - If the Government only knew that if I had a job? The blog would quickly come to an end because I wouldn’t have the energy and time to update my communication site.
I also added that I’m supposed to be dead and it’s my faith that keeps me going! I just take it day by day!!!
Maybe I’m a person without any money but I will continue to fight for what I believe is right!
For the Irvings? There is one way out from this very ugly situation!
What they should do is give me my own column in their newspapers but we all know this will not happen in the near or distant future.
For you newcomers, I got printed 500 letters to the editor during the last 15 years.
In those days, I was totally out of control! < Probably still am! > But I was allowed to write critical or praising letters of the Irving Empire.
Those days are long gone since J.D. Irving took over!
Only praising letters of the Irving empire will be printed.
Only columnists who dedicate their life and soul to the Irving empire will be allowed to have a guest column in their newspapers.
Look at the case of Brent Taylor?
We know that J.D Ircving will promote and keep racist supervisors in his Empire!
The supervisor name is Brian Grant and he works for Gulf Operators < A very racist company > DON'T FORGET??? YOU DEAL WITH GULF OPERATORS? YOU SUPPORT RACISM!!!!
Anyway this supervisor always tells his co-workers that no niggers or frogs should be allowed to work within the Irving Empire.
Mind you, it’s the Acadians who built this huge Empire and James Irving seem to have forgotten this important part of history.
Going back to Brent Taylor? He’s a known bigot who’s views of the Acadian population is not well like.
I remember the speech he made in Campbellton while he ran for the leadership of the C.O.R. Party!
It was a very anti-Acadian speech!!!
So? Why does James Irving allow this bigot to have his own column? < Mind you, I never read them >
Good question? Do you have an answer???
In my letter writing days, the Irvings respected my views and this was a good thing.
But all hell broke loose once they sent me at Gulf Operators.
I made a huge mistake!
When that racist Irving supervisor- Brian Grant tried to hit me with a piece of steel?
I should have gone for the attack!
This case would have definitely landed in the courts!
A minority against a Racist individual in the Loyalist City of Saint John!
Trust me!!! I can take care of myself because I was charge on 4 different occasions with assault causing bodily harm.
Every instance, those cases were thrown out of court because I would always wait till I receive the first punch and I’m a strong believe that I have the right to defend myself.
I believe that all individuals with true ADHD are very capable of handling themselves because once we lose it?
All that hypertension is gone!!!!!
I felt so good minutes after a good old fashion fist fight.
I had this debate with a friend last week and he asked me if I would still have it in me???
I told him that I will always be capable of taking care of myself!
This is the reason that those ADHD kids are always in trouble.
They get tease by other students because they’re on Ritalin. They’re labelled as Stupid or idiots! They loose their temper and get themselves in trouble. As adults, they cannot take it anymore so they because the social outcasts of society!!!
This is one route that I refuse to take!!!
Come on Charlie!!! Calm down.
Ohhh just a few more issues that I have to get off my chest!
The day after the LNG supporters left the Capital. I walked in the Legislature and notice the female reporter for the Telegraph Journal.
I told her that I’m going at the Library to read the Telegraph Journal and lets see how you covered the supporters of the LNG deal?
I noticed the headlines were on the front page and it wasn’t all that bad.
She wrote that these Irving’s employees were paid to attend the Bill to grant the tax break to the Irvings!
I gave the reporter a thumb up in the hallway of the Legislature. Lets see if she still has a job in a few months from now?
But I am still paranoid because the final report by the Senate of the monopoly of the Irvings on the newspapers in this Province didn’t come out yet!
Once that report comes out! The Telegraph Journal, Moncton Transcript and the Daily Gleaner will shut down forever and all be in one newspaper only!
It might be called- THE IRVING’S WAY!!!
The staff will be cut by ¾ and the main office will be in Moncton!
One paper for these future train Irving journalist at Saint Thomas to write their praising column on the Irvings! Frist they must dedicate their life and soul to the Irving Empire!!!
Every New Brunswickers should have a computer.
While in Memramcook, I was surprise of the amount of people who don’t have a computer. They are forced to read the Irving newspapers and this is very scary!
Yes, this is the only way out for the Irvings!
Grant me my own column with a good salary and of course I will have the right to write on any issue that I want to write about! < Just like the good old days >
We all know that I’m in LA LA Land because this will never happen!
But I will tell you one thing right now!!!
There’s no escape by the Irvings from my views on the information Highway!
If you do a search on the Irvings, Bernard lord, any politicians, those racists members of the New Brunswick Human Rights Commission?
Any issues that I wrote about will show up in the search engines.
This is a very good thing because the whole world must be educated about the evil Irving Empire.
They is the reason that I compared them to Hitler!!!
Because once Hitler took power? He took control of the media therefore brainwashing its citizens!
In those days, there were no information Highway so therefore it worked!
My god? Over 1,100 words already about nothing!
Sorry about that! Going for my walk now!
Please excuse the style and grammar of this blog because I just write the darn thing and send it along the information Highway!
I had to joke around with this picture. I always had some good straight forward conversations with Bob McVicar who ran for public office on four different occassions but with no luck! Maybe smilling would help his cause?..lol..All in fun!!!