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Energy Policy
Mr. S. Graham: On my recent trip to Massachusetts and the state of Washington to meet with
policy leaders in the area of energy, they said it was refreshing to meet a leader of a political party.
It was the first time they had sat down at the table since the Frank McKenna era. In Washington, I
met with energy policy experts, and they brought me up to date on the Energy Policy Act of 2005,
which was signed into law by President Bush, creating a national standard for renewable fuels in the
United States. Part of this plan includes the blending of ethanol into traditional forms of fuel.
015 11:00
In Canada, Manitoba has passed the Biofuels Act to encourage the development of ethanol
production and its use, blended with gasoline, in the provincial market. As well, Ontario has passed
regulations that will come into effect on January 1, 2007 and which will see 5% usage of ethanol,
with a target of 10% for 2010. A similar initiative in our province might have a significant positive
economic and environmental impact. With our agriculture and forestry sectors, a biofuels initiative
would be applicable and profitable in our province.
Has the Minister of Energy considered legislation to support ethanol production and use in our
Hon. Ms. Fowlie: We do support a reduction in our dependency on traditional energy use in our
province. I know that at this point, other departments that have access to land and so forth are
beginning to look at some of these different things. When it becomes available in the province, it
is certainly something we will support.
Mr. S. Graham: Today’s ethanol industry is unrecognizable compared to the industry of just five
years ago, ant it will be unrecognizable five years from now, because of the technological
advancements. The minister has given a nonanswer today, saying that other jurisdictions are doing
it, but we are not ready here in New Brunswick.
The opportunity to invest in ethanol blending is one that New Brunswick needs to consider sooner
rather than later. Large international investment firms such as Bear Stearns and JPMorgan have
released comprehensive documents that demonstrate the investment potential of ethanol and its
applications in reducing fossil fuel dependence. We need to look at the feasibility of phasing in a
blending program in New Brunswick. It is an opportunity for increased research and development.
It provides a cleaner and local source of alternative fuel, and it might provide us with an opportunity
to reduce some of our wood waste and agricultural byproducts.
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Since the minister did not give an answer to the last question, will she at least give a commitment
today to initiate a feasibility study on the potential of ethanol and cellulose ethanol in New
Hon. Ms. Fowlie: The Department of Energy is always discussing, with other departments, these
types of concepts. Whether it is a paper feasibility study, I cannot say, because we want to have the
production in place in order to move down that road. We do work with other departments. These are
things that are looked at in other departments that have access to land and so forth.
We are always able and anxious to look at things that reduce people’s dependency. As well, we are
encouraging people to drive more fuel-efficient vehicles.
Mr. S. Graham: Maybe the minister does not understand the scope of the question. We are not
asking her to look at other jurisdictions, we are asking her to act. This is where this government is
failing to act. Ontario has brought forward regulation changes to blend fuel. Manitoba has brought
forward legislation to look at ethanol production being utilized in that province, as well. Minnesota,
Hawaii, and a number of other U.S. states are moving in this direction.
We are saying today that the time has come. Madam Minister, you have refused to say that you are
willing to look at a feasibility study. You refused to answer the first question that I put forward to
see if looking at an ethanol blend was even on the government radar screen. We do have sectors in
the province that will benefit, whether it is potato waste or, in the forestry sector, wood waste. The
question I am asking the minister today is this: Will she at least commit to a feasibility analysis of
ethanol production in New Brunswick? If she will not, a Liberal government will.
Hon. Mr. Alward: Obviously, the Leader of the Opposition is asleep at the wheel. The reality is
that in New Brunswick, there is a lot of work that is already going on. There is work that is going
on between the department on the development of a life science strategy. There is actually work that
is taking place within the community college and at the biotechnology centre in Grand Falls as we
Mr. S. Graham: It seems interesting today that the Minister of Agriculture has to respond for the
Minister of Energy because she is asleep at the switch on her file.
A recent news report claims that Brazil has a plan to be free of imported oil by the end of this year.
It also claims that the price of Brazilian ethanol is about 30% lower than gasoline. These are
impressive statistics. Imagine a New Brunswick that could reduce its dependence on expensive
foreign oil, provide a less expensive product for your car, and, at the same time, be environmentally
friendly. This is something that needs to be examined more closely.
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016 11:05
New Brunswickers need to have more control over their energy costs and to provide a made-in-New
Brunswick solution, which is a step in the right direction. We are aware of the research and
development that is undertaken. What is required, though, are the legislative changes to make it
feasible for New Brunswick consumers to move in that direction. That is why I am asking the
minister: Is she willing to commit to regulation changes for blending a fuel in New Brunswick? Yes
or no?
Hon. Ms. Fowlie: When the fuel is available, if legislative changes need to be made, then we will
do it. If it is just regulatory or if it is just policy, we will do it. The Leader of the Opposition is
standing up, bragging about what is going on in Brazil. In many countries around the world that
have a rain forest, they are losing their rain forest because they have gone to the production of
ethanol and fuel additives. We are not having all of New Brunswick turned into a province that is
only there to grow feedstock for ethanol plants. We will work with what we have, looking at all of
our other natural resources in the province.
Mr. S. Graham: We have a minister who is more interested in protecting the rain forests of Brazil
and more interested in protecting her parking spot than she is in protecting New Brunswickers from
the rising cost of fuel. If this government is taking a few hesitant steps forward on ethanol and
biofuel, more action needs to be taken if we are to move ahead of other jurisdictions. The Liberal
Party’s comprehensive platform on energy contains a commitment to develop alternative energy
sources for New Brunswick, including ethanol blends. Can the Minister of Energy tell us whether
her government has any plans at all to encourage the development of ethanol production, something
that would benefit farmers and consumers alike, or is it just business as usual? Are we going to sit
and look at other jurisdictions and fail to act?
Hon. Ms. Fowlie: There is an energy policy in place in the province. We are updating it. Many
things have been accomplished. We will be coming out with a new energy policy. These things are
all addressed. I know that the Leader of the Opposition is standing up just trying to make points,
saying that I am trying to defend Brazil or protect other countries.
Hon. Ms. Fowlie: Yes, he defends Venezuela. We have to look at what is going on in other
countries to see what works right and what does not. We do study these things. We are not out to
destroy any of our landmass in the province. I was not about to start talking about biofuels. The
Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Aquaculture has that program under his portfolio. It is not up
to me to make his announcements for him. Am I aware of them? Absolutely. Is it my duty to tell the
opposition? No. The Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Aquaculture has the right and the
privilege to stand up and brag about what is going on in his department.
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M. Ouellette : Ma question s’adresse au député et ministre de Madawaska-la-Vallée au sujet du
dossier de l’immigration. Le ministre Mesheau, ancien responsable du dossier de l’immigration,
avait promis aux citoyens et citoyennes du Nouveau-Brunswick une stratégie provinciale à
l’automne 2005. Le ministre responsable de l’immigration peut-il nous confirmer une date où nous
pourrions prendre connaissance d’une stratégie provinciale afin de contrer le déclin de la population
L’hon. M. Mockler : Je suis excessivement content ce matin que le député de Région de Grand-
Sault me pose cette question. Je l’attendais depuis plusieurs semaines et plusieurs mois. C’est
probablement une des premières questions qui me sont posées sur une de mes responsabilités qu’est
l’immigration. Lorsque je regarde la piètre performance du Parti libéral de M. McKenna et
compagnie, je n’ai pas de leçon à recevoir du député de Région de Grand-Sault, du Parti libéral ou
de son chef.
M. Ouellette : Le Conseil des premiers ministres de l’Atlantique s’est réuni à Corner Brook en
février 2004 a produit un document qu’ils ont déposé. Des recommandations ont été acheminées au
Conseil des ministres en février 2005 provenant de Rendez-Vous Immigration 2004, réuni les 24
et 25 juin 2004 à Saint Andrews.
017 11:10
Un rapport d’étape du Carrefour d’immigration rurale présenté au ministère de la Formation et du
Développement de l’emploi affirme qu’entre 700 et 800 personnes immigrent au Nouveau-
Brunswick annuellement. Toutefois, de 40 % à 70 % de ces personnes quittent la province dans les
trois années suivant leur arrivée. C’est pourquoi il est pressant d’avoir une stratégie provinciale avec
des dates butoirs d’implantation. Le temps des études est terminé. Il est temps de passer aux actions
concrètes. Pouvons-nous compter sur le gouvernement pour faire quelque chose de concret pour une
fois et pour prendre un rôle de leadership en matière d’immigration?
L’hon. M. Mockler : Il y a plusieurs commentaires dans les propos du député de Région de Grand-
Sault. Premièrement, à sa question à savoir s’il peut compter sur le gouvernement, je peux lui
répondre qu’il peut compter sur notre gouvernement en ce qui concerne la politique de l’immigration
au Nouveau-Brunswick.
Deuxièmement, je veux dire que, lorsqu’on m’a demandé de prendre la responsabilité du dossier de
l’immigration, du rapatriement et de la rétention, il y a deux choses qui se sont produites
immédiatement. Il y a eu des forums au Nouveau-Brunswick avec nos partenaires afin de discuter
d’une stratégie et d’une politique sur l’immigration qui nous permettraient d’ouvrir les portes du
Nouveau-Brunswick. C’est exactement ce qui est en train d’être implanté avec les employés du
Secrétariat de l’immigration et du rapatriement. En plus, j’ai eu l’occasion d’avoir une conversation
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avec le nouveau ministre fédéral de la Citoyenneté et de l’Immigration, M. Solberg. Quelle belle
occasion nous avons eue pour discuter d’une politique d’immigration qui reflétera les…
M C. Robichaud me : Mes questions sont destinées au ministre de l’Éducation. Le gouvernement
prétend vouloir promouvoir l’éducation de nos jeunes afin qu’ils puissent atteindre les objectifs du
Plan d’apprentissage de qualité. Je me demande comment les élèves peuvent atteindre ces objectifs
quand le gouvernement met des bâtons dans les roues en réduisant les fonds attribués à des camps
d’été pour les élèves en immersion ou en français régulier.
Le Nouveau-Brunswick a une réputation unique comme chef de file en terme d’immersion française.
Récemment, j’ai pris conscience des inquiétudes des parents. Des fonds sont transférés du
programme d’immersion au programme régulier. Par exemple, les parents du district 2 sont inquiets
de voir que le camp Bois-Joli pour les élèves en immersion au secondaire premier cycle, a été
abandonné. Le ministre peut-il nous dire si c’est bel et bien le cas?
L’hon. M. Williams : Contrairement à ce que dit la députée de Baie-de-Miramichi, nous
investissons davantage d’argent en éducation cette année. Encore une fois, nous investirons une
somme additionnelle de 37,5 millions dans le budget de cette année. Il y a des initiatives en place.
Si la députée a des cas spécifiques, elle peut les porter à mon attention. Je ne suis aucunement au
courant des choses qu’elle apporte. Je pense que chaque district a des responsabilités et ils les
assument très bien. En tant que ministre, je continuerai à travailler avec les districts. J’invite la
députée à appuyer nos initiatives. Jusqu’à maintenant, elle a toujours voté en faveur des
investissements additionnels qu’on veut faire en éducation. J’invite la députée à appuyer nos
Mme C. Robichaud : On parle beaucoup de millions de dollars, mais je ne vois pas s’ils sont
attribués aux camps en question. Le ministre a reçu la lettre dont je parle, celle du 9 mai 2006. Dans
le district 2, 60 % des élèves sont en immersion. Il y a deux excellents programmes en place. Le
ministre peut-il nous dire pourquoi des fonds ont été transférés d’un endroit à l’autre. Le ministre
s’engage-t-il à assurer que des investissements faits dans le programme régulier ne seront pas faits
au détriment du programme d’immersion? Voilà la question.
L’hon. M. Williams : Pour ce qui est de la lettre du 9 mai 2006, à laquelle la députée fait référence,
j’invite ma collègue à me faire parvenir l’information. Je donnerai certainement suite à ses propos
sur le sujet.
018 11:15
Cependant, je dois réassurer que nous investissons des sommes additionnelles dans les districts
scolaires, nous travaillons étroitement avec les districts et les directions d’école. C’est ce que nous
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avons fait et c’est ce que nous continuerons à faire. Nous avons des enseignants supplémentaires
dans les écoles. Encore une fois, au lieu d’être négative vis-à-vis des investissements qu’on fait, la
députée devrait appuyer le budget qui a été présenté.
Trucking Industry
Mr. Foran: I rise once again today to advocate on behalf of the small independent truckers in my
riding as well as in other ridings in New Brunswick. My question is for the Minister of
Transportation. Twice in the past couple of weeks, I have asked this question of the Minister of
Transportation. Basically, his answer was that he was willing to work with me. Well, I am calling
on the minister to work with the truckers of New Brunswick.
The concern is regarding lift axles. The deadline has gone by, and the truckers will very soon be
facing the opening of the roads in New Brunswick. I have worked with this department, but it has
to come from the top. Simply, what I would like to know—yes or no—is if the minister is going to
extend the moratorium on the use of lift axles for the truckers of New Brunswick.
L’hon. P. Robichaud : J’apprécie énormément la question du député de Miramichi-Centre. Je pense
qu’il y a peut-être une petite confusion dans l’industrie du camionnage dans la région de Miramichi.
Je pense qu’on mélange deux dossiers complètement séparés, soit celui de l’essieu relevable, comme
le député l’a mentionné, et celui de la réglementation qui est en place depuis le 1er janvier 2006,
c’est-à-dire les camions à quatre essieux. Je sais que mon personnel a rencontré les gens de
l’industrie du camionnage dans la région de Miramichi. Si on veut parler du dossier de l’essieu
relevable sur les camions, il n’y a pas de moratoire qui a été mis en place à partir du 1er janvier. C’est
pour l’industrie du camionnage à quatre essieux et plus.
Je peux assurer au député de Miramichi-Centre qu’il est possible d’avoir un permis spécial pour les
camions qui sont munis d’un essieu relevable. Donc, ils n’ont qu’à faire la demande au ministère
des Transports, et nous vérifierons si leur camion est conforme à la réglementation sécuritaire du
ministère des Transports. Nous sommes prêts à travailler et à collaborer avec le député. S’ils le
jugent nécessaire, oui, nous sommes prêts à rencontrer encore une fois les camionneurs de la région
de Miramichi pour expliquer exactement la différence entre les deux dossiers et pour dénouer
l’impasse. Je suis convaincu que nous pouvons trouver une solution au problème que le député porte
à mon attention ce matin.
Water Supply
Mr. Jamieson: To the Minister of Environment, yesterday, my colleague from Kings East raised
a serious concern about the water supply to the village of Penobsquis. There comes a time when a
minister has to take on the task of directing his department to solve a problem that affects the health
and well-being of the people whom he is elected to represent.
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More than 20 homes in Penobsquis have been without water for nearly two years. The reality is that
this department has taken entirely too long to find the solution to the problem in Penobsquis. This
minister needs to step up to the plate, take on his responsibilities, become directly and personally
involved with this situation, and get this water supply problem solved.
Will the minister commit today to meeting personally with the residents who are affected and get
this problem resolved? That is what his job is about. The time has come to work and solve this
problem, and he has to step up to the plate.
Hon. Mr. Holder: I will personally commit today to meet with anybody in the Sussex-Penobsquis
area who wants to sit down and talk about this issue.
I have been dealing with my staff and keeping up to speed on this file, right from the beginning. I
have met with the member for Kings East on numerous occasions. He has brought concerns to me,
and I have always done my best to deal with those issues. I think that we have dealt effectively with
some of those issues.
However, I definitely will meet with anybody in the Sussex-Penobsquis region who wants to sit
down regarding this file. We are working as hard as we can to get a water supply that is safe and
Mr. Jamieson: The people of Penobsquis have asked repeatedly to meet with the minister, and he
has not afforded them the effort to meet with them.
019 11:10
It is unfortunate that he is following in the same footsteps as the previous Minister of the
Environment and that the public is no better served now than it was before. The minister needs to
get out of his ivory tower, get to Penobsquis, and try to solve that problem. He has not done that.
That is what sometimes needs to be done by a minister.
When will the minister meet with the people of Penobsquis to solve this problem? You need to do
your job or do the honourable thing and resign, because people need you to be there.
Hon. Mr. Holder: I have no intention of resigning. I am working on this file. I will meet with these
people. I will sit down with anybody who wants to talk about this issue, or any other safe water issue
around this province. We are all here in the House. I will certainly commit to meeting with these
people as soon as possible. I know that a request came in last week from some residents down there.
I am certainly making an effort right now to find the time to meet with the people of Penobsquis.
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Plan provincial de la santé
M. V. Boudreau : Mes questions sont pour le ministre de la Santé et touchent les soins de santé
dans la Péninsule acadienne.
J’aimerais faire suite à mon collègue de Caraquet, parce que, hier, celui-ci n’a reçu que du « spin »
de la part de ce gouvernement.
Le ministre a énuméré les services qui étaient déjà à l’hôpital de Caraquet avant la mise en place du
plan de santé et ceux… ou que ce sont des services qui ne sont pas encore en place. Le
gouvernement a enlevé les services d’obstétrique dans la Péninsule acadienne. Il s’agit d’une
population de 50 000 habitants. Les femmes de cette région ne peuvent plus accoucher d’un bébé
dans leur région. Le ministre maintient que les services des soins de santé de la Péninsule acadienne
ne sont pas pires qu’ailleurs dans la province.
Le ministre peut-il me confirmer si, depuis l’implantation du plan de santé de son gouvernement,
il y a des régions autres que la Péninsule acadienne où des mamans ont accouché d’un bébé dans des
Hon. Mr. Green: I think it is probably safe to say that, in any given year, babies are delivered in
ambulances throughout this province. That is certainly not the ideal place for a child to be delivered,
but the care provided by paramedics in this province is exceptional. We are very well served by the
dedicated professionals who provide ambulance services in this province. We are taking steps to
give them the tools and the training to make that service even better.
M. V. Boudreau : En 2003, l’ancien vice-recteur de l’Université de Moncton, Léandre Desjardins,
a écrit un rapport intitulé La santé des francophones du Nouveau-Brunswick qui ne vantait pas les
services spécialisés dans le nord de la province. Il y a quelques mois, dans un communiqué de la
régie de la santé Acadie-Beauséjour, M. Desjardins maintenait sa position en ajoutant que le sud de
la province était clairement favorisé. Il est temps que le ministre de la Santé réalise que son plan de
santé ne fonctionne pas dans la Péninsule acadienne. Récemment, nous avons vu et entendu des
reportages qui expliquent comment une quinzaine de patients ont passé une nuit blanche dans la
salle d’attente de l’urgence à l’Hôpital de Tracadie qui est débordée et où il y a un manque de
ressources humaines depuis la mise en place de ce plan de santé.
Le ministre peut-il me confirmer si, depuis l’implantation du plan de santé de ce gouvernement, il
y a des régions autres que la Péninsule acadienne où des patients ont passé des nuits blanches dans
des salles d’attente à l’urgence?
Hon. Mr. Green: I can confirm that since the introduction of the provincial health plan, tens of
millions of dollars of new and enhanced services are being delivered in each and every region of this
province. I can confirm that this year, on the Acadian Peninsula, we are investing $800 000 to
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upgrade the emergency room facilities at the Tracadie hospital. I can confirm that under the
provincial health plan, there is, today, an enhanced community health centre in Caraquet which is
open seven days per week, 24 hours per day.
M. V. Boudreau : Nous savons déjà tous que le gouvernement Lord a reçu le rapport Dubinsky qui
traite de l’incident de Robert Thomas qui s’est vu chambarder d’un hôpital à l’autre dans le Nord
pour ensuite se retrouver dans un hôpital du Sud pour avoir les services dont il avait besoin.
020 11:25
Le ministre a ce rapport depuis maintenant trois mois et a choisi de ne rien faire jusqu’à maintenant.
La preuve de cela est que nous avons encore vu et entendu d’autres reportages récemment
concernant un autre patient de Tracadie-Sheila qui a dû attendre deux heures dans la salle d’attente
avec des douleurs qui signalaient une crise cardiaque potentielle. Après s’être fait chambarder, il
s’est, lui aussi, retrouvé dans un hôpital du Sud pour recevoir les soins dont il avait besoin. Le
ministre peut-il me confirmer que, depuis l’implantation du plan de santé, qui ne travaille
évidemment pas pour la Péninsule acadienne, il y a eu des régions autres que la Péninsule acadienne
où les patients se font chambarder d’un hôpital à l’autre de façon désorganisée pour recevoir les
services dont ils ont sérieusement besoin?
Hon. Mr. Green: Each and every day, patients in this province are transferred from one hospital
to another. The reality is that, in a province of this size, in order to provide a first-quality health care
system, we have to have specialized centres of excellence.
The member opposite should know that, for critical trauma cases, there are a number of specialities
that are required in order for a hospital to provide that level of care. In New Brunswick, there are
two hospitals that have that capability: one in Saint John and one in Moncton. For critically injured
trauma-case patients, that is precisely where they have to go, to one of those two provincial centres.
Homeless Youth
Mr. Doherty: I have questions to be directed to the Minister of Family and Community Services.
Under Family and Community Services, homeless youth are provided with shelter. It is my
understanding that there is no facility in Saint John this summer that has been allocated for homeless
youth, and I would like the minister to comment on this.
L’hon. Mme Dubé : Nous avons une panoplie de services pour les gens dans le besoin, ce qui
comprend aussi nos enfants et nos adolescents. Au niveau des refuges, on sait qu’il y a des
organismes communautaires un peu partout dans la province. Ils font aussi beaucoup de collectes
de fonds pour s’assurer de donner des services. On parle aussi des services précisément adressés aux
adolescents lorsqu’ils sont dans le besoin. Des évaluations sont faites de façon individuelle, soit cas
par cas. Bien entendu, il y a des familles d’accueil.
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Aujourd’hui, je tiens à souligner la présence de cette belle dame qui a eu beaucoup d’enfants, de
petits-enfants et d’arrière-petits-enfants et qui, malgré sa charge de travail, a accueilli des enfants
dans le besoin dans sa propre maison et dans sa propre famille. Je tiens à la féliciter. C’est un
exemple, justement, de la collaboration qui existe dans toute la province pour livrer un service
d’excellence aux enfants.
Mr. Doherty: I was wondering if you could possibly provide me with a list of facilities in the Saint
John area to which clients of Family and Community Services who are identified as homeless youth
are referred.
L’hon. Mme Dubé : Comme je viens de le dire au député d’en face, il y a des bureaux régionaux du
ministère des Services familiaux et communautaires. Nous avons des professionnels dans chaque
bureau qui travaillent avec les différents organismes communautaires dans chaque localité.
Lorsqu’ils ont des besoins précis, spécifiquement au niveau des enfants ou des adolescents, comme
tout autre âge, une évaluation des besoins est faite. À partir de ce moment, un plan d’intervention
est mis en marche avec les organismes en place. Des ressources sont présentes pour s’assurer, bien
entendu, de livrer les meilleurs services possible. Je dois vous avouer que nous savons que la famille
est extrêmement importante. Un des premiers rôles, une des premières tâches, c’est toujours
d’essayer d’aider l’adolescent à rester dans son milieu familial et naturel ou de le réintégrer. S’il
nécessite une sortie temporaire en raison de la nature des interventions qui devraient être faites, c’est
fait. L’adolescent a un encadrement pour poursuivre le plan d’intervention, la thérapie familiale ou
Mr. Speaker: Introduction of bills. Before we go to introduction of bills, the Minister of Finance
has an answer to a question from yesterday. Agreed?
Hon. Members: Agreed.
021 11:30
Pari vidéo
L’hon. M. Volpé : Hier, le député de Moncton-Nord a demandé si la politique de la Société des
loteries de l’Atlantique permettait d’avoir des guichets automatiques sur le site. Les guichets ne sont
pas la responsabilité de la Société des loteries de l’Atlantique. C’est le propriétaire du site qui peut
placer ces machines. Elles ne sont pas à la disposition des joueurs, elles sont à la disposition des
clients. La machine est là pour servir d’autres clients. Si quelqu’un veut jouer, il peut quand même
se servir du guichet, mais ce dernier n’est pas là pour servir le joueur compulsif ou le joueur
régulier. Cette machine est là pour servir les clients dans le magasin, qui achèteront d’autres
May 12, 2006 Not finalized / Non finalisé le 12 mai 2006
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Mr. Murphy: I am asking the minister whether, within the gambling strategy study that should be
out very soon, it is on the table that one of the things they will consider prior to granting licenses for
VLTs in the future is that there are to be no ATMs within the same establishment. Would the
minister confirm that is something that is under study and that the status quo with regard to ATMs
next to VLTs is not acceptable.
L’hon. M. Volpé : À la question du député de Moncton-Nord, c’est certainement quelque chose
qu’on peut étudier. Cependant, à première vue, si on demande à ceux qui ont des appareils de loterie
vidéo de ne pas avoir un guichet automatique, je pense que c’est quand même une grosse décision.
Si on a un édifice commercial qui a des appareils de loterie vidéo à l’intérieur et qu’on dit au
propriétaire qu’il ne devrait pas y avoir des guichets automatiques sur le site, je pense que les clients
des autres magasins ou des autres sites à l’intérieur de l’édifice commercial auront certainement des
réactions. C’est quand même un outil important pour que les gens aient accès à de l’argent
rapidement. La distance des appareils de loterie vidéo est quelque chose que nous sommes prêts à
étudier, mais ce n’est pas la responsabilité de la Société des loteries de l’Atlantique de décider si
l’entrepreneur ou le propriétaire de l’installation ou du bâtiment peut mettre en place des guichets
automatiques. Ce sont quand même des choses qu’on peut étudier dans la politique.
Friday, May 12, 2006
The Current: Part 2
New Brunswick Blogger
Membership in the New Brunswick press gallery is pretty much a given for most reporters covering the provincial legislature. There's the Canadian Press, some provincial newspapers, CTV, and -- of course -- The CBC.
But a new breed of journalist is finding it a lot harder to get the credentials and the access other media take for granted. Charles Leblanc is a blogger, activist and point-of-view journalist in Fredericton. Armed with a digital camera and an encyclopedic knowledge of provincial politics, he spends more time covering the provincial capital than many full-time reporters. But, his efforts to become a real member of the press gallery are going nowhere. Charles Leblanc was in Fredericton.
Charles Leblanc covers New Brunswick Politics on his blog at: http://oldmaison.blogspot.com.
NB Blogger – Press Gallery
Dan McHardie is the President of the Press Gallery at the New Brunswick legislature and he was in our Fredericton studio.
NB Blogger Discussion
So are bloggers journalists? And how do journalists fit into the blogosphere? To discuss this, we were joined by two people who do both.
Antonia Zerbisias is a columnist and blogger with the Toronto Star. She was in Toronto. And Garrett Graff is the founding editor of "Fishbowl D.C.," a gossip blog covering the Washington media. He's also a columnist with the "Washingtonian Magazine" and last year he became the first blogger admitted to a White House press briefing. He was in Washington.
Many newcomers who wishes to know the details? Just click here for the whole story -
NB Telegraph-Journal | Politics
As published on page A1/A8 on May 12, 2006
Liberals, Tories call temporary truce in legislature
Two government House leaders agree to continue negotiations next week
By Carl Davies
FREDERICTON - A truce of sorts has been reached between the Tories and the Liberals in the ongoing battle over how the legislature should operate.
After discussions late Wednesday, the two government House leaders agreed to back off, at least temporarily. Negotiations on breaking the deadlock that has left the provincial budget in limbo will continue next week.
Both sides say everything is on the table in the negotiations, calling into question the future of Speaker Michael (Tanker) Malley and raising the possibility of a change in the premier's planned Oct. 15, 2007, election date.
The Tories have agreed to put off, at least for now, controversial rule changes that would move budget debate into smaller committees and limit hours of debate on certain items of House business.
The procedures committee was scheduled to vote on the rule changes Thursday but the meeting was cancelled.
The Opposition agreed to postpone its non-confidence motion against Mr. Malley until the legislature returns from a scheduled 10-day break, which begins when the House adjourns today.
The motion against Mr. Malley was to be debated Thursday.
The Liberals have questioned Mr. Malley's neutrality as speaker after he announced that he was returning to the Tories after quitting the party in February. His sudden resignation threw the government into a minority position.
In March, he was elected speaker as an Independent MLA.
Tory House leader Bev Harrison said Thursday that Mr. Malley's status will very much be part of the discussions in the coming week.
"There is a moratorium on (today's) debate and we will have further discussions," he said Thursday.
When it was pointed out the premier has voiced support for Mr. Malley, Mr. Harrison replied, "We're not talking about the premier. This is (Liberal House leader) Kelly Lamrock and I having a discussion."
Asked if he supported Mr. Malley as speaker, Mr. Harrison, who held the position from 1999 until he was named to cabinet this February, replied, "I support the office of the speaker and I support the status quo and if we can make that situation work, that's ideal for the House."
Mr. Harrison said if there was a discussion to have the speaker step down, Mr. Malley would have to be involved in the talks, but he has not yet been approached.
Mr. Malley, who has not spoken to the media in Fredericton since returning to the Tory fold, refused comment Thursday.
Other than the delay on the non-confidence motion and the rule changes, Mr. Lamrock was vague about what might be part of the negotiations over the next week.
He said preliminary discussions "touched on all the concerns for both parties, and I don't want to get into talking about details of the negotiations and what's where.
"Everything is on the table."
A Liberal offer to end the deadlock in the House earlier this session included replacing Mr. Malley with a Liberal speaker in return for a provincial election this September.
Mr. Harrison agreed with Mr. Lamrock that everything was open for discussion, but an Oct. 15, 2007, election is "still the aim and goal" for his party.
The budget will also likely be on the agenda. The Liberals have suggested amendments to it to address some of their priorities.
Mr. Harrison said changing the budget would be difficult but there could be room for some compromise.
"Figures can't be altered in a budget easily without putting in a supplementary budget," Mr. Harrison said.
But he said agreements could be reached to accelerate some programs the Liberals are pushing, such as decreasing surgical wait times and addressing problems in the education system.
Mr. Harrison said he's willing to "discuss ways of moving that in some direction."
Mr. Lamrock would not say what was his top priority. "I'm not an obsessive list-maker. They are all important."
Neither side would say what sparked the sudden co-operation.
"Deep down we're really reasonable people," Premier Bernard Lord said with a smile. "Sometimes it takes a while to get there."
The premier stressed that there was still work to be done.
"Hopefully next week we can resolve this in a way that will enable us to work for the people of New Brunswick, get our budget through and keep working toward an election on Oct. 15, 2007.
"We're willing to find a compromise, to find a middle ground, as long as it doesn't compromise our budget, it doesn't compromise our majority. We're willing to find ways to make the House work and respect the will of the opposition."
Liberal MLA Eric Allaby, one of the elder statesmen of the legislature whose name has been put forward by his party as a replacement for Mr. Malley, has steered clear of most of the name-calling this session.
He was pleased to see a change in tone among his co-workers Thursday. "Whenever you can restore some civility to the House it's always welcome."
( PROVERBS 15:23 *NKJV )
Dear Charles,
Words are very powerful for they can either build up, or
tear down others. Also foolish words can bring about our
own destruction, for it is written; IN THE MOUTH OF A
We are also warned about gossiping for it is written;
Further Charles, God has instructed us to encourage one
another, for it is written; LET US CONSIDER ONE
So Charles, remember to keep the words you speak soft
and sweet. For you never know from day to day which words
you'll have to eat! Amen.
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your servant Allen
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